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Im linking to this article .Go ahead and attempt to debunk it and even try to say the website the article is linked to is on the take from FC.
FC is opening in new markets.Doesnt look so bad to me.They made more than the loss they took and the article says 1 patch every week.Seems to me they are looking forward to the future.
Go ahead and flame and tell the rest of us how FC is going bankrupt or is goimg to be bought out or even just going out of business.
What is your physical limit?
Hmm you did see the Q2 in the article right?
not new, they just skimmed through the powerpoint version of the Q2 report and said that. Gamespot did the same, they didnt even read the real report.
Check this link
The part where it says the exceeded their expectations by $1 million?
Sure did.Oh i see you want me to see the part about taking a loss at launch.Not the part where they actually retain customers and make money......
What is your physical limit?
Good link Myrdek. Thanks. A lot of good, valid information in there with logical justification. Unlike the OPs canned 'report'.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
Good link Myrdek. Thanks. A lot of good, valid information in there. Unlike the OPs canned 'report'.
Wasnt my report i linked it.In no way did i write it or contribute to said report.
Get your facts straight.Let me guess that website doesnt count now?
What is your physical limit?
Good link Myrdek. Thanks. A lot of good, valid information in there. Unlike the OPs canned 'report'.
Wasnt my report i linked it.In no way did i write it or contribute to said report.
Get your facts straight.Let me guess that website doesnt count now?
I know you didn't write it. But it was what you linked. So I called it yours. Your just arguing semantics.
Its not that the website doesn't count. I just don't agree with what I refer to as 'faith-based financials'. I believe in numbers that can be backed up with observable evidence. Myrdek's link had lots of points that are backed up and directly observable. Your link had blanket numbers that were just claims from funcom. Nothing that can be confirmed by anyone not in the position to profit from it.
Must we be reminded how many claims we have received from funcom so far, that have been completely false?
If they can say 'here are the numbers, and we can prove these numbers by this this and this', than maybe it will have some validity. Until then, I will trust the data that funcom has no power over skewing.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
The fact that the stock has dropped and the CEO himself has sold 18.7% of his own shares isnt a good thing either.
Good link Myrdek. Thanks. A lot of good, valid information in there. Unlike the OPs canned 'report'.
Wasnt my report i linked it.In no way did i write it or contribute to said report.
Get your facts straight.Let me guess that website doesnt count now?
I know you didn't write it. But it was what you linked. So I called it yours. Your just arguing semantics.
Its not that the website doesn't count. I just don't agree with what I refer to as 'faith-based financials'. I believe in numbers that can be backed up with observable evidence. Myrdek's link had lots of points that are backed up and directly observable. Your link had blanket numbers that were just claims from funcom. Nothing that can be confirmed by anyone not in the position to profit from it.
Must we be reminded how many claims we have received from funcom so far, that have been completely false?
If they can say 'here are the numbers, and we can prove these numbers by this this and this', than maybe it will have some validity. Until then, I will trust the data that funcom has no power over skewing.
Nobody and i mean NOBODY outside of Funcom really knows for sure what the performance of AoC is ATM.
EVERYTHING else is speculation.
We can talk about it all day long and it wont change the fact that for all perceptions that FC is representing a company that is doing well.Despite the fact that people are more than willing to see them fail miserably.
FC like most any big company would not admit to doing less than good.
Must we be subject to mere speculation from people who know nothing of FC's inner workings?
If your not happy with AoC and FC just move on already.Anything beyond that is just mere spitefullness.
After all it is just a game.
What is your physical limit?
But they came in at $1m more revenue than was forcast the previous Quarter. So if FC are predicting $16-$20m now, wonder what it will end up as. People said AoC will hit 200k subs way before release and now just because 2 weeks back was 415k lots of people are upset. It could very well simmer down to 200k. Head Honcho's at FC have sold lots more stock over the past 2 yrs.
Speculating is exactly what you did in your OP, now you are complaining that others are as well.......
"Im linking to this article .Go ahead and attempt to debunk it and even try to say the website the article is linked to is on the take from FC.
FC is opening in new markets.Doesnt look so bad to me.They made more than the loss they took and the article says 1 patch every week.Seems to me they are looking forward to the future.
Go ahead and flame and tell the rest of us how FC is going bankrupt or is goimg to be bought out or even just going out of business."
Understandable, but also 800,000 units sold... and only half subscription retention as of June.. so imho, only half of the people looking forward to this game are still there... and of those who knows the number that are 'hoping' or whatever it will get better... maybe half..? I dunno just a thought..
I'm not a AoC hater, nor a supporter.. I bought it, early access even, wasnt impressed and am not playing anymore, nuff said.
It was touted as a niche game by many over a year before release. It was touted to have between 100k - 200k subs thats all, by even the most pesimistic.
PR hype machine game, many people heard about it, brought it, and either liked or disliked it. The risk was already evident way before release that it will only appeal to a portion of gamers and not mass marketed.
F.C. servers at launch were desgined to hold about 600k thats all, they didn't see it selling as good as it did either. Kinda suprised alot of people.
I think deep down 200-300k is good for them and thats what they saw, when they say the game had a good launch it did based on way better than early estimates.
