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I went to gamesday 2008 and played WAR, so the following review does not violate the NDA, as this part of the game was made publicly available with no agreement what so ever.
That being said, here is what I have noticed about the game in it's current state:
Graphics: The graphics had a MAJOR facelift. I noticed changes to the models and the overall appearance of the game. This is most excellent.
Performance: From the computers that they had at this event, I think this game will run on any adequate system and will be very accomidating to the average customer! I think this is a lesson from AOC
Cuts: I think the cut classes are impacting the gameplay in the zones where people have classes that the opposing faction does not. FACT: it is possible, but not simple to move to an allied factions land. Currently it is a big run, so unless you are doing it for a big incentive, it is not done very much! This is still a nagging problem
PQ's: PQ's are the most awesome thing EVER, and I'm suprised other mmo's don't do it, since it is so simple. Some are long, some are REALLY short. All of them give great loot, and they are really friendly to SOLO players, as dedication to the quest can give you the same shot to win as a huge guild.
RvR: I highly encourage not being a COMPLETELY melee character!! The circle-strafing can get silly. FACT: The magus, squig herder, and sorcerrer(es) all have casting spells that they can perform on the move!! This makes it rough for the tanks to effectively do their job. AND blackorcs suck... They look super cool, but they suck.... most likely will get a boost before launch.
Summary: This game is going to blow people's socks off! The character customization, graphics, fun-level, and detail is unparalleled. The quests are well thought out, and there is a humor to the story that can't be matched in any mmo to date. Noteworthy moment: Getting to aim a cannon at a maurader on the battlefield and inflict 30000 damage to him from my keep!!! That was the high point! first-person aiming of guns and such is a great thing!!
Elite poster by 82
Interesting review, thanks.
Cool. Did you do any senarios? If so how were they? And could you tell us anything about custimization of things such as nose, eyes, face, hair, hair color?
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Only thing I want to know is.... Is the game seamless like WoW or with lots of load screens?
must have been some weird old beta client you got to play .
1. it takes no more then 5 minutes to run to a flight masters to change zones .
2. melee characters destroy every one . if your not playing a melee your free RP for the opposing team . this will change shortly .
3. Black Orcs are awsome . see # 2.
4. cut classes , i wish i could comment on this but i can't . i will say this , Mythic made a big big BIG mistake dropping them . it has totally over powered one side . it's still beta and a lot will change but until it does this is going to be the biggest problem with this game .
i have heard different on getting to other new zones, that t only takes like 50 bronz to fly over to them
Flight Masters and One overpowered side you say.
by that logic it would say that his opinion of overpowerd side must stem from 1 of 2 things.
1- order is suffering with no aura tank
2- Destruction is suffering with no Offence tank
So the flightmasters are similar to WoW's?
by that logic it would say that his opinion of overpowerd side must stem from 1 of 2 things.
1- order is suffering with no aura tank
2- Destruction is suffering with no Offence tank
your close ... i can't say any more though .
Mythic has been great at getting stuff like this cleared up so i wouldn't worry about what i said just yet .
One problem i see now is that, dark elfs will be f... up in lower tiers doing public quest's without tank
Yeah my interest in the game isn't high right now seeing how it is shaping up to be range centric and the lack of dark elf tank is meh.
Yeah my interest in the game isn't high right now seeing how it is shaping up to be range centric and the lack of dark elf tank is meh.
It is far from being a ranged class game. Melee classes when they get in close will eat casters alive, This is how it should be in close melee win.
its the glass cannon term your looking for.
And OMG tanks in low lvls arnt issues, its easy to get to places. STOP THINKING YOUR RACE IS YOUR SIDE.
Plus if i remember correctly you dont actually need a tank till 10. Can get a melee DPS.
I want to play a tank or a healer, but I don't want to deal with circle strafing.
How's the Healer?
Thanks for the review - there's of course going to be some small problems/annoyances, as with every game, but I paid attention most to the last paragraph. As long as overall it's fun, that's the key.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
Well I hope that people in beta are going on the beta forums and nagging about the current class imbalance so that I can be rectified before release
Give Blood....Play Rugby!
I want to play a tank or a healer, but I don't want to deal with circle strafing.
How's the Healer?
For the information that was available at Gamesday, the healer archetypes are all very different than one another, and are not what we have come to expect from most MMO's. They are closer to the DDO Cleric, or the WoW Paladin tha your standard paper healer that is ripped in half as soon as someone touches them. EVERY class has a fighting chance. People also need to keep in mind the game is not even intended to be balanced on a class versus class method. It is Realm versus Realm balance. One class will NOT dominate every other class.. It is more the Rock, Paper, Sissors design as far as over all class versus class design. When Realm is compred to realm, both are very balanced and it is left to the player skill, as well as sheer numbers. When you have a well balanced game, yes... most of the time he who has the most toys wins. Unless we get a lot of the new MMO children who have no skill and like button mashing rather than strategy. I think most of peoples worries will be shown to be for nothing. Wait and see. The game is beautiful, and most of all, ENJOYABLE (Which is the largest part of the beauty)
Not really, i cant explain because of the NDA, but trust me, thats not a problem.
aww fuck i wanted to roll black Ork so I can be the BigBoss!!
But ive heard they goin to boost there dmg almost equal to choppa but probly will get nerfed when choppa cames out....