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looking for some insight

DerrajDerraj Member Posts: 4

so I'm considering purchasing EQ2 after playing WoW for quite some time. I love WoW, but I just need a break for something different. I used to play EQ back around GoD / OoW expansions, and was wondering if I could get some insight. I used to love EQ's lore and setting and race selection, why for a change of pace my first pick is EQ2. my favorite character was my Iksar Shaman, but in WoW I have a 70 Rogue, 70 Hunter and 70 Druid.

so my main questions are these, assuming I pickup EQ2, how much alike is EQ's Shaman to Defiler / Mystic?

assuming a healer class would be too inefficent for solo play, would starting out as a Bruiser be a good starter class to get readjusted in EQ2?

assuming I start as a decent soloing class, how long would it take to hit max level assuming on average I can play about 20~ hours a week? how tedious is leveling another character after you hit max level?

my last question kinda revolves around Vanguard, to me it seems like SOE is trying to make it into EQ3 with the changes its making. would it be worth it to pick up EQ2 now after its been out for awhile or move to Vanguard assumng SOE makes it more enjoyable and "full"(IE endgame content)?

and if anyone has a free month pass, I wouldn't mind using it to test game out and then use it as my start account.

thanks in advance!


  • quaikyquaiky Member Posts: 566

    ok if you are interested in trying eq2 its the right time cause there are still a lot of these keys from the promotion around that allow you to play it free with all expansions included till end of august. (if you need one you could send a pm with your mailadress to me).

    eq2 shamans (mystic/defiler) have some simmilarities but also a lot differences to the eq version.

    not all healers are bad at soloing, druids (especially fury) are very good soloers. Also with spending some achievement points into the right paths all healer classes can solo rather good (templar seems to be the slowest soloer)

    Bruiser/monk are quite good solo classes, they also can tank most group content in groups. But they have some problems with roles in endgame/raiding so there is only very little demand for them in endgame (but if you want to get used to the game and endgame is not the mainfocus then its a nice pick to start).

    leveling speed depends a bit on how good your class can solo and how often you can get groups (especially for the lower levels up to 40/50 you can level very fast in a dungeon group if you get a good group). Overall i think 1-50 can be done quite fast, 50-70 is the first slowdown, 70-80 the second slowdown. If you focus mainly on leveling you can get the first char to 80 with some help form a guild in 2-3 months (might be faster, might be slower), for later characters you can probably speed it up a bit.


  • DerrajDerraj Member Posts: 4

    sending PM then, thanks!

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