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So im on an old dell for the moment saving up for a mainstream computer, anyways its a 4mb intergrated graphics card, 256 mb of ram proc pentium 3 think 700 something ghz. I know its kind of sad but I do plan on buying a cheap graphics card in the near future before I buy a good performance machine.
If possible im looking for decent 2d graphics basicly what I mean is a unique artstyle, no grinding games im looking for something differant and a good balance of pvp and pve. Sci fi or fantasy will do maybe even modern also I am open minded to web browser games as long as there good and have decent graphics but please no runescape or diablo 2.
Thanks in advanced.
Don't know what you mean by art style. But I think "Tibia" might be the game you are looking for. The community can be as bad as WoW's, but it is more a sand box style game where the monsters have no levels attached to them. You explore and find out how hard monsters are... the hard way (by dying).
It's a very harsh game, especially if you play on a PVP enabled server. It is the 2d rival of Runescape how ever.
Then there is "Lunia." A different style of game. Anime art with a story line. You attack and move using the keyboard. How ever, all the missions are instances that you can join up with people to do and towards the harder missions, it does get a little grindy. Not to mention they only let you type like 10 characters in the message system ):<
That's all I can think of and have personally played. Tibia for 5 years and Lunia for about a month (hah).
If you like an arena style (Up to 100 people playing at once max in one arena) based game that's 2d how ever: Infantry / Cosmic Rift are really good (when there are people to play against >.< ). Really recommend that. Been playing those two games on and off for 8 years now.
-Azure Prower
Eternum Online
Surely Tibia, played it for over 6 years. Even though servers may differ alot. Make sure you get the right one. Even though PvP is pretty much about politics, always some war going on. And PvE is just alot different then most mmorpg systems. Since there is no level cap, the highest level is over 400. Even though hes on a non-pvp server. And still it takes alot of dedication to even get to that level. Since he is the only one to have surpassed that level. When tibia was new, you were a god at level 40, now your a god at level 200 or so. And then still, they get killed. And then in there place can take down a whole group of 80's in one strike. It just depends on the player his limits.
Thats all i had to say, enjoy
So u want a 2d game that can be played on a 700mhz machine that must have decent graphics? But yer if browser based games are your thing then Eternum Online all the way.
Thanks everyone I will look into tibia ive looked at it before but something about it drove me away, ashen empires looks interesting already downloaded it and im going to finish patching it in the future.
And on the graphics comment I said decent as in decent for 2d I dont see how thats asking to much if I can run diablo 2 online smoothly diablo 2 has great 2d graphics in my opinion, but you obviously judge people irrationally