Pfft...forums didn't destroyed the game, Funcom did. Anyway, is this game dead? Last I heard it still got a healthy population. Remember that a few 100k's subscribers is a blitingly huge success. WoW numbers is in fantasy land and I doubt any mmo will ever get those numbers again.
but will ruin this game is the xfire population I treat like a saint
And therein lies the downfall of game population. The bandwagon. It's like a domino effect. 5 people say the game is shit and post about it. 200 people read that post and are persuaded by it. I have seen numerous players dissuaded to play a game because of one persons "review" of it. If someone doesn't like that game, fine. You are more then welcome to your opinion. But do not start imposing that opinion on other people.
For example the other day, in the forums, someone stated the have played the game for 2 minutes. Hated the controls and posted a thread warning others to stay away from the game because it sucked. Now where is the sense in that?
This is complete nonsense! You're making it sound like that all the players are linked together and if one goes over the cliff they all go. I think the most likely senario is that people got caught up in the mega-hype that Funcom surrounded this game with. Everyone was like, "Oh! Oh! This gonna be soooo good! Hell! Just about every new post on these boards was AoC posts!! ' After a few days or weeks of playing it people soon realized that the hype was covering the many warts this game has. Now everyone is like, "Oh! Oh! What a smelly pile this game is an I got ripped off!" So then all those people go on to the forums and word-of-mouth gets out that AoC wasn't the big WOW killer or even close to it that everyone thought or Funcom wanted it to be. The forums may have been the delivery system but AoC was a real bomb!! Bad product gets bad word-of-mouth, product stops making money. Period! See SWG for further example.
Maybe people say it sux because they played the game....and it sux. I haven't played every game out there, but i've played several major mmo titles and out of all of them, AoC was the least fun i've ever had, and one of the most underdeveloped. Say what you want about the forums, but where there's smoke, there's fire, and funcom burned a lot of people.
If the game was great, then forums would not destroy this game.
AoC isn't a great game. So the forums will not have threads like "I LOVE THIS GAME!" or "AoC pwnz WoW" and so on... FC failed with AoC. It's sad this game looked good...
Played: From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
The players were there. The promotions/advertising was there. The hype was all the way there.
The only ones not there were the game developers. Poor implementation and poor customer service. As several people pointed out, games kill games. There are enough 'Big Titles' out there (and even the F2Ps that have some heart) that folks won't stay with a game that isn't good. Sure a small handful will always hang around for one reason or another (and if they enjoy, good for them!) but to be a continuing commodity, a game has to be good. People even understand that things don't always work right right out the door. That said, if things aren't fixed post haste, people have other choices.
AoC and those who put it out did their own damages to FC. Whether they could have avoided these damages or not, I don't know. I tend to think that at some point (or several points) FC threw up it's collective hands and said ' That's it. We have to go with what we've got and pray to Crom that miracles happen.' (I feel the same way before exams now and again! ) But the miracles never manifested and they ended with a game only slightly more polished than Gods and Heroes and not much else.
It's not the question wether the forums destroyed the game (also its a funny thought) or not. Fact is, that without forums you would still sit before youre TV screen believing all the ads you see, buying a half-finished game, don't like it, get angry. But no where to go, to express your anger. No where to go to discuss the topic. Hell, without forums, the Internet wouldn't exist.
Gamers with access to the internet need to realize that if you don't like a game you just don't play it and that's all about it. Noone really cares if you like AoC or not, no need to bash it then, because that is what's killing it.
Randoms here and there, sign up on any gaming forum they can find and bash the game they dont like. Just dont play it. Its that simple.
Funcom didnt deliver what they promised i agree. But the game is fairly playable and by far more enjoyable than most of the other games out there. I dont think anyone is forcing you to play their game. In fact i believe that the haters are actually the ones who like the game and want to play it but some aspects of it drive them into hating it.
It doesnt really work that way. If you go to a restaurant, and order a tuna sandwich, and if they bring you a sandwich with stinking tuna in it, are you going to just get up and leave, or are you going to tell your friends and co workers "hey guys, you shouldn't eat at that place, they are serving stinking tuna in their sandwiches" ... It is only a 2$ sandwich, but the restaurant can go out odf business because of it. People just won't go eat there anymore even if it was just a slip and even if its just 2$. That is along with goverment legislation, market standards and quality controll one of the ways how market clears itself from fraud, false adverstising, cheating etc. Companies just can not afford to sell bad or spoiled products in a competitive enviroment.
