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Is this game going to be like DAOC where I get a cape at level 1? Or like WoW where im going to get a good looking cape 20 levels into the game? Any videos on this? Very silly question, but I love capes in games
Poll attached for the sake of attaching a poll.
Currently restarting World of Warcraft
i dont want a cape at lvl 1 but i want a cape that actually has a cool design on it and has stats on it.
Yes, I like me a good looking cloak. But only if they don't move in a goofy manner.
I have to say, from watching videos, that the cloaks in WAR do not move right. IMO.
Never know, it's still beta and they could of had the graphical options turned down
Currently restarting World of Warcraft
Yes and no.
Capes seem so cliche and maybe even a little emo depending on your mental image of a caped hero -- maybe that's just the "Black Capes of UO" memories coming back to me. And yet I'm so used to having one in a game that I feel half-naked without one.
I used to love capes in UO, but when games started turning them into magic armor pieces with stat modifiers (as opposed to fashionable "clothing" that gives you a look), they lost their meaning to me.
But part of the idea of being in these games to a lot of people is to roleplay a hero type anyway, so yeah, take your cape and have a ball.
I always liked the cloth physics on EQ2's cloaks. Just as long as they aren't stiff like the drycleaners put too much starch on them, I'll be happy. Oh, and guild insignias too hopefully.
Gamer Plus+
Never know, it's still beta and they could of had the graphical options turned down
Good point. All the videos I've seen the capes look really...stiff.
Never know, it's still beta and they could of had the graphical options turned down
Good point. All the videos I've seen the capes look really...stiff.
Aye I know what ya mean, I've watched a few of those vids.
Currently restarting World of Warcraft
wtf, is that even legal? as if thats an event.
wtf, is that even legal? as if thats an event.
World Strongest Man ..... we been doing that stuff in England for years