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I haven't done a bunch of research on Warhammer Online and I may buy it just for its PVP content. My question is if there is an Assassin/Rouge type class in the game. Preferably not a ranger like I enjoy sneaking and backstabbing.
Go to and read all about it. You might be interested in one of the pet classes perhaps, White Lion on Order or Squig Herder on Destruction.
As far as i know there will be no stealth classes but I could be wrong. So just pick a melee dps.
Witch Hunter for Order or Witch Elf for Destruction would be your best bet.
What he said.
What he said.
what he agreed to.
this might be a bit anal,but whatever.....drives me nuts........LEARN TO SPELL ROGUE....that is all....ty and have a pleasant day
He might of been looking to give his Assassin like character a make over. You never know
From what I understand, WAR stealth takes action points to maintain. Action points are also used to attack with. So, if you stealth up to an opponent you will most probably get to him with little to no action points to attack with. Also, I recall reading you can't attack while in stealth. Therefore, your opponent will be surprised when you pop out of stealth and you scratch him. He'll then proceed to butcher you.
The closest class that, I think, may be described as a generic assassin type (not a WoW Rogue) is the Witch Hunter with its description:
"Whether you're positioning yourself for a devastating strike against an unwary enemy or going toe-to-toe in the thick of the fight, will make frequent use of the deadly speed and effectiveness of rapiers, knives, stakes, torches and daggers. You will also find it useful to anoint your weapons before a fight to dispatch your unholy enemies with even greater efficiency.
The Witch Hunter relies heavily on his ability to catch targets off guard or to distract them in the thick of a fight. ...he is at his most effective when he can move behind an enemy ..."
There is no stealthing or stealth classes, there is rouge like classes but with no stealth at all. Just flat out dps.
This. But I also believe the White Lion and Squig Herder have the capability to act similarly to the two stealth classes if they spec into it.
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...
Why is Rogue so hard to spell?
Which Hunter has stealth.
Mythic CLEARLY stated in one of their podcast that there will be NO STEALTH IN WARHAMMER ONLINE BECAUSE IT MAKES IT UNFAIR.
This and quote from one of their FAQ's says
"Q: I have heard that there are no stealth type classes in war. If true, why?
In the Warhammer universe, or rather within the table top version of the game as it has more influence on the design than the RPG books, the armies that have special units that one would refer to as stealth, are limited to 3 armies.
They are:
Dark Elves
Wood Elves
They are the only armies who have units that are stealth oriented.
Dark Elves and Skaven have assassins, for is their army theme that they are double-crossing individuals and not to be trusted. The Wood Elves are sneaky in that they are limited being able to hide well in forest terrain.
Games Workshop would never allow for High Elf or Dwarf to have stealth units since it's not in the nature of their armies to hide. The Empire would be the next possible option, but again it falls in that theme of army, they may not try to hide while fighting the force of Chaos. While it possible that The Empire may have them it does go against conventional Games Workshop intellectual property.
Again this game while it has been developed by Mythic, they have to pass all of the character design and world design through GW, and should GW find not to be in the theme of their game they will say no"
go here for more FAQ
Each side has a WoW rogue class. There is stealth, attacks from stealth, combo points and finishers. The difference is stealth here eats energy, has a short duration and long recast.
"As I understand it, there are 4 classes per realm which seems fairly limited; although I saw a Goblin Battler in one of those videos so I'm a bit confused since I thought that was an Orc class only.
Well, one of the things that's causing the "limited" classes is the requirement that every class be combat-effective and serve an immediately recognizable role. We have no pure "support" classes. In addition, we don't have rogues or stealth classes. We're not fond of hybrid classes either, though there will almost certainly be SOME degree of hybridization for some races.
Regarding the Battler, don't rely too heavily on the models you saw in the demos in terms of what to expect from the final design. They were chosen mostly for aesthetic reasons and aren't intended to represent exactly what you'll see when we launch (or even when we go into beta later this year). The class-limiting for Greenskins is mostly designed to allow us to use both Orcs and Gobbos without having ridiculous stuff like a goblin Warboss running around as a powerful melee character. "
What he said.
what he agreed to.
I concur with the above concurrences
Ranghar LoD
Lords of Death
Your wrong at heart, but yes there is no term stealth in the game, that is true, but the mechanic that it typically refers to is in the game. This was beaten to death a few months ago. You should read up on current information, not out of date faqs.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
What he said.
what he agreed to.
I concur with the above concurrences
Listen to these gentlemen, they are correct in there assertations...
Witch Hunter has incognito which uses action put does put them into stealth, please read on the classes before making eye bleeding psots which you do not know anything about!
Action Name: Incognito
Description: You begin quietly searching for heretics making it less likely that hostile forces will notice you but slowly draining away your action points. This effect will end if you use any abilities or run out of action points.
wow you are pretty stubborn. Here is a video showing a witch hunter going into stealth. If this doesn't get you to believe that there is stealth in game I don't know what will.,id3490,warhammer_online_szenarien_pvp_presse_event_paris.html
wow you are pretty stubborn. Here is a video showing a witch hunter going into stealth. If this doesn't get you to believe that there is stealth in game I don't know what will.,id3490,warhammer_online_szenarien_pvp_presse_event_paris.html
It isn't really stealth in a traditional sense. It serves more as an 'Oh Sh**!!!!' button. You just go invisible for a short duration. I guess it all depends on how you define "stealth". There is no class that you can just hang out in stealth and sneak around with, if that is what you mean by stealth.
Ranghar LoD
Lords of Death
i assume stealth in here is more for getting behind forces then getting behind A person, stealth around the side, plop ou run up and KILL!
Doesn't last long enough for it to be anything but get behind someone and pop an opener. Its stealth, its just only usable in every 2-4 instead of every fight.
Yay! No stealth class! I just hate stealth people. Show yourself and fight! =D
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