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is this game gonna have world PVP?
if not then im stayin at WoW -.- WoW still have little world PVP
Lothelo/Perenolde/Blood elf/Warlock/70
Gushy/Perenolde/Blood elf/Paladin/30
All the world pvp you could ever possibly want.
Read up a little and you will be just as excited as the rest of us!.
*thinks someone needs to read the Official Website*
Yes there's Open RvR......there's areas at Every Tier starting at Tier 1 for Open RvR to fight each other & for objectives. Tier 2 you start using Siege weapons and fighting over Keeps. Don't expect to solo and survive like WoW. Expect to keep atleast 6 people with you if you wanna survive.
This game is going to be about 90% world pvp... that is the major focus. WOW is going to have Lake WIntergrasp in the expansion....but Blizzard doesn't have a great track record doing 'world pvp'.
yes, it does, go watch the video about the RvR on youtube.. youll learn about it.
this whole game is based on RvR/PvP, so why wouldnt it have world pvp??
You should've been a manly Horde, but instead you chose to be a Blood Elf. Tsk tsk. Yes, WAR will have more open-world PvP than you can shake a stick at, I really hope this is a joke thread though. Lol.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
It RvR not PvP now get your fact straight.
err, no, it is not 90%PVP, it is 50:50, whereas most likely most peeps will do 90% pvp.
one of the devs stated in a recent interview that you can reach level cap with pve only or pvp only, if you choose to do so. then again, it wouldn't be the first time something is said before launch which is not reality.....
And they also said as you climb in Tiers it becomes more and more about PvP...sorry but the PvE safety zones get smaller as you go along so the 50:50 statement really only applies at low levels.
And I still predict that WoW subscriptions will grow. Too many brainwashed, indoctrinated people play that game for WAR to make a dent in it...sadly.
And I still predict that WoW subscriptions will grow. Too many brainwashed, indoctrinated people play that game for WAR to make a dent in it...sadly.
The only people who even care about WoW play one here gives a damn about what WoW does in sub numbers there's billions of people in the world more than enough to go around for MMOs. If WoW grows in subs its simply due to the increase in localized world servers not the expansion.
But I digress..the only people posting WoW blah blah this Threads in the WAR forums are WoW lovers or WoW haters that want to Hate on WAR.
The Devs are shooting for a nice happy comfy number 2 ranking in subscriptions which I think they'll get easily.
And they also said as you climb in Tiers it becomes more and more about PvP...sorry but the PvE safety zones get smaller as you go along so the 50:50 statement really only applies at low levels.
The numbers I keep seeing thrown about are 80:20 PVE:PVP at low level, shifting to 20:80 PVE/PVP at max level. So overall it's probably 50:50 but the focus shifts as you advance in the game.
But yeah, the game seems to be built around world PVP, which is something I really enjoyed a lot about WoW before they went on a campaign of nerfing it to make the whiners happy.
This game will indeed have world PvP. I suggest you roll Order, unless you want to be on the losing side.
In reality everyone will more then likely play a mix as it seems in order to get the best experience you’ll need to do some PVE and RVR. It is a symbiotic world hinged on both aspects. I will more then likely try to do one alt PVE only through the system just to see if it is possible and the same RVR.
Lol sorry guys!
tht was my brother typed tht
i apologize
He love World PVP
please forgive me
Lothelo/Perenolde/Blood elf/Warlock/70
Gushy/Perenolde/Blood elf/Paladin/30
umm im sorry if i dont get this right....
blood elf is a horde!
and yed im mainly hordes i hate alliance scums
Lothelo/Perenolde/Blood elf/Warlock/70
Gushy/Perenolde/Blood elf/Paladin/30
simply put, this game will have more world pvp then you will know what to do with if you think WoW has world pvp. I bet WoWs pvp doesn't even have 1% of the open world pvp that WAR will have, not exaggerating either.
Finwe on microphones in MMOs: "it'd eliminate l33t speak....But it would bring in ebonics."
=[ whatever
Lothelo/Perenolde/Blood elf/Warlock/70
Gushy/Perenolde/Blood elf/Paladin/30
Ask any DAoC player who has also played WoW, there is just no way to measure it on the same scale.
Finwe on microphones in MMOs: "it'd eliminate l33t speak....But it would bring in ebonics."
okey dokey
Lothelo/Perenolde/Blood elf/Warlock/70
Gushy/Perenolde/Blood elf/Paladin/30
k now i guess this post is offically closed
thank you all for infomations!
Lothelo/Perenolde/Blood elf/Warlock/70
Gushy/Perenolde/Blood elf/Paladin/30
Worst. Troll Attempt. Ever.
Pretty much like asking if Tiger Woods PGA Tour will have golf clubs in it....or Grand Theft Auto will involve car theft......
Still fall over your large and brightly coloured shoes OP?
Proud Master CH -
Proud FORMER Master CH...
my toon was untimely converted into something more Star Warsy
I thought it was PVP and PVE split up where you have to go to PVP zones.........
Talking about SWG much?
Lothelo/Perenolde/Blood elf/Warlock/70
Gushy/Perenolde/Blood elf/Paladin/30
Its open don't zone anywhere to PvP unless your doing a scenario. Some areas of the map you're auto flagged and other areas you have to flag yourself (if your on a core server) if your an Open Server its open season regardless of what part of the map your on. If you watch any of the RvR videos out there you'll notice that when people are walking around they suddenly get a message "You are entering an RvR area" followed by a 10 second count down before your flagged. If you become flagged running out of the area does NOT auto unflag you so you can't just run away and hope to live.
The only zones you'll ever encounter are when you go to a Scenario, Boss Instances, and 2 other places. Other than that you never see a zone.