I would say "welcome to the real, competitive market, where customers have choices and companies have standards to fulfill" to all the current and future MMO developers.
As a customer, I actually do care about other previous customer's expirience with a product or a company behind the product.
I played the game in spite of what I read on the forums. I wanted to give it a chance. Turns out the game was pretty much in the top 2 worst mmos I ever played. The other was Anarchy Online. The dozen other mmos I've played up until now were light years ahead of AoC in everything but graphics, so I based my opinions on my experience in several mmos and how it stacked up.
I discovered the poor quality of the game by playing it, not reading forums. I am just one of many in this situation. Funcom destroyed the game. Though I am willing to conceed that overzealous fans and defenders of the game on the forums could have had a small impact on whether or not people talked about the problems they experienced while playing. But whether or not people talked about the problems would not change the fact that the problems were all still there.
Though if you truly and genuinely believe forums can destroy a game, you should be pretty confident with the success of WAR. The state of the game is probably a lot better, and there are no official forums to 'destroy it'.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence. Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
Funcom destroyed this game with their inept ability and massive marketing scheme based on promise and lies.
Had they been more honest about the games features, let people know ahead of launch (not 2 days before) half the game was missing and not tried to cover up every mistake they made with this game is awesome PR they would not be in boat their in now.
Basically people dont like to get screwed but Funcom is all about screwing the customer.
Funcom destroyed this game with their inept ability and massive marketing scheme based on promise and lies. Had they been more honest about the games features, let people know ahead of launch (not 2 days before) half the game was missing and not tried to cover up every mistake they made with this game is awesome PR they would not be in boat their in now. Basically people dont like to get screwed but Funcom is all about screwing the customer.
To add to this. The 2 days before, was actually 2 days before OFFICIAL launch, Early Access was already going on for days by then.
It was the Early Access players who discovered that the DX10 option parameters in the gameclient didnt work and started to complain on the official forums (wich were by then NOT accessable nor visible by Non-Early Access players nor the public!!!) and started to ask Funcom what was going on and why DX10 wasn't working.
This turned out into an outrage when Funcom kept their mouth shut, that eventually and indeed 2 days before the official Launchdate, Funcom was forced to come out with a statement regarding DX10 being removed from the game and prosponed until further notice!
By then everyone that pre-ordered had already paid for their box and were either in Early Access and / or lot of them had already registered their key on the website and thus couldn't return their box anymore.
And that is Funcom people! That is the kind of Bussiness they practice and that is how they treat their customers and still are this date. Continious lies and false statements and false promisses.
And that is what will kill this game and eventually this company itself! Not by some gaming forums!
Gamers with access to the internet need to realize that if you don't like a game you just don't play it and that's all about it. Noone really cares if you like AoC or not, no need to bash it then, because that is what's killing it.
Randoms here and there, sign up on any gaming forum they can find and bash the game they dont like. Just dont play it. Its that simple.
Funcom didnt deliver what they promised i agree. But the game is fairly playable and by far more enjoyable than most of the other games out there. I dont think anyone is forcing you to play their game. In fact i believe that the haters are actually the ones who like the game and want to play it but some aspects of it drive them into hating it.
so according to you no one should ever criticize anything? we should never express our opinion on any form of entertainment? personlay i enjoy reading reviews, i like to know what other people think (wish i wouldve waited and read the forums for aoc), but apparently unlike you i dont allow other peoples opinions to affect mine. unlike people like you i can form my own, and for people like you to assume that everyone is and idiot like you and cant think for themselves is just ignorant. dont assume everyone is like you.
i never read the forums until after i quit playing. i stopped playing because i thought the game was simply boring, theres just nothing new there. i stopped playing because within 5 minutes of playing i realized thier "new combat system" was nothing more than a combat system designed to played with a controller, i was instanly turned off by that fact. i came the to think the game was extremely medeocer all by myself. then i went to the forums and laughed and the meltdown occuring there. fc knew they f-ed up, they shouldve know what was eventually going to happen on thier forums.
Originally posted by Baggs Gamers with access to the internet need to realize that if you don't like a game you just don't play it and that's all about it. Noone really cares if you like AoC or not, no need to bash it then, because that is what's killing it.
Randoms here and there, sign up on any gaming forum they can find and bash the game they dont like. Just dont play it. Its that simple.
Funcom didnt deliver what they promised i agree. But the game is fairly playable and by far more enjoyable than most of the other games out there. I dont think anyone is forcing you to play their game. In fact i believe that the haters are actually the ones who like the game and want to play it but some aspects of it drive them into hating it.
