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Gamestop Hell


I purchases a CE preorder on April 2, from gamestop, in-store. They said they would send me the codes as soon as they get them. I called them about once a week. Never got anything.


At this point I have gone to support from mythic beta, EA support and gamestop support. After a bunch of emails back and forth I finally get that they are sending the codes to the store and to wait for the store to get them. I called the store and they know nothing.


Everyone is passing the buck here. EA says talk to gamestop, gamestop says talk to the store, the store knows nothing and there is nothing they can do, call support.

 Good thing I am in beta from the BOOM comic deal.  I'm still pissed and I'm gong to miss out on the headstart.


  • banthisbanthis Member Posts: 1,891

    I kept telling people not to trust them if you dont get your codes within 2 weeks of pre ordering in store you won't get them...i'd bitch a living storm up to gamestop corporate their stores never know anything.  EA / Mythic can't help you since all they do is send the codes to the Corporate who sends them to stores. 

    At this point I'd say your fubar'd you waited far to long to get them but you might luck out if you bitch out Corportate headquarters for Gamestop enough.

  • BopperBopper Member Posts: 19

    In Europe or at least in Finland you can buy a Pre-Order CE package which comes with the actual physical codes on a piece of paper and you are then reimbursed for the money when you buy the CE. I am not even bothering to get reimbursed as I pre-ordered the CE at another store entirely. Gief Portable Warcamp and all that other shiz! I am also thinking of buying two red-alert 2 collector's editions, that Warhammer pet may be worth a lot someday.


    The original WoW collector's edition sells for over 500 euros (700+ dollars) here in Finland.

  • daylight01daylight01 Member Posts: 2,250
    Originally posted by Bopper
    The original WoW collector's edition sells for over 500 euros (700+ dollars) here in Finland.


    Damn I have the collectors edition sitting in my attic,If I knew that I would never have used it :P

    Guess I could always sell my deleted character's account and send them the cd and art book .


    If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"

  • the'doc'the'doc' Member Posts: 25

    after 12 days of waiting for gamestop to e-mail those codes out after being told the store was out of pre-order boxes....... i was to say the least a little pissed off i payed full and was expecting to get pre-order box right then and there.  well no e-mail i got fed up and called a gamestop about 15 miles away really not a stretch for me they had pre-order boxes available so here i am with my codes happy as can be.  but don't think for a second i will not be raising hell with gamestop i plan on making a complaint.  not that i think it will do any good but will see

  • PipwickyPipwicky Member Posts: 63

    previous experience with gamestop sounds similar


    they don't deliver on time, they ship out a week after the stores have them, they have the dates wrong on the release, codes never appear


    I use amazon, or in a store I verify the codes are on a piece of paper in box. I am happy so far with either of those 2 choices.


  • bluealien1bluealien1 Member Posts: 526

    Believe it or not I've always had great luck with Gamestop. All MMO's I have ordered have always gotten to me at least a day before the servers launched, allowing plenty of time for me to drool over the box, install the game, drool over the box more, and patch if needed. I also haven't had any trouble recieving head start or special offer codes, while they could be quicker about the process I have always recieved them in the amount of time (sometimes 2 days, sometimes 3 days) that they said I would.

  • banthisbanthis Member Posts: 1,891

    He's not complaining about the Online store but the actual brick & mortor store. Its a toss up on the service you get from In Store.  The website is slightly more consistant simply because your dealing with a central location.

    Personally I don't recommend Gamestop if they can be avoided, they're console business seems to be fine they just fuck over PC gamers alot.

  • Westside32Westside32 Member UncommonPosts: 29

    I have found out when dealing with Gamestop/EBGames the quality of service depends on the workers at the store. If the stores employees are all/mostly console gamers they will have no clue what you are talking about. What you need to do is go in there and tell them that they were sent Pre-Order War Boxes/Code Cards and have them actually move and look. Not through the register but physically look and usually they will find them.  Console gamers have no clue when it comes to PC games. Your best bet is to go in there knowing what you are looking for be specific and make sure they physically look not just tell no.

  • sherman8199sherman8199 Member Posts: 18

    When I pre-ordered, they did not have the codes in the store.  I asked for corporate's number.  Called them, provided some information, and about 3-4 days later, I got an e-mail with my codes.  I'm happy with my experience with GameStop.

