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So, it's been 5 years since I last played the MMOFPS PlanetSide. I left because times were getting tight and spending money on MMOs wasn't an option. But I recently came back because I was bored and it was a trip down nostalgia lane. I am so amazed at how much the game has changed and yet, how little has changed (if that makes sense)!
The graphics are much better on my newer computer (as I expected) and the servers have been combined into two servers to fight dwindling populations. But the weapons are mostly the same (except for an expansion pack that came out after I had left) and there are some cool new vehicles that I am really enjoying like the stealth plane; called the Phantasm.
It's really disappointing that the game is losing people but I can understand why it did in the first place. A series of bad bugs and a crappy expansion pack hurt the game but when the Devs hashed it all out, the damage had already been done. I think that if you used to play PlanetSide or never played it all, you should definitely come give it a try. You can pick up a copy from for just $1.95.
Graphics: 8/10
Sound: 8/10
Community: 7/10
Fun: 10/10
Performance: 9/10
Customer Service: 7/10
Overall Rating: 8.1/10
Yea Ive just skimmed the forums over at the official site and nothing glaringly bad is going on. Ive read many good pro posts about the game since the merge.
Im an old player, since closed beta, i have quit off and on since the stupid core combat exp.
Last time i returned the pop was crap and it looked like the game was dieing from the hackers and the stupid events, so i left again.
Ive read that the hackers are about gone and the pops are back to epic status again, though i think the 4th empire thing is about stupid, they even used Tabula Rasas logo ...
Im downloading the aftershock client since all the exp packs have been godfathered to me by SOE (thanks) ill be returning to play my TR. I played on emerald, but i dont know what servers are named now but i guess we shall see.
Im Wardrop in game, see ya on the field. Hopefully i wont be disappointed by what i find has changed with the game.
FoE Fist of the Empire
I wouldn't say the game is losing players. It seems like the same old pop for the last few years. Right now is a great time to play, thanks to the merge. On the day of launch, there were numerous pop-locks. Occasionally today even pop-locks come up. That's cool to see lots of players online at the same time.
Day of the merge, there was an epic fight for some city. I've never seen so many OS' go off in a short period of time. Apparently there are now ALOT of CR5s. It was damn cool. Planetside is the only MMO that I'm playing right now.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
Yea since ive been back, the pops are like he old days, epic battles all the time. The bad is i jumped on my VS toon to take a break from my tr toon, I got to wait about 10 hours to play again on my tr toon... Why not an hour or so between switches, thats reasonable, but 10 hours...
the VS suck donkeyballs, they have been nerfed beyond a reasonable amount. the lasher blows donkey balls, I shot the piss out of this nc that just stood there in a doorway shooting me with common pool i was about 10 feet from him kneeled down..... guess who died, yup me...
In my opinion NC are the most power faction in the game, they can snipe veh or inf alike with their av weapons, they can kill a max with their heavy weapons in a few pulls of the trigger, their inf maxes kill faster then any of the factions combined.
It seems like most of the other factions have been nerfed to sub standards, vanu being the worst, and NC left alone. The word around the grape vine about this is that the gms play NC.
Some may say the jackhammers range is low, but then i have to ask, how much field fighting is there in planetside, hardly any. Its base jumping to base. How about NC medium assault, it burns with plasma... thats hp dmg only..
Wish my cycler did that.
The tr HA and vanu HA need their cone of fire reduced
FoE Fist of the Empire
Yes the VS heavy weapons ultra suck. Our tank and MAX are the best in the game, though Mobility and Accuracy FTW.
I can only dream of what it must be like to get a chaingun or that NC shotgun at whim from the Equipment Terminal, rather than the occasional looting of a corpse. I tried the chaingun a few times after stockpiling them from kill-lootz. It was awesome to mow through the enemy with ease. But it took too much T&E to acquire them; and so I quickly dropped heavy weapons in favor of other certs.
I'm sure you know, NC have the slowest rate of fire; but do the most damage per hit. TR have the highest rate of fire but do the least damage per hit. VS I guess is in the middle.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
I'm tempted to have a look again. It's sure has been awhile. SOE should take a look at putting Planetside on the Playstation 3 online service. Let PC and PS3 owners battle it out, or play along side each other. Since PS3 lets games use mouse and keyboard if the developer wishes to enable it for their PS3 games.
Through good and the bad, i hold planetside as the best MMO i have ever played. i just restarted playing after jan06 whic is around 3years? and I dont know why i havnt played it since. I STRONGLY encourage more people to come back, and I hope this game has enough of a following to keep the battles big on this last truly active server.
Except for the small matter of Tripleshot lol. NC have the most instagib of all the emps with tripleshot, Thunderer and Vanguard. And yes, since the NC are rebels, the original devs did kind of identify with them a little too much lol.
I just don't play because the game is way old, you have to deal with SOE's moronic sub system, and the latest devs just pushed all the stuff lying on the shelves into the game so they could tell their bosses they were Doing Something lol.
It doesn't play at all like the fast, frenetic game I remember from when I started. You could see attacking squadrons of tanks and aircraft rolling around a base, with dozens more people charging across the field from the tower blazing away as they ran, and the defenders rolling vehicles as fast as they could spawn, all turrets firing like crazy, defenders all over the walls....
I miss those days. It was beyond awesome. Now you got constant OS's raining down making everyone afraid to be near anyone else (no more big charges or squadrons of vehicles together), you got flying superpowered aircraft that can own anything around, you got invisible aircraft that can take 3-4 tank rounds before they fall down, everyone wallhumps to killwhore instead of playing to cap, and oh yeah, you still got big overpowered 1 person magic-shielded supertanks clomping around making everyone afraid to come out and fight. I saw one guy in an outfit I joined, he routinely had over 100/1 kill ratio, and I saw his screenshot when he got a 150/1 k/d ratio. That's just bullcrap - 150 people died without a chance to have a fun fight so he could have - fun? - killing them without any risk.
After that, I switched emps, and the last char I played was a dedicated Pounder guy just so I could blow up every BFR I saw lol. Didn't help when they brought out the Galaxy Gunships though, I hit one square on with two full Pounder clips (enough to just about kill a GV BFR) and it had less than 1/2 damage. So the devs made a BFR with wings and a sh8load of guns. Wow, how much fun must all of the victims be having as they die helpless to fight back.
Sorry SOE, you may con people who never saw the game when it was really fun into subbing, but it's like a bad joke now.
Guys, I want to thank you for this thread and reporting the populations are back to epic status and the battles are big!
I am currently resubbing/downloading/installing/patching/waiting/staring at the clock crying!