This may be news to you, but this is a forums. On a forums players can express their opinion about various matters or games and read about others opinions.
I'm not playing the game anymore but that isn't going to stop me from posting about it. Other people should know that the game is a steaming pile of crap.
Gamers with access to the internet need to realize that if you don't like a game you just don't play it and that's all about it. Noone really cares if you like AoC or not, no need to bash it then, because that is what's killing it.
Randoms here and there, sign up on any gaming forum they can find and bash the game they dont like. Just dont play it. Its that simple.
Funcom didnt deliver what they promised i agree. But the game is fairly playable and by far more enjoyable than most of the other games out there. I dont think anyone is forcing you to play their game. In fact i believe that the haters are actually the ones who like the game and want to play it but some aspects of it drive them into hating it.
Then the opposite should be true too? If you are enjoying the game, you should not be posting on any forums. You should be playing the game.
Funcom didn't deliver on what it promised is about the only statement we agree on.
Funcom destroyed this game with their 1st lie . To many lies already, Funcom deserved it. We payed our hard earned moeny for their game and got the half of the promise stuff. 8 weeks later we still dont have much more than at day 1.
the forums are the best possibility to keep people from buying this game until its fixed, PvP sieges work and new content is added.
no money for liars. i hope this will be a sign to future ripoff companies like funcom.
Asherons Call 2 was also based on lies, it died and it was good so.
Forums do have a part in the success or failure of a game, but it isn't the only factor. Look at WoW, when it first came out people complained for about the first 6 months about stuff, but it's still thriving. The biggest factor in the success or failure of a game is the company behind the game. Funcom won't address thier problems with the game, thus people have to address it for them. Blizzard was very upfront about problems that WoW had, thus people didn't have anything to address (other than class balance, Warriors rule everyone else drools!)
I don't know about you folks, but I don't see how forums would have enough influence to destroy a game. I think people are quite capable of forming their own opinions by actually playing the game. Granted, constant negativity in forums may disuade potential players, but I am dubious of how much impact that may have.
For me, the game has been entertaining. No, it did NOT meet my expectations, but in hindsight, the only MMORPG that did was Everquest I and then, there was little to base expectations on! I'm no longer a hard-core player like I was on EQI and EQII. As I recall, I remember my dissapointment with EQII when it came out, but after a few moths it became more of the game I was expecting and I played for thousands of hours. I will give AoC the same chance.
I used to play EQII for thousands of hours, but my life style does not allow me that much time commitment to a game anymore, hence why AoC seems to appeal to me and I only spend only a few hours (10-15) a week playing casually, soloing 98% of the time. No longer do I have to reserve 3-4 hours four times a week to be a dedicated raider for a top-end guild. Now I can putz around at my own leisure drinking my favorite adult beverage (Sam Adams Boston Lager).
Anyway... I guess what I'm getting at is that Funcom is STILL working on the game, just like SOE and Blizzard on STILL working on their games and I expect it to get better with time. I see huge potential with AoC and I'm gonna stick around a bit more.
Pfft...forums didn't destroyed the game, Funcom did. Anyway, is this game dead? Last I heard it still got a healthy population. Remember that a few 100k's subscribers is a blitingly huge success. WoW numbers is in fantasy land and I doubt any mmo will ever get those numbers again.
Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.
Forums didnt destoyed this game, Failcom did.
And therein lies the downfall of game population. The bandwagon. It's like a domino effect. 5 people say the game is shit and post about it. 200 people read that post and are persuaded by it. I have seen numerous players dissuaded to play a game because of one persons "review" of it. If someone doesn't like that game, fine. You are more then welcome to your opinion. But do not start imposing that opinion on other people.
For example the other day, in the forums, someone stated the have played the game for 2 minutes. Hated the controls and posted a thread warning others to stay away from the game because it sucked. Now where is the sense in that?
This is complete nonsense! You're making it sound like that all the players are linked together and if one goes over the cliff they all go. I think the most likely senario is that people got caught up in the mega-hype that Funcom surrounded this game with. Everyone was like, "Oh! Oh! This gonna be soooo good! Hell! Just about every new post on these boards was AoC posts!! ' After a few days or weeks of playing it people soon realized that the hype was covering the many warts this game has. Now everyone is like, "Oh! Oh! What a smelly pile this game is an I got ripped off!" So then all those people go on to the forums and word-of-mouth gets out that AoC wasn't the big WOW killer or even close to it that everyone thought or Funcom wanted it to be. The forums may have been the delivery system but AoC was a real bomb!! Bad product gets bad word-of-mouth, product stops making money. Period! See SWG for further example.
