I know I would have already did the pre-order if they gave out beta cd keys first come first serve. I noticed that when I was in stress test. Read on the forums that more than a few peeps in closed beta said they not going to buy the game. Just getting free game time. I know nothing can be done about it, but sucks for us that is for sure 100% buying the game.
What is sad is the fact that not only they there for free game time but they are not even trying to help with the beta testing.... While there is alot of us willing to PAY to play in the beta =P
Former Stress Tester of WoW
Realmreaver formally of EQ, SWG, FFXI and WoW.
Malis/Pirotess of PSO.
Some named of Diablo 1 and 2
Grendel Kinguard of GW.
hell yeah i would pre-order it
Absolutely, without hesitation. Especially considering I'm going to buy it anyway, I wanna play now. :P
I would have even preordered the Collector's edition if it would have come with beta. That's a really good idea.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
Yah I would Pre-Order WoW if I got a WoW closed beta account, but Im going to pre-order WoW anyway this week so it doesent really matter to me
WOW both editions can be preordered at Gamestop. thats where i did it. in fact i moved my preorder over from EQ2
in a heart beat!!
in fact thats what they should've done instead of scamming people into signing up for fileplanet!! F' File Planet!
I think they should let people that preorder into beta, all games should. It gives you a chance to learn the game and figure out what type of character you will like playing.
Bukshot you can preorder the special edition. I preordered it (and the hint book) from EB.
The sooner I get to play the better my mental status lol...but there is one advantage to not being able to play until open beta; and that is I get to start from scratch, I wont be bored of the game, and it will stay fresh for a long time. Im afraid that the current beta testers are going to have a loss of enjoyment and thrill upon release. However, because I got so addicted to the game from the stress test only, I would deffinately pre-order if it came with a beta account, even with a $25 fee, I still would. Some may say thats sad, but it just says that much more about this game.
If it was part of a requirement to pre-order in order to get into beta I would probably do it. keep in mind If I didn't like the game I could always cancil the order.
In general I do not like to pre-order games. In the past they tend to arive after the local store has them on the shelf. So for me I have found if I want to play the day the game goes live it is best to reserve a copy at the local store rather than pre-order from a website vendor.
...in the end there was no Good and Evil only living and dead...
...in the end there was no Good and Evil only living and dead...
must be a trick question here. I have no problems preordering at all to get into the beta.
where do I need to sign up....
no question...i would! ! !
This is a tough question. I would love to play in the beta test but would not want to be forced to pay an outrageous monthly fee when it hits retail. The only reason I've yet to preorder WoW is the unknown monthly fee. More than likely, I'll order it soon.
How sad am I? I've only played the stress test and I'm already a WoW addict.
No chance of it being available mainly due to all the geniuses that posted "I already pre-ordered but would have with a beta also". If they are getting a good number of pre-orders (without a closed beta invite) there is no need to further incentivize it.
After participating in the stress test, I would definitely pre-order to be a part of the beta. To be truthful, without playing the game I would still have preordered to be part of the beta. The Warcraft universe is one I'm very familiar with and love the idea of joining it. but to give a counterpoint, I won't be preordering MxO despite he free-in on beta testing. The game worlds is in the hands of different people and the world will not be an easy one to replicate. Thanks Blizzard for this opporutnity!!
Reality is not all it's cracked up to be...That's why there are video games
Reality is not all it's cracked up to be...That's why there are video games
It should be for WoW Collector's Edition pre-order only.
Also it is true you can cancel your pre-order so this is all bogus unless it is a pre-order with full money down. You can do that in most of the big game stores.
I also need to check if my pre-order will arrive the day WoW is released. Although I'd think they'll just pull pre-orders from the shipments they will get on the day of release. Like if they want to have 20 copies on the shelf they also need to order extra ones for those who pre-ordered.