This is kind of a cheap knock off of another forum but really I have a lvl 19 warlock and am wondering how the hell am I supposed to make a break for it when the shit hits the fan? I mean sure they say a lock is "god!" but when the rubber hits the road I dont see a good way out of a bad situation. Can anybody help me here.
fear and run away...sacrifice if you have your VW out, pop your health stone if need be...its not brain surgery.
AE Fear... then run.
The ultimate way to make an escape: cancel your account.
true, but if you are just running away does it really matter what fear aggro's?
Me I throw out DOT's and then curse of exhaustion or death coil DOT's exh and run run run.. thats hight lvls though
For now would just keep a pot and health stone at the ready, fear if you have time and if its "safe" to do so and RLH
the trick i always use is to fear the opponent (or atleast 1 of them) then Sacrifice my VW and RUN THE HELL OFF
that's about it for a WL
(btw im 25;) )
if ur dying and ur a warlock... then ur a mage hehe
At level 20 you get the succubus minion. She can seduce an opponent, removing one player (e.g. that annoying twink rogue) from the fight entirely.
At level 40 you pick up death coil. This is an instant use fear effect, which can easily buy you time to cast a proper fear spell. This is the key defensive spell for warlocks, and will make you unbeatable for many opponents.
Btw - Warlock is not a pvp god class. Any class can be extremely dangerous with the correct build and when in the hands of a skilled player with good gear.
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Yours Sincerely,
The Immortal One
If you run, you will only die tired.
Use a SS and wait for the mobs to leave, use your Howl of Terror, Fear, Banish. If you happen to be a Gnome, there is escape artist as well.
2 words: Cannon Fodder
I usually don't sac my minion - just leave him there to keep the aggro and let him die as you run away - easy enough to summon another one