Maybe people say it sux because they played the game....and it sux. I haven't played every game out there, but i've played several major mmo titles and out of all of them, AoC was the least fun i've ever had, and one of the most underdeveloped. Say what you want about the forums, but where there's smoke, there's fire, and funcom burned a lot of people.
Not all who wander are lost...
If the game was great, then forums would not destroy this game.
AoC isn't a great game. So the forums will not have threads like "I LOVE THIS GAME!" or "AoC pwnz WoW" and so on... FC failed with AoC. It's sad this game looked good...
From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
The players were there. The promotions/advertising was there. The hype was all the way there.
The only ones not there were the game developers. Poor implementation and poor customer service. As several people pointed out, games kill games. There are enough 'Big Titles' out there (and even the F2Ps that have some heart) that folks won't stay with a game that isn't good. Sure a small handful will always hang around for one reason or another (and if they enjoy, good for them!) but to be a continuing commodity, a game has to be good. People even understand that things don't always work right right out the door. That said, if things aren't fixed post haste, people have other choices.
AoC and those who put it out did their own damages to FC. Whether they could have avoided these damages or not, I don't know. I tend to think that at some point (or several points) FC threw up it's collective hands and said ' That's it. We have to go with what we've got and pray to Crom that miracles happen.' (I feel the same way before exams now and again! ) But the miracles never manifested and they ended with a game only slightly more polished than Gods and Heroes and not much else.
It's not the question wether the forums destroyed the game (also its a funny thought) or not. Fact is, that without forums you would still sit before youre TV screen believing all the ads you see, buying a half-finished game, don't like it, get angry. But no where to go, to express your anger. No where to go to discuss the topic. Hell, without forums, the Internet wouldn't exist.
It doesnt really work that way. If you go to a restaurant, and order a tuna sandwich, and if they bring you a sandwich with stinking tuna in it, are you going to just get up and leave, or are you going to tell your friends and co workers "hey guys, you shouldn't eat at that place, they are serving stinking tuna in their sandwiches" ... It is only a 2$ sandwich, but the restaurant can go out odf business because of it. People just won't go eat there anymore even if it was just a slip and even if its just 2$. That is along with goverment legislation, market standards and quality controll one of the ways how market clears itself from fraud, false adverstising, cheating etc. Companies just can not afford to sell bad or spoiled products in a competitive enviroment.
I would say "welcome to the real, competitive market, where customers have choices and companies have standards to fulfill" to all the current and future MMO developers.
As a customer, I actually do care about other previous customer's expirience with a product or a company behind the product.
I played the game in spite of what I read on the forums. I wanted to give it a chance. Turns out the game was pretty much in the top 2 worst mmos I ever played. The other was Anarchy Online. The dozen other mmos I've played up until now were light years ahead of AoC in everything but graphics, so I based my opinions on my experience in several mmos and how it stacked up.
I discovered the poor quality of the game by playing it, not reading forums. I am just one of many in this situation. Funcom destroyed the game. Though I am willing to conceed that overzealous fans and defenders of the game on the forums could have had a small impact on whether or not people talked about the problems they experienced while playing. But whether or not people talked about the problems would not change the fact that the problems were all still there.
Though if you truly and genuinely believe forums can destroy a game, you should be pretty confident with the success of WAR. The state of the game is probably a lot better, and there are no official forums to 'destroy it'.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
Funcom destroyed this game with their inept ability and massive marketing scheme based on promise and lies.
Had they been more honest about the games features, let people know ahead of launch (not 2 days before) half the game was missing and not tried to cover up every mistake they made with this game is awesome PR they would not be in boat their in now.
Basically people dont like to get screwed but Funcom is all about screwing the customer.
To add to this. The 2 days before, was actually 2 days before OFFICIAL launch, Early Access was already going on for days by then.
It was the Early Access players who discovered that the DX10 option parameters in the gameclient didnt work and started to complain on the official forums (wich were by then NOT accessable nor visible by Non-Early Access players nor the public!!!) and started to ask Funcom what was going on and why DX10 wasn't working.
This turned out into an outrage when Funcom kept their mouth shut, that eventually and indeed 2 days before the official Launchdate, Funcom was forced to come out with a statement regarding DX10 being removed from the game and prosponed until further notice!
