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There is a new top Golfarming game out in the market. Its called AOC and it will make you alot of money.
Lets take an example...
When you get to lvl 40 you have the change to buy mounts. Sadly the basic mounts + riding skills costs 3 gold. At the same time... most players have around 50-70 silver at the most. without buying anything - and taking all loot.
Atm players are lvl 50-55 before they can actually buy a basic horse in the game. And the good horses.... THey cost 250 gold !!!
Does anyone see where this is leading in terms of goldfarmers ?
PPL spend real money to pay for the sub of a MMO. They spend real money and got free rhino out of it. PPL WILL spend real money to get mounts at the prefered lvls in AOC. What kinda navie and stupid ppl are in charge of this game?
Ah hi AOCtester. We've been waiting for you...
I'm not playing this game but i've stopped buying gold since they made it an objective to call you - i dont like chinese women calling me.
I know plenty of guys that would love to have chinese women calling them
Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.
Benjamin Franklin
Actually, I'd say the analysis is spot on. The mount prices are quite high, especially the advanced mounts/training, and any time this situation exists, players will turn to the gold buying market to try and avoid painfully grinding for it.
What will matter is if Funcom takes a strong stance against it (they can easily write algorithms to detect the activity) and ban folks who farm/buy the gold.
So far, they've taken a good strong (almost too strong) stance against exploiters and dupers,let's see if they continue forward with it.
Who the hell are you, and why should I care?
Congrats! You are a victim of Trollstar!
Let me remind you that Im number 95 in the order of petition for some key issues ingame like bugged quests and so on. And so far over 10 petition have expired without answering.
Serioulsy ....
Given the poor start of the auction house, and poor coin drops you have to give AoC Tester his point.
There will be a big demand for these mounts. Even 2g is a tall order right now. The pre order mounts (mammoth at least) has little utility other than awesome appearance. They are slow, you get knocked off easily and do little comparative damage to your lvl 40 character. Only marginal benefit is a hit point buff. So now we grind for a horsey , then we grind for training, .. gold farmers found their market..
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
bleh... everytime I read a post on here or the official forums I see another reason why Im not going to renew my sub... the game is fun, but it is critically flawed, and Funcom isnt paying attention to half their player base.
Apparently they are quite active on the European forums though.
You should see the thread I started in the ao sub forum. Funcom loves gold farmers no more than 30 seconds in you will be greeted with dozens of spams by the wonderful farmers.
Funcom also loves high inflated prices. In ao items sell for BILLIONS and no attempt to lower them has ever taken by funcom.
Hi there,
Do you still play the game? I wouldn't be so brash to call them stupid ..
Just to let you know the price for mounts dropped OVER a month ago to 75 Silver When was the last time you checked?
If you did all the main quests to that point (lvl 40) you will have 75 Silver give or take 10 or so.
Armored horses are just 50G
Regular 75S with 25S for basic training
And 150G for the new Swift ones.
For those interested about mounts should read here:
I spend a good amount of time and energy trying to get Chinese women to call me
..but not about virtual gold.
Avery does have a point. It doesn't completely disprove that AoC is very vulnerable to gold farming, but it does point out that the mount issue isn't as bad as stated.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
I think a bigger area of constructive concern is the resource up keep for BattleKeeps and the rising cost of gems. In early game economies though there is always something people want for a short period until the inevitable nerf hits right? I think that there is plenty scope for improvement in crafting for starters, but I do think FC have a real good stance and actioned positive views against the gold seller. I mean who can forget the chinese gold farmer quest in game
I wouldn't worry too much about gold ingame. Once you hit 50+ you start cashing in for quests alone quite a bit. So I don't see a problem just because the earning curve is steep. And once you have a twink or a nice friend, you get your mount, just as in any other game when you hit 40.
In WoW people were struggling to get the cash together at lv40 early on, and especially the epic mount at 60. Now, the earning curve of gold is so increased you can make it basically without AH sales. Now it is even less costs, since you get your mount at 30 in WoW.
No, I am more worried about gear. Gear you buy is useless in comparison to loot (as in most games ) and the loot you get you need to use for like 5 - 10 levels (below ca 50 at least). And crafting doesn't start until 40....
Battlesieges and PvP are a whole different story.
It all doesn't matter, > 90% of the people who played and left, won't come back, no matter what. Funcom Can only ensure the remaining to stay and get new players on board who will hopefully stay.
<removed by poster>
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the gem cost being addressed this very moment by players increasing the supply?
What i want everyone reading this thread is sit back and think on this one example...
Your the new head of the new mmo project, your company has spent 25 million on developing this game, you have on goal. Get that 25mil back as fast and as dirty as possible.
Your game rocks, millions play it. So whats to lure players to stay playing it? Well, give them mounts, give them a sense of achievement when it comes to buying them. Now you have 2 options here, one put price of mounts very low. or make them very dear. Then you can setup in house gold farming. Here your not only getting people to pay monthly but your also getting them to pay more for a mount that they dont need to...
I have always felt Gold farming and price of mounts (AH items) to be preset by the actual company. Take wow for example, recently level 30s got mounts, thats becuase on all servers there isnt actually NEW players playing the game. The vast majority of players at these levels actually have level 70s with £££s of Gold.
In AOC, i would not be suprised that these Gold farmers are actually endoursed and encouraged by Funcom to get extra ££££ to compensate on the low subscription numbers now.
Simply look at this and remember it when you Buy gold next time
Gold farmers = paid players to farm gold = developers endourse = Developer gets more ££££ from you
Next time you buy gold, ask yourself, WHERE is this GOLD coming from?
Hi there,
Do you still play the game? I wouldn't be so brash to call them stupid ..
Just to let you know the price for mounts dropped OVER a month ago to 75 Silver When was the last time you checked?
If you did all the main quests to that point (lvl 40) you will have 75 Silver give or take 10 or so.
Armored horses are just 50G
Regular 75S with 25S for basic training
And 150G for the new Swift ones.
For those interested about mounts should read here:
You do realize the original post was made over 2 months ago, before the price changes?
OFC the prize was lowered cause it was rediculous and simply put - just stupid. Every person knew that - maybe even MR Avery. Point is that it took 2 MONTHS for Funcom to realise how HUGE part of goldselling and buying was because of this stupid 3 gold pricetag.
It kinda tells everyone how naive and childish these ppl are.
Your kidding right? I have a lvl 80 and @ lvl 60 - 70 I had 20 gold on me and @ 80 I have 102 Gold. I got my mount @ lvl 45, they already lowered the price of basic mounts, which I thought was unfair to people that worked hard and made the gold to buy it at original price. Anyways it isn't all that difficult to make gold in this game. You just have to know how to do it. Ive made lots of gold off of all the gem and resource drops that I got while killing mobs.
Have you ever played WOW? Have you ever tried getting the gold together for both the training and the mount, and we are talking pre-bc.....
No I don't see this leading into anything different than any other mmo has lead too, they all have goldfarmers.
Most of the time the game or it's developers is not the problem. The real problem lies between the computer chair and the keyboard.
Ah good algorithms and failcom, sure thing. You must mean like when they couldn't create a workable guild bank, and their other wonderful algorithm marked the guild leaders (guild bank out of necessity) as farmers, and then permanently tried to ban them. Oh yes, dear fanboy, in faicom you should trust.