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abstain from personal relationships(in the mature sense).
I am not afraid to say it.
I think that some people would vainly attempt to state that I am being irrelevant for this context. I am not talking to those absurd people.
I live a liberated life. I have no family who depends on me, and if I did then I couldn't in good faith continue to game and enjoy life to its fullest as I am now. Don't fall into the misery loves company trap.
I am the master of my own destiny, which is much more than a lot of poor souls can say.
Anyone care to attempt to refute it?
All depends on the person, I wouldn't go so far as to sterotype all gamers into this, but yea some people close themselves off from the world. Heck I know i do it, when im having a bad day ;p
I don't think its necessarily a bad thing either, actually seems like something to be proud of in your example.
Thank you. More specifically though, the thing to be proud of is to know that it is normal to prefer freedom of expression.
I know many people would be in an uproar for my stating of the facts. I give you credit for expressing your opinion in the face of the overwhelming odds. I am a minority in the sense that I am an adult gamer, and I don't care what anyone has to say about it because I am free to do as I please so long as I am not breaking any laws or harming anyone. Let people look down on me, but I shall not let them make people think that I am something to be looked down upon.
I am a working adult who enjoys having the time to game, and I am prepared to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure my ability to make that choice.
It's Summer Time. Take a break from gaming, and go to the beach.
The subject seems interesting but english isn't my first language, would it be possible for you to rephrase your post into more..."simple" english?
If that makes you truly happy, then go for it. It is all about maximizing pleasurable utility and minimizing painful stuff. Some people need a more intimate connection with friends, family, or a lifetime partner of some sort. As long as the "loneliness" doesn't get to you, and you can be truly happy gaming for the rest of your life, go for it. The whole social idea of the "normal" life is ridiculous and constantly changing in short time periods. Define your own life, what makes you happy, and what your short term and long term plans are. After all, it is your life, and while its hard to ignore social pressures to do things a certain way, finding happiness is the key, and when you do that, nothing else matters.
If you enjoy gaming you will abstain from relationships.
WRONG, and I'm pretty sure its easy to prove otherwise.
It depends completely on the type of person and how much they work. Some people balance out their lives. They work, game and get out and enjoy their lives relatively well. I try very hard to do just that. My raiding years are behind me and now I only play games that I know I don't have to spend every hour of every day to play.
But like you have mentioned here there are a lot of gamers who lock themselves up and almost never see the light of day. Gaming constantly, something that MMOs are infamous for, and only getting up to pee or eat (and sometimes they don't even get up). I only have a couple friends who do that but still just as bad.
For the most part I think gamers are a bit less social than most other types. But then again when it comes down to it, does it really matter? I know people (some family members actually) that work constantly. Sometimes 80 to 100 hours a week. Would that be considered having a life? I don't think so. Is going out every weekend and getting drunk out of your mind having a life? Maybe some people think so, but I sure don't. I think it is not a matter of opinion but a matter of perspective. And in the end we always come down to what is "having a life". To be quite honest, if you are overall happy (truly happy) then screw the naysayers. You not having a life might be more enjoyable then someone else "having a life".
Edit: I think I should also note that I kind of went off on a slightly different topic than the OP. I know gamers that have quite a few relationships, in fact I think relationships between gamers is much more stronger than those that are not. Opposite don't always attract.
If ever there was a time to rise if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken.
Brothers, we must rise.
-Malaetu Shakor
Heh, I can't agree with you ^^. My wife and I are both gamers, infact we have played many MMORPG's together, as well as console games. The genre doesn't matter. We have also come across several other couples that play MMOs together as well.
Edit: And actually, we benefit from this. Always having someone next to you available to help you in any situation is a great asset.
Still think that people are born with sertain "base statistics". And as i see my self being a gamer for life, it dosent make me all that happy. It is still the best i can make with the cards i have been dealt... (spelling).
So if you consider yourself confident and as all the others have said happy then i would say cheers and keep on rocking
And as the rock roles on, at the end of the day. We can all say, damn .. i am a gamer arent i.