By then everyone that pre-ordered had already paid for their box and were either in Early Access and / or lot of them had already registered their key on the website and thus couldn't return their box anymore.
And that is Funcom people! That is the kind of Bussiness they practice and that is how they treat their customers and still are this date. Continious lies and false statements and false promisses.
And that is what will kill this game and eventually this company itself! Not by some gaming forums!
Have a nice day.
"Forums destoyed this game. "
Communication quickened the inevitable death, I agree
Just when you think you have all the answers, I change the questions.
so according to you no one should ever criticize anything? we should never express our opinion on any form of entertainment? personlay i enjoy reading reviews, i like to know what other people think (wish i wouldve waited and read the forums for aoc), but apparently unlike you i dont allow other peoples opinions to affect mine. unlike people like you i can form my own, and for people like you to assume that everyone is and idiot like you and cant think for themselves is just ignorant. dont assume everyone is like you.
i never read the forums until after i quit playing. i stopped playing because i thought the game was simply boring, theres just nothing new there. i stopped playing because within 5 minutes of playing i realized thier "new combat system" was nothing more than a combat system designed to played with a controller, i was instanly turned off by that fact. i came the to think the game was extremely medeocer all by myself. then i went to the forums and laughed and the meltdown occuring there. fc knew they f-ed up, they shouldve know what was eventually going to happen on thier forums.
This may be news to you, but this is a forums. On a forums players can express their opinion about various matters or games and read about others opinions.
I'm not playing the game anymore but that isn't going to stop me from posting about it. Other people should know that the game is a steaming pile of crap.
Then the opposite should be true too? If you are enjoying the game, you should not be posting on any forums. You should be playing the game.
Funcom didn't deliver on what it promised is about the only statement we agree on.
Waiting for the next thing
What an absurd statement. Blaming no content on forums. Maybe next time you will actually THINK before you write?
The forums just sped up the inevitable. Stupidity, lies and corporate morons will causedestruction given time....forums or not
Fungerer som det skal
Funcom destroyed this game with their 1st lie . To many lies already, Funcom deserved it. We payed our hard earned moeny for their game and got the half of the promise stuff. 8 weeks later we still dont have much more than at day 1.
the forums are the best possibility to keep people from buying this game until its fixed, PvP sieges work and new content is added.
no money for liars. i hope this will be a sign to future ripoff companies like funcom.
Asherons Call 2 was also based on lies, it died and it was good so.
Forums do have a part in the success or failure of a game, but it isn't the only factor. Look at WoW, when it first came out people complained for about the first 6 months about stuff, but it's still thriving. The biggest factor in the success or failure of a game is the company behind the game. Funcom won't address thier problems with the game, thus people have to address it for them. Blizzard was very upfront about problems that WoW had, thus people didn't have anything to address (other than class balance, Warriors rule everyone else drools!)
Thats like saying television destroyed the minds of all the people who support aoc because they no longer think for themselves.
Think about it.
If you are insulted by being called a fanboi it's a good bet that you are one
I don't know about you folks, but I don't see how forums would have enough influence to destroy a game. I think people are quite capable of forming their own opinions by actually playing the game. Granted, constant negativity in forums may disuade potential players, but I am dubious of how much impact that may have.
For me, the game has been entertaining. No, it did NOT meet my expectations, but in hindsight, the only MMORPG that did was Everquest I and then, there was little to base expectations on! I'm no longer a hard-core player like I was on EQI and EQII. As I recall, I remember my dissapointment with EQII when it came out, but after a few moths it became more of the game I was expecting and I played for thousands of hours. I will give AoC the same chance.
I used to play EQII for thousands of hours, but my life style does not allow me that much time commitment to a game anymore, hence why AoC seems to appeal to me and I only spend only a few hours (10-15) a week playing casually, soloing 98% of the time. No longer do I have to reserve 3-4 hours four times a week to be a dedicated raider for a top-end guild. Now I can putz around at my own leisure drinking my favorite adult beverage (Sam Adams Boston Lager).
Anyway... I guess what I'm getting at is that Funcom is STILL working on the game, just like SOE and Blizzard on STILL working on their games and I expect it to get better with time. I see huge potential with AoC and I'm gonna stick around a bit more.
This thread is pointless since a large amount of the hype was created or sustained by the developers in forum posts.
Or did people never read, which of course is no longer active.
Is kind of funny that the fans actually documented the shame without realizing it.
OP........I can only assume your comment was meant to be a joke.
nothing to think about lol
the forums didnt code the game.