It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
I have 7 more free trial accounts for the Living Legacy promotion to give away to first come first serve. Just post your email here or PM me for an invitation.
Down to 15 invites.
I have 14 invites left!
i will take one:,
Thank you advance!
Invitation sent, enjoy my friend.
There ya go, have fun!
If you have any left I would like one.
hey may i have one plz email is ty in advance.
if you have anymore, thanks in advance if u still have one :O if you have any left.
Cool, all sent out guys, enjoy yourselves. Wow, only down to 7 more invites.
LOL that's an interesting scheme to play for free Viggario, since I'm betting people didn't know about the invite promo.
You can always get a 15 day free trial of EQ2. With the promo, the person getting the email addresses gets to play for free up to a certain amount of months.
Edit: I'm really surprised anyone is willing to put out there email address like that. I don't have that kinda trust.
What scheme smart guy? The invitation entitles the person a free copy of the game and all expansions to date if they choose to subscribe after the trial period. If they did as you suggested, the 15 day trial, they would have to purchase them.
Yes, I get a free month if someone signs up for a subscription, but everyone makes out good here if they are interested in the game.
I'll take one if there are any left.
Heyas I would love one if you have any left...
hope you have one left:
Thanks in advance
i take one if u have any left
There ya go, all sent out.
i would love one email is