I have managed to totally avoid any info about this game because frankly new MMO's tend to be overhyped. Ive fallen victim to hype too often so I purposely avoided this forum and any other. Im basically going in clean and blind. This way I avoid any disappointment cause some promised feature was left out.
Anyway I cant go in totally blind so some questions...
- questions about the classes...how many classes are there ? is there the classic tank, priest, dps stuff or does that not apply here ? I like classes with the ability to stealth, is that available ?
- what exactly is RvR ? If I understand it right, its basically open pvp battle over some territory ?
- PvP - Ive only enjoyed PvP in one MMO in my life, Star Wars Galaxies as a jedi knight (before the changes). It was fun being hunted and the battles took real thinking and skill. And I dont mean hand skill, Im referring to implementing specials just right so you could defeat your opponent. And the fights could last 30 minutes easily. I absolutely DETEST World of Warcraft pvp because its a non-thinking spamfest of button-smashing. A rogue kills my shammy in 10 seconds, Im stunlocked the whole fight and totally helpless...LAME. So how is pvp going to be in Warhammer, quick fights over will they take strategy and last longer than 10 seconds ?
- crafting - is it an afterthought or truly necessary ? Are crafted goods better than drops ? Can I avoid combat alltogether and just be a crafter ? Are there resources in the open pvp areas, pve areas, both, etc ?
- If I dont like Warhammer's pvp, will I still enjoy this game ?
- Community - I know nothing about the Warhammer lore and frankly I thought the pack of cards included in my Pre-order box was kinda Pokemon-ish. Is this community going to be young (based on this card game), older, etc ? I ask because I cant take another childish community like I found in WoW and Age of Conan. Both of those games were gankfests on their open pvp servers and the things said in general chat cant be repeated. Im hoping for something similiar to old SWG or LOTR maturity-wise.
anyway thanks for any responses.
go here for a decent clss portal
they also have about all the other info you would want on crafting and such.
i can't comment on the rest of your concerns, so i wont
the missing link in a chain of destruction.
All spelling and typographical errors are based soely on the fact that i just dont care. If you must point out my lack of atention to detail, please do it with a smile.
- Plenty of Classes (20) falling into all categories you mentioned and some more.
- RvR is "Realm vs Realm". There are two sides and You belong to one of them. Sounds like WoW but if properly done You got a much more feeling of beeing a part of one side. You always kill enemies and always help allies. You also can capture territory/keeps and even can raze the enemies capital city. Can be great fun, but depends on how its done.
- I Cant tell if pvp will be fun.
- Crafting sounds fun so far. In DaoC (mythics former MMO) crafted items were about the best You could get. In WAR you cant craft armor/wepaons afaik but improve them.
- I dont know if PvE will be fun.
- The community will vary through all kind of people like in any MMO :}
There is no right or wrong -
There is only fun and boring.
10 classes per side. They're divided into DPS, ranged DPS, healer and tank.
According to Mythic RvR is the entire massive conflict between the side, which includes pve quests, one on one fights, massive wars, the capturing of keeps and objectives, etc.
You're pretty unlikely to be in too many 1v1 fights in WAR, it seems to be made for group v group, raid v raid, etc. And the duration would likely be really different depending on how well organized each side is.
Crafting seems like a complete afterthought from what they've told us so far. From what they've told us we will not be able to make any sort of gear, just pots and something else. Being a pure crafter seems out of the question.
You can't really predict what the community is going to be like at this point.
This helped me, about RvR :
those descriptions were terrible. It seemed like the devs loathed giving a class a label like healer, etc. I read them all each several times and got nothing from it.
Cant they break it down so its more clear ? Healer, crowd controller, melee dps, tank, etc would be much more helpful than 2 paragraphs about lore and fluff.
Just when I think I found the mage of the group another class seems to fill that role also.
Even the description of a healer (m guessing its a healer) wasnt very clear to what its role was.
And I didnt see any rogue type with stealth ability. The closest I could figure was the witch hunter but he uses pistols at close range.
anyone care to break the classes down to what theyre actually designed for ?
At the core it is really just Tank, Healer, Range DPS, and Melee DPS. Of course there are different variations of each type in both realms. I don't want to go into much detail because of NDA, but I'll go over healers because I think everyone knows the gist of it by now.
For Healers you basically have the Melee healers such as Warrior Priest and Disciple of Khaine. They can both heal, but need to jump into the fray to do it effectively.
Then you have your caster healers such as Archmage and Shaman. These guys heal better if they mix it up with damage spells in between.
Lastly you have your more traditional healers such as the Zealot and Rune Priest.
I can go in a whole lot more depth here, but again I don't want to break NDA and this is really just a bare minimum break down of those particular classes.
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Despite your above comment ...this might help:
There is a table at the top of that page.
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editted to not spoil anything for OP :P