A bigger picture would be worth 1000 words. This is only worth 500. I assume none of the destruction were smart enough to move around and kill you instead of hammering on whatever you were healing?
I was destruction, and practically 3/4 of the damage I dealt went to this guy. Didn't go down once
Your saying a class is OP because he knows how to heal? I had a Rune Priest in CB and they were far from being OP certainly to level 20. I hope this was an attempt to make people think that so they roll them. Because Order needs more healers.
Thats like the post about the Zealot being the Druid of Warhammer. Your level freaking 4. Every class has 1 attack at that level. Dont be crying OP untill you get to about 35 to 40. People complaining this early is just rediculous
No, there is a massive difference between knowing how to heal, and getting 5X the amount of renown everyone else gets, and 3X the amount of healing. Getting concentrated fire from a group of 4-5 for a good 30 seconds / minute and still survive is not meant to happen
You were all attacking him and he didnt die with 4 people on him? If thats so, then your damage had to been horrible, there is no way he should have lived that long. If not then hes figured out something bug/exploit. I know for a fact that its damn near impossible to survive more then 2 people for the length you claim.
I would have to disagree and say that the people you played against just weren't smart enough.
In earlier levels of PVP and scenarios some classes seem OP because the skills aren't balanced, yet. You will find that you'll get rolled by a Warrior Priest healing a Bright Wizard all day, but that doesn't mean they are OP, especially late game.
I do want to know how the hell you got 2k RR xp, that is simply amazing.
What they should do is scale skills for PVP and scenarios so that they are more balanced.
Well he is 18 and most of your group is lower level. He could have better gear. Stacked toughness, etc.
RP are better then zealots though but your zealots sucked(if you had anyt the icons are tough to see). I can already do WAY more healing on my DoK at lvl 11 than your team at 13+.
He's right, it is very skewed, but not because of the class. Aeriswhatever does ~3x the healing of Honshu, two spots above. Honshu, on the other hand, lands 39 kills to Aeris' 3, but Aeris still gets ~4x the renown. The only other thing about Aeris' score that stands out is that she wasn't killed. Does surviving the whole match really give you that much of an edge? Or is it just that healing is weighted that heavily when calculating renown?
He's right, it is very skewed, but not because of the class. Aeriswhatever does ~3x the healing of Honshu, two spots above. Honshu, on the other hand, lands 39 kills to Aeris' 3, but Aeris still gets ~4x the renown. The only other thing about Aeris' score that stands out is that she wasn't killed. Does surviving the whole match really give you that much of an edge? Or is it just that healing is weighted that heavily when calculating renown?
you get renown for doing your job......DPS get more for damage.. healers get some for healing and this is what people fail to think about and that is why healers are trying to DPS in most games ....
i play a runepriest and i get top in heals in most games get about 1k in damage....i do my damn job.....i don't watch my renown i look at my healing and how many times the players i was running with dies....i feel good when i know i did my job....healers that don't heal need to play DPS
That's quite strange, but there could be other explanations to this. I imagine that, him being level 18, with super renown armor, stacked resistances/toughness/wounds and being healed by his teammates can still stop your damage. My friend has an OP Black orc at level 11 (bumped to 18 in the scenario), and he totally wrecks everything in his way. He rivals the nukers in damage and has more than 3.5k health, and even with 1 healer with him, 4-5 people attacking him have a hard time taking him out.
EDIT: And please remember he does all this at the bare minimum level of entering. No doubt he'd have incredible items and skills if he was a natural level 18 or 19.
He's right, it is very skewed, but not because of the class. Aeriswhatever does ~3x the healing of Honshu, two spots above. Honshu, on the other hand, lands 39 kills to Aeris' 3, but Aeris still gets ~4x the renown. The only other thing about Aeris' score that stands out is that she wasn't killed. Does surviving the whole match really give you that much of an edge? Or is it just that healing is weighted that heavily when calculating renown?
you get renown for doing your job......DPS get more for damage.. healers get some for healing and this is what people fail to think about and that is why healers are trying to DPS in most games ....
i play a runepriest and i get top in heals in most games get about 1k in damage....i do my damn job.....i don't watch my renown i look at my healing and how many times the players i was running with dies....i feel good when i know i did my job....healers that don't heal need to play DPS
just saying after looking at that the order out rank you all and that warrior priest is the highest ranked? i dunno im not in beta just throwing in my 2 cents from what im looking at . sorry if im dead wrong lol..
