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So I just quit AOC, a game which I played since beta in Feb. I'm sure most people would agree that AOC failed to deliver on publicised features and was unfinished in a lot of crucial areas, the biggest dissapointment for me was the lack of grouping or the incentive to group.
That been said I still enjoyed the game overall and loved trying the different archetypes and feat builds, however I couldnt justify 1 more month of subscription...
Now that I'm in the market for an MMO the obvious choice is WAR, I'm not worried about graphics, lack of end game content and the usual other issues you get at release, what I do want is a game that has the mechanics to alow players to group efficiently and purposefully, delivers on promised features and has enough variation in the characters to keep me re-rolling If i want.
So will I be happy?
Yeah you will. Preorder from amazon (free) and get into open beta to try it for yourself. Cancel before it ships if it isn't your cup of tea. I think you will like it though.
if what you really want is to get a group to quest fast (maybe will not have the best mix of classes), there is a feature that when tells you how many open groups are in the area, when you from a group you can set it to be open and just have people join as the wish... so, if you want a group, you will have it fast.
AoC is eye candy. I'm also leaving it for WAR. It is a game that's going downhill. Try it, if you don't mind the graphics after playing AoC, you'll probably like it.
Im another AOC transfer. I personally could care less about the graphics. after AOC i am a firm believer in content over eye candy. I hope there is SOMTHING to do in WAR.
And saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade that, with it, thou mayest blow thine enemies to tiny thy mercy."
I'd suggest you wait six months and see how people are loving the game.
Cant say much as im only level 3 in the preview weekend but, as far as grouping goes you can group from level 2 up to level 50 to level.
Senarios is one way kind of like BGs but only on your server. Also PQs rock pants.
As a beta tester I think that WAR has delivered on the major points they wanted to hit.
Open-world RvR battles and Keep sieges are as fun as the DOAC-people have said.
Instanced Scenarios are quick enjoyable PvP fun.
Public Quests are very entertaining and make for good 'Mini-raids' that don't take hours to finish.
Now there are less cities and classes than they originally planned and the game sometimes has a limited (or you could say focused) feeling to it. But in the end, I think Mythic hit their main goals.
I'm not sure what other promised features the OP is expecting from WAR. I can say that I find the combat interesting and playable whether it comes to PvE mobs or single PvP fights to big RvR brawls.
efficient grouping ! check , might be the best features yet in an mmo. Open groups and warbands. In any area you click 1 buttom and see what groups are in the neighborhood , what they are op to (pve, rvr or pq and where), how far away (in minuttes) they are and how many they are. ! click and you have joined!
purposefully grouping! check .there is 300 Public quest in the game , most need good groups to be done. And people group op for the that reason. All zones has scenarios , that you can que up for . And then there is RvR where Warbands are called for to take and defend keeps and controlpoints. The whole guild structure with skills and levels allowing guild to deploy standards at battle. Another reason to be grouping! And finally there is plenty of places in PvE where you want to take a group to deal with champs , bosses and lords!
deliver on promised features , check : as a beta tester it's few things i haven't seen yet, and this compagny have played with open cards, telling what would not make it for release (4 mellee classes , and to final stage battles).
Variation in classes: check . all the characters in an archtype playes rather different! You could be rerolling alot.
Will you be happy ? i think if you real conserns are what is stated here, you will,