Something to add:
Human beings are in essence instinctual creatures. While we can suppress or ignore certain instincts and not act on them, sooner or later it will become difficult. Humans need, instinctually need both physical and emotional human contact, we need, even if in short doses sporadically some kind of contact with other human beings. This is biological, and it may make it harder to completely cut off all friends, family, partner relationships and contact.
I don't know if contact through an MMO, or vent, can make up for the lack of in conscious presence of a fellow human being, but if it can, that would make your lifestyle easier in the long run. All I know is that we should never underestimate the power that loneliness has on a person.
Find a gamer girl.
Not me, as soon as I meet the right person I'll happily give up/reduce my gaming to be with them.
I somehow doubt I will look back on life and think: "damn, i really wish I spent more time playing that game instead of being with the person I loved".
I know its sometimes hard for nerds like us to get into mature relationships, and for me I am not too worried about it right now, but things like Internet dating and singles sites were created for people like us, and there should be someone for everyone out there.
Don't choose gaming as a substitute for life. Still, I somehow doubt that a few hours gaming a week is going to prevent most people from having healthy relationships.
I mean, my parents seem quite content just to watch TV together, for hours, and hours on end. Why can't that time be substituted by gaming?
Gaming and relationships are not mutually exclusive. There are many couples playing MMOs today.
Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...
Heh , I got into gaming because of settling down with someone . She watches the crap on TV I play video games , She talks/texts I play video games , She goes to bed I play video games . Any other way I'd probably be an axe murderer.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
True. But I like to think our ability to act against our instincts is what defines us as humans.
I used to think that way... then I met my wife, now, thinking back on it, it seemed kinda pathetic to be spending ALL that time on some un-productive hobby like gaming. I still play every now and then when I need to relax from work, but nowhere near as much (although every now and then, me and my wife will play together as well). If you the OP honestly think that those pixels are more important than human beings, so much that you're un-willing to get into a relationship, then you're a sad, lost and pathetic soul.
I know I'm supposed to say "no offense intended" but I won't say it, because I'd be lieing to myself. Sometimes brutal honesty can wake up some people from their dream state, and make no mistake about it, you ARE in a dream state to think that games are more fulfilling than a meaningful relationship with another human being. Sorry kid, but the "Gamer for life" motto will grow old just as you do, and once you find someone worthwhile, you'll think the same way I do.
Who says that having a personal relationship reduces loneliness. Lol.
Are you trying to point to the prevailing stereotype that nerds play video games and don't attract females? That is the oldest trick in the book. The reason why nerds don't attract females is because they are already doing everything that society asks of them, so society doesn't have to try to bribe them by forcing the opposite gender on them.
Right on! I don't want the so-called life that is being offered to me(by departing from gaming).
Then you are one of the extremely lucky few.
Instincts are overrated, people who lack the discipline to control them will try anything to bring down the people who can.
Gaming regularly, married with kids of very possible. I do it. My friends do it. Its alll about moderation though. Sure, after a whole day, when everything is done, we can sit down and watch trash on TV for a couple of hrs, or she can watch TV and I can go play a game;) If she wants to read, I'm not going to read along side her. I'll probably play a game.
Its the nutballs that ignore there spouse and kids to go play a MMO, chatting it up on Vent with strangers. The odds of finding a girl gamer are not high though. Most do fit a stereotype, and if that floats your boat, all the power to ya. They don't all look like that chick from G4 who reviews game=) Sorry.
To anyone who puts gaming in front of living life...your choice. Just know that probably when you're on your deathbed, no ones going to care that you were the best Warrior on the server or had the highest score in Mario Version 87. You're going to be alone. Those voices you hear on headphones while gaming aren't going to be there for you either.
Ahuh, so TV is the culprit. The real world doesn't happen like the TV shows where everyone has a happy life with a perfect home and plenty of food on the table along with a script on perfectly comfortable living.
Sorry, I couldn't resist the urge to expose the commercialization of livestock-like sublimation.
Unproductive you say. You must have been playing one of those mmos that require people to wait on lfg for 3+ hours.
Having a personal relationship is one of those irreversible mistakes. I don't mind missing out on it, ty for the additional reinforcement though.