Answer this question, and if you are honest with us, and yourself you will see what most PRE NGE Players feel, and why we are soo mad.
- You like, or you love this game
- you love your toon
- you love your weapons
- you love your armor, and you love your 9 professions Now without warning, imagine tomorrow morning instead of the game you love you have an entirely new game. All the Updates that helped out your chosen profession useless, the future updates that were promised, that kept you through the down times the hope of a brighter day lies. The weapons you have known, and grinded, and worked hard to get the best upgrades available, the weapon that has gottten you out a more than one scrape in Mos Eisley Cantina useless. The Armour that you have come to know how much damage you can take, that blaster burn that gives it character....It's now useless. Those 9 professions are now 1, no more diversity from one toon to the next nothing that makes it Unique than a single player game on the xbox 360.
If this happened would you just take it lying down, or would you raise Holy heck from one forum, to the next? Would you want the people ingame to come to your cause, and demand that the game be brought back to it's better former self, and not say well I'm glad it wasn't my toon that got deleted.
We all played, and some still play the game which makes up a community. Infact it's a shame that we have to argue soo much between us when really we should be on the same side. We should be one unified voice demanding a pre cu server for those who want to relieve there glory. The feeling of getting kicked in the Bullocks is not a pain that just goes away over night. I will never try the NGE as long as there isn't an option to play the PRE CU game. I'm sure there are Hundreds of thousands that feel the same way.
In closing, I aswell as countless others wanted to play the greatest saga ever told ......Ours.
35 views and not one reply.....this is one of those Hmmm Moments in life where you just scratch your head and say to yourself WTF?
I was there in the beginning man, I know what you mean. I haven't tried it since NGE, but I have no desire to. They killed it. :P
That's exactly how I feel. The NGE could be the greatest thing since Porn hit the internet. However I will never play it because I don't have my toon, My Ranger/Creature Handler who I created. The Character I played more than my Jedi Knight. The character where I was soo immersed into I would stay out in the wilderness living my life as a recluse. I would shutter If I needed to go to town. it was my story, i was free to do what I felt. I'm sure others feel the same way. 32 professions to 9..... wow
SOE was unethical and surely deserves every bad inch of repuation they have now but I have to admit it is a LOT easier bashing the NGE when it truly blows chunks to the level it does.
Had SOE created a much better version of Pre-CU behind our backs, instead of the NGE, the tempation to return would be so much more difficult and to dislike their behavior much harder...
Instead, SOE was unethical and created the worst MMO a live server had ever seen, so the decision not to return was a very easy one.
What is more strange is that people willingly pay to play SWG today and for the past 2 years... Astonishing really.
At this point in time, I actually think if $OE put up a classic server it would just be another reason to have yet another NGE. They can't even keep the NGE as NGE.
$OE is always after that elusive, non-existant, playerbase which never shows and couldn't care less about their existing player base. As the un-named NGE dev said in his blog. That amount is expendable.
Here here, well put. But at this point, I couldn't even do Pre-CU, PreNGE, nothing. Sony has destroyed what was once a wonderful thing and tainted even my fondest memories of Coronet Cantina. I honestly wish they would just relenquish the rights and have a company that has some clue of what Star Wars is to its fans. Not just the games, but the movies, the novels, and every nook and cranny in between (ok, maybe not the ewok movies)
I've tried the NGE, more than once I've told myself, ok...ot's Star Wars, you have to love it man, and every time I fall deeper into despair of this attrocity. Was Pre-NGE perfect? NO! but it was it's own, like no other game out there, a rixh and LIVE community budding in new directions and sweet to its last drop. Now it's nothing but a rehash of everything else on the market, only worse.
errrr...sorry, got carried away.