A bigger picture would be worth 1000 words. This is only worth 500.
I assume none of the destruction were smart enough to move around and kill you instead of hammering on whatever you were healing?
I was destruction, and practically 3/4 of the damage I dealt went to this guy. Didn't go down once
Your saying a class is OP because he knows how to heal? I had a Rune Priest in CB and they were far from being OP certainly to level 20. I hope this was an attempt to make people think that so they roll them. Because Order needs more healers.
Thats like the post about the Zealot being the Druid of Warhammer. Your level freaking 4. Every class has 1 attack at that level. Dont be crying OP untill you get to about 35 to 40. People complaining this early is just rediculous
No, there is a massive difference between knowing how to heal, and getting 5X the amount of renown everyone else gets, and 3X the amount of healing. Getting concentrated fire from a group of 4-5 for a good 30 seconds / minute and still survive is not meant to happen
You were all attacking him and he didnt die with 4 people on him? If thats so, then your damage had to been horrible, there is no way he should have lived that long. If not then hes figured out something bug/exploit. I know for a fact that its damn near impossible to survive more then 2 people for the length you claim.
I would have to disagree and say that the people you played against just weren't smart enough.
In earlier levels of PVP and scenarios some classes seem OP because the skills aren't balanced, yet. You will find that you'll get rolled by a Warrior Priest healing a Bright Wizard all day, but that doesn't mean they are OP, especially late game.
I do want to know how the hell you got 2k RR xp, that is simply amazing.
What they should do is scale skills for PVP and scenarios so that they are more balanced.
Well he is 18 and most of your group is lower level. He could have better gear. Stacked toughness, etc.
RP are better then zealots though but your zealots sucked(if you had anyt the icons are tough to see). I can already do WAY more healing on my DoK at lvl 11 than your team at 13+.
He's right, it is very skewed, but not because of the class. Aeriswhatever does ~3x the healing of Honshu, two spots above. Honshu, on the other hand, lands 39 kills to Aeris' 3, but Aeris still gets ~4x the renown. The only other thing about Aeris' score that stands out is that she wasn't killed. Does surviving the whole match really give you that much of an edge? Or is it just that healing is weighted that heavily when calculating renown?
In my scenarios 3/4ths of the players were shammys, including me.
you get renown for doing your job......DPS get more for damage.. healers get some for healing and this is what people fail to think about and that is why healers are trying to DPS in most games ....
i play a runepriest and i get top in heals in most games get about 1k in damage....i do my damn job.....i don't watch my renown i look at my healing and how many times the players i was running with dies....i feel good when i know i did my job....healers that don't heal need to play DPS
That's quite strange, but there could be other explanations to this. I imagine that, him being level 18, with super renown armor, stacked resistances/toughness/wounds and being healed by his teammates can still stop your damage. My friend has an OP Black orc at level 11 (bumped to 18 in the scenario), and he totally wrecks everything in his way. He rivals the nukers in damage and has more than 3.5k health, and even with 1 healer with him, 4-5 people attacking him have a hard time taking him out.
EDIT: And please remember he does all this at the bare minimum level of entering. No doubt he'd have incredible items and skills if he was a natural level 18 or 19.
you get renown for doing your job......DPS get more for damage.. healers get some for healing and this is what people fail to think about and that is why healers are trying to DPS in most games ....
i play a runepriest and i get top in heals in most games get about 1k in damage....i do my damn job.....i don't watch my renown i look at my healing and how many times the players i was running with dies....i feel good when i know i did my job....healers that don't heal need to play DPS
Its not a job, its a game. Relax.
just saying after looking at that the order out rank you all and that warrior priest is the highest ranked? i dunno im not in beta just throwing in my 2 cents from what im looking at . sorry if im dead wrong lol..