  • MettMett Member Posts: 75

    I ordered it online and got my codes as soon as they were released. I have never had an issue with them when getting it from the online store.

  • LorkLork Member Posts: 338

    Samething happened to me, I pre-ordered instore and got fuck'd later when they said  the codes will be sent later.  The first CE MMO i bought and it went sour, maybe next time it wont.

  • MortisRexMortisRex Member UncommonPosts: 350

    I pre-ordered from Gamestop in November. I called my local store to ask about the beta-code and was told that there was an error on EA/Mythic's part in shipping the codes and they wouldn't receive any . I won't be using that store again.

  • MaselocMaseloc Member Posts: 175

    May I suggest going to best buy or somewhere that sells just the codes for like 5 or 10 dollars or whatever it is... that would be a solution to your problem.

  • nametaken666nametaken666 Member Posts: 19

    I ordered online from gamestop but opted for an instore pickup. I will see how things go. I had previously ordered with amazon and a code for them but then cancelled my order so that I could make sure and have the box on opening day. Hence the in store pickup option from game stop. I hope my key doesnt get cancelled because I cancelled my order....

  • xxlilDevilxxxxlilDevilxx Member UncommonPosts: 245
    Originally posted by bluealien1

    Believe it or not I've always had great luck with Gamestop. All MMO's I have ordered have always gotten to me at least a day before the servers launched, allowing plenty of time for me to drool over the box, install the game, drool over the box more, and patch if needed. I also haven't had any trouble recieving head start or special offer codes, while they could be quicker about the process I have always recieved them in the amount of time (sometimes 2 days, sometimes 3 days) that they said I would.


    Grats, you are one out of a million.


  • starstar Member Posts: 1,101

    I've had pretty good luck regarding my CE preorder. It uh... really helped that I'm a girl.

    So, uh. Get your sister or a female friend to go bug them. You'll get your keys :P

    But yes, it was also a pain. When I ordered it in store, they told me they were out of keys and that they'd notify me when the got them instock. Two weeks later, I'd heard nothing so I called, bitched and got no where. A week after that I just went into the store, and talked to the manager which was when my +500 to Charm men kicked in. I got called back two days later at 10 am telling my that my codes were in :P

    *feminine wiles*


  • celdridgeceldridge Member Posts: 188

    Amazon sir. No problem from them at all.

  • TheDGeneralTheDGeneral Member UncommonPosts: 3


    Gamestop stores are a lot like people. Some are good, some are bad. The only way to find out is to get to know them.

    Seems as if you have one of the bad stores. :(

    Gamestop never was going to send the codes out of the stores. It works like this. You preorder, they get the preorder item in (A box with the code inside.), You come and pick it up. All done. Whomever told you otherwise was an idiot.

    If you preordered the item in a store it their responsibility to get you the code. No one elses.

    My advice, if it matters, is to talk to the manager and ask if he can get you said code. If he cant, find another store with codes on hand, buy it there (This way you wont miss out on the headstart). Then go back to said Gamestop with your receit and cancel your preorder and get your money back.

    If you get one of those crappy stores that try to tell you they cant cancel a preorder, this is a lie. Just to go the website, find the number fo their home office and inform them. You will get your money back in no time.

  • banthisbanthis Member Posts: 1,891

    I'd say thats a great idea General if the CE was still being PRe Ordered anywhere techincally they stopped taking Pre orders for them in July.   

    People who need codes should be raising cain to the managers & corporate.  They're supposed to get keys there's no excuse. 

    Gamestop sucks in most areas.  I lived in GA and they sucked there, I live in Florida now and they suck worse here.    Atleast when Babbages, Software Etc, & EBGames were seperate from Gamestop they were alright but ever since they got globbed together and seperated into either PC or Console heavy stores it became a major suck fest.

  • KrylosKrylos Member UncommonPosts: 75

    Message me if you have not gotten your headstart code yet.  I work for gamestop and am trying to remedy some of these situations

  • bjuserbjuser Member Posts: 14

    Open beta is not starting till mid-next week at earliest.  You still got some time.

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