Nox Imperator is an elite Order RvR guild focused on unity and realm domination, drawing its strength from its highly skilled members.
What we're all about:
Nox Imperator is about becoming strong, feared, and respected as a whole. The aim of its members is to establish and maintain the guild as a revered and respected force by being the most destructive legion the forces of Chaos have ever seen. If you are not prepared to do whatever it takes to win then Nox is not for you.
Personal gain is incidental and a secondary goal. Working together as a team to gain status, power, and domination of the Realm are Nox member's main concerns. The leaders and senior members carry most of this responsibility, and spend most of their time and effort striving for this goal. They also have the least opportunity for personal gain as the majority of their own earned wealth will go directly to defending our great cities and expanding our Empire.
Basically, the higher rank you become, the more you are expected to contribute. Promotions CAN be declined if you do not feel ready to dedicate more of your time and spoils to Nox Imperator. (No one will think any less of you, except maybe the Squigs.).
The leaders and core members of Nox Imperator carry a strong background of previous success and have been together for over 5 years. Between the leading officers and veteran members we have accomplished great things with our guilds in previous MMO’s. These accomplishments include but are not limited to:
Raid experience in World of Warcraft that pushed to the edge of any available content.
RvR and raid experience in Dark Age of Camelot that included leading the server’s most powerful alliance.
RvR experience in Rising Force Online where we created the most powerful guild on the server known as “Formidable”.
Raid experience in EverQuest ranging from Nagafen all the way through the various planes in the POK expansion.
Because of this Nox Imperator offers new players a chance for success rarely found in other guilds.
We have a few requirements before you join, most are obvious, but a complete list can be found in our Guild Charter.
* You must have a working Microphone and Ventrilo
* You must be at least 18 years old (On occasion exceptions have been made, check our website for details.)
* You must agree to the rules set forth in our about us section linked above.
Visit our Website and our Forums to learn more and fill out an app.
I am really impressed by your site and philosophy. I just wish I could find the destruction equivalent of your guild since I already did the hardcore good side in WoW.
Just bite the bullet and come play on Order!
Besides, Order isn't exactly "Good". We're murderous conniving bastards too, the Empire just hides it better.
"Personal gain is incidental and a secondary goal. Working together as a team to gain status, power, and domination of the Realm are Nox member's main concerns.
Order guilds are so amusing... remember, sharing is caring!
people who dont understand RvR are so amusing.
I understand the need to work together to win a battle, I just understand human behavior enough to know that no matter what people say, they are still going to put themselves first. It's the aligning these selfish goals with the greater goals that will get devastating results.
There's a reason I joined a RP RvR guild that focuses on personal power gained through the strengthening of the whole Regiment.
I actually wish you guys the best, I just had to respond when i saw how completely opposite your fundamentals are to our own, and I hope to meet you on the battlefield.
P.S. I'm slightly amazed that you had the gaul to assume my guild isn't focusing on alligning our common goals with the self driven ones. That's just silly .
I am coming into this game with 2 real life buddies and about 4 to 6 online buddies from a PS3/360 gaming clan. We would like to all be in a guild together but imo none of us have the necessary skills to lead a guild so would you guys possibly consider taking on a group? I am asking this w/o the others knowledge but I wanted to check with you first to see what you thought on the matter.
btw- are you guys gonna use a DKP system?
Hey there, thanks for stopping by.
As for a group applications they're not something we really do however I would be willing to make an exception. If everyone from your circle of friends posts an application and lets me know they're part of your group you will all be judged as a group, rather than individually. This will allow a few of your guys to slip under the radar and not be declined if they do not meet our standards. Once we're in game, they will still be individually judged on whether or not they will be getting promoted from a trial member to a member or removed. If you have anymore questions about this please let me know and I will be happy to answer them.
As far as DKP goes, no, we will not be utilizing a DKP system as it does not fit within the game's design. All "raid" loot is handed out by the game, the players have no control over it. If there were ever a time where DKP would be needed, our website is DKP ready and it would not be a problem to set up.
I have added your site to my faves and will share it with my people. I actually am glad that there will be no need for dkp. I played WOW and was in many guilds and never used DKP. I am not a big fan of it. I just wanted to see where you stood on it. Thanks for the reply.
We usually stick to officer awarded loot. I honestly never see the situation coming up though... I can't say much more without breaking NDA.
Well I did try to post an App on your forums but when I go to make a post in the App section it says only Mods can post there. Did I miss a specific area for posting?
Yeah, look on the left side of the home page. There is a recriutment window showing what classes we're allowing applications from and "Apply to Guild" link is right above it.
Wow that was quite possibly the quickest denial I have ever had lol.
Well no hard feelings. Hope yall do well in the fight.
Sorry, we're really looking for a specific type of member, you just wouldn't enjoy yourself in our guild mate. Good luck.
Although, you should give Halcyon Affinity a shout, they may fit you a little better, earlier raid times, more pve focus, ect. and we're allied with them.
Hmm thanks for the tip. Though I was hoping to get away form the PvE aspect of MMOs and back to my Lineage 2 roots of massive pvp.
Only reason I didn't do much PvP in WoW is there was no sense of accomplishment...or reward.
Well even if the PvE tone of the application was a missunderstanding your play times just wont work. Again, sorry.
Please welcome our newest member, Wardreg!
I'd be interested, except for the late night raiding. Looks like it'd be a good guild otherwise.
would it be possible to still join after OB starts?
cause in the PW i would like to get a chance to test out a few classes before i make a solid commitment.
Unfortunately raiding times wont be changing anytime soon and "late" is a relative term.
Very unlikely. The only way this would be possible is if we somehow lose a dozen members suddenly. However you will not be asked to commit to your class choice until the Head Start begins.
I think a large majority of people aren't going to want to stay up until 3:30 for a raid if they are EST. Even 2:30 for CST is a bit ridiculous, but I'm sure you'll have plenty of Red Bulls standing by so best of luck
We seem to be doing just fine recruiting people.
Honestly, if you had no interest why did you even post? You understand there's two more time zones right? 1:30 and 12:30 AM is pretty early for a lot of people. The times are clearly posted for any CST/EST players. Anyone in those time zones, clearly knows what they're getting in to. Our application even asks for their play times. But again, thanks for your concern. You can move on now .
Open recruitment will be closing the FIRST day of the Head start. From then on you will be required to actually play with other members and get a sponsor! Get in now while you can.