Its a particular game, it doesn't have your elfs, fairys and trolls. It has its design which is poorly presented in some area's which is being worked on. Just remember all those people saying 100k only, because of particular tastes and unfinished area's half left and half out of a large number were vocal in disatisfaction.
Considering they sold 800k copies and only managed to keep half those subscriptions a month later is extremely poor. Add to that the fact people quit with no other MMO release to go to. On top of that is the fact the major exodus happened in July and early Aug. I didnt even think numbers dropped as bad as they showed for June, but in the last month servers are turning into ghost towns.
Imagine whats going to happen when Warhammer starts next month and WoTLK and Aion come out over the next few months. Conan had alot of promise but Funcom did every thing it could to make it fail.
But they came in at $1m more revenue than was forcast the previous Quarter. So if FC are predicting $16-$20m now, wonder what it will end up as. People said AoC will hit 200k subs way before release and now just because 2 weeks back was 415k lots of people are upset. It could very well simmer down to 200k. Head Honcho's at FC have sold lots more stock over the past 2 yrs.
AmazingAvery, the "forecast" was given on June 30th, after the quarter had already ended. So, it was not really a forecast as much as a report, which they later confirmed after six weeks of double-checking.
Yup this is true, I thought myself that AoC would sell around 300-400k total, I was dead wrong. Having 200k -300k subs for any game is pretty damn successful.
Oh and I wouldn't believe any numbers that you see. When they say 400k subscribers, that could include people who subscribed the first month and then canceled; technically they are still subscribers because they, at one time, did subscribe. Who knows.
*Hmm my avatar disappeared, that's strange.
It was touted as a niche game by many over a year before release. It was touted to have between 100k - 200k subs thats all, by even the most pesimistic.
PR hype machine game, many people heard about it, brought it, and either liked or disliked it. The risk was already evident way before release that it will only appeal to a portion of gamers and not mass marketed.
F.C. servers at launch were desgined to hold about 600k thats all, they didn't see it selling as good as it did either. Kinda suprised alot of people.
I think deep down 200-300k is good for them and thats what they saw, when they say the game had a good launch it did based on way better than early estimates.
Its a particular game, it doesn't have your elfs, fairys and trolls. It has its design which is poorly presented in some area's which is being worked on. Just remember all those people saying 100k only, because of particular tastes and unfinished area's half left and half out of a large number were vocal in disatisfaction.
who makes anything and only expects average to below average results. that makes no sense. now
your saying oh well they didn't expect to be successful. out of curiosity how do you know what servers
and how many, and what they are designed to do.
<img src=''></img>
AoC may not have Elves Fairies and Trolls but it makes up for that by have Gremlins and bugs.
Waiting for the next thing
/hug me the day you open your eyes mate. ive never seen so many people quit a game before like AoC.. all my friends are gone, mostly back to WoW.. whats the odds if it did not suck? well its a nice place to live in a pipe dream, thats all you have left if your still in AoC.........
Among my admittedly small circle, we were all playing AOC
Every single one of us has cancelled, and it seems to be the trend that everyone is leaving AOC except the die-hard fanboys and the ones who haven't played it much and aren't near level cap / are new to it
So far the game has sold-in (to retail and digitally)
over 1.2 million copies and has sold through over
800.000 copies
Taken from FunCom's Q2 2008 report (where gamesutra got their data)
FunCom Q2 2008 Report
1.2 million sold.... (800,000 boxes, 400,000 digital downloads...
415,000 current players .....
33% retention rate
PWND.... consider yourself debunked
33% retention rate = HORRIBLE
no, I want you to look at the part where they actually retain customers..... (read my above post)
How can anyone say the 2Q (or the launch) was successful. The freakin company lost 6 million dollars in 3 months DESPITE 800k box sales. How much money are they going to lose in the 3Q without those box sales.
You can say 800k boxes surpassed expectations
You can say 400k 'customers' as of june 30 beat expectations
But who cares if a company that is deep in debt lost even more money. Funcom has been living the past year by borrowing money. That money was loaned to them with the expectation that AoC would be profitable and the loan would be repayed. Funcom clearly is not going to be profitable unless they completely gut their development teams for all of their projects (which it appears they already fired most of the AoC development team since the only patches that have been implemented in the last 2 months have been very 'light' on content and 'heavy' on bugs).
Funcom is in debt, is spending more money then they make every quarter... and now that AoC is out, they really can't use it as leverage to get more loans.
Funcom will be out of business by January, at some point soon they are not going to be able to make the payments on their loans.
Ahh here we go out of business by January.
Care to tell us where the loan came from?Out of all the things that have been speculated this is the 1st ive heard of a "loan".It hasnt even been mentioned in any type of news.
Please enlighten us.
What is your physical limit?
It was already released by funcom that they had secured 30M in loans ( I think it was February). If you look at the finanacials, you can see the debt. They currently show 23M in short term debt and another 3M in long term debt. At the end of 2007, they had little debt so it was all aquired between Dec 31st and June 31st.
You can also see their major cash flow problems. They had -16M in cashflow for the 2Q, They currently have 32M in cash equivelants, which means they have less than two quarters until they are insolvent... and that is assuming the next two quarters are as 'good' as the 2nd quarter was.
still waiting for your response to my posts OP