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Great digital painting of Obama vs McCain in a World of Warcraft-type scenario.
But who wins in PvP? Obama is obviously the younger (I think) and fitter of the two, but McCain is much more experienced in combat and likely has a couple more points in Stamina. I'd have to go with McCain on this one.
Bah Obama's a paladin, just look at him in that. He looks completely focused, while McCain looks like he's staring off slightly.
One on One, Ret pally and Warrior, with cooldowns at 0, Pally Obama wins by a longshot
McCain bought his account and doesn't have a clue what all those buttons do.
Fights canceled Mccain died of old age right before the match was to begin
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
And agree the painting was cool aswell.
Commander Cobra would pwn them with his weather dominator ;p
Actually, given how close Obama is to the Clintons I'd have to figure him to be the one with the purchased account.
And McCain is old hat at War. Heck, he was a POW. He's likely got like teir 10 armor sets and knows more than a couple of combat stratagies. He's been playing War since before Obama was running Orphan's Day quests and buying white kittens. McCain's gotta be pushing the level cap.
P.S. The white kitten is not intended as a racial comment. Please do not take it as such.
Ah, a sign of the times...
Yeah he was POW 40 years ago, now he is a old fart that probably can't move his finger right .
Ah, a sign of the times...
Lets be careful and not fall into a black white blue hole here.
Ah, a sign of the times...
Lets be careful and not fall into a black white blue hole here.
I'm sure someone could be offended by blue too. Eskimos perhaps?
why would obama even be playing? if him and hillary have the same views then they would both be trying to ban the game because no one knows whats best for us except the government.
"And after blizzard takes over the world, they are gonna gather a bunch of lemmings, sit on their fat asses near a cliff, and watch the little fuzzy bastards suicide dive into the ground below. . . . . all just for their own entertainment."
blizzard wins the presidential throne after banning both of them for buying gold
Clinton has a better mount.
I can see that it says 'CHANGE' on Obama's hammer, but what does it say on Mcain's sword? I can't quite make it out?
It has been 35 mins, and I am still cleaning off dew from teh monitor, and can't drink, GD that was funny =P
McCain would win. Obama would be to busy to fight. He's probably trying to get Blizzard to raise the tax rate in the AH and get everyone free heath potions.
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude; greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
Samuel Adams
"And after blizzard takes over the world, they are gonna gather a bunch of lemmings, sit on their fat asses near a cliff, and watch the little fuzzy bastards suicide dive into the ground below. . . . . all just for their own entertainment."
I feel sorry for Obama paladins suck in pvp. He could still win though if hes prot spec and McCain is dual wield. McCain is probably one those noob warriors that get themselves killed by reflect damage much like his ad campaign.