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Omg... everytime i check the home area of mmorpg, I see the latest 5 forums are about Warhammer... I hope this game is good because I am feeling like getting it for release lol....
They did a good job.
Not a whole lot of bugs, PvP done right, PvP can level you, oh gawd damn.
I'll write something up when the PW is done but I'm too busy playing at the moment to bother with that.
|Mortal Online|Gnostaria|
omg... pvp is making me drooling... I want the hammer!
Did you play through preview weekend?
I played it Saturday up to 10, haven't really gotten back to it since.
Im undecided about WAR atm, theirs nothing really good out right now, at the same time the game hasn't really inspired me more than any other. I was hopeing it would bring back the daoc feeling, but their was nothing.
I think ill wait a few months after release before trying it out.
Being dropped into a Rank 31 I will honostly say you are complelty wrong.
First of all I am a person that never looked forward to WARO, secondly never followed the game, just occasianly read up on a few things, but the brief period I was in the game I already can say that your opinion based on the first 10 lvl's is abit out of sinck with what the game does offer.
I didn't get the change to get into the first lvl's but like with EVERY MMORPG afcourse no one atleast not if a person has any form of experiance can make up if the game is good within the first 10 lvl's as thats mostly only covering the basics of a MMORPG.
What people fail to understand is that early lvl's are made so that anyone/everyone who might enter this genre as someone who NO experiance will get a grip onto the game.
Being dropped into a Rank 31 I will honostly say you are complelty wrong.
First of all I am a person that never looked forward to WARO, secondly never followed the game, just occasianly read up on a few things, but the brief period I was in the game I already can say that your opinion based on the first 10 lvl's is abit out of sinck with what the game does offer.
I didn't get the change to get into the first lvl's but like with EVERY MMORPG afcourse no one atleast not if a person has any form of experiance can make up if the game is good within the first 10 lvl's as thats mostly only covering the basics of a MMORPG.
What people fail to understand is that early lvl's are made so that anyone/everyone who might enter this genre as someone who NO experiance will get a grip onto the game.
Then thats the game's mistake for not making the players introduction to the game all it could be. If I have to play till 30 or 40 level to really get into the game, then it just aint for me. I play an mmo for the journey, not the endgame. Plenty of other mmo's offer a good introduction to the player.
I can't imagine what the game has to offer beyond what ive seen, Pve, more of the same quests, kill 10 of this and such, public quests which is just quests in which you compete against others, Unskilled rvr basic strategy is to mindlessly zerg from what ive seen it gets mind numbing, diffrent zones and mobs.
Theirs nothing really groundbreaking in the game, I could see this game being a little better with some revamps and a few months of patching, but as of now, im asking myself why I shouldn't play a more polished solid mmo out atm.
Being dropped into a Rank 31 I will honostly say you are complelty wrong.
First of all I am a person that never looked forward to WARO, secondly never followed the game, just occasianly read up on a few things, but the brief period I was in the game I already can say that your opinion based on the first 10 lvl's is abit out of sinck with what the game does offer.
I didn't get the change to get into the first lvl's but like with EVERY MMORPG afcourse no one atleast not if a person has any form of experiance can make up if the game is good within the first 10 lvl's as thats mostly only covering the basics of a MMORPG.
What people fail to understand is that early lvl's are made so that anyone/everyone who might enter this genre as someone who NO experiance will get a grip onto the game.
Then thats the game's mistake for not making the players introduction to the game all it could be. If I have to play till 30 or 40 level to really get into the game, then it just aint for me. I play an mmo for the journey, not the endgame. Plenty of other mmo's offer a good introduction to the player.
I can't imagine what the game has to offer beyond what ive seen, Pve, more of the same quests, kill 10 of this and such, public quests which is just quests in which you compete against others, Unskilled rvr basic strategy is to mindlessly zerg from what ive seen it gets mind numbing, diffrent zones and mobs.
Theirs nothing really groundbreaking in the game, I could see this game being a little better with some revamps and a few months of patching, but as of now, im asking myself why I shouldn't play a more polished solid mmo out atm.
I got dropped into beta with a Rank 31 , didn't experaince what was before, and yes MMORPG are about the journey and no a MMORPG should not expose all it has to offer in early lvl's as you need to understand that would be to overwelming to those who are new in this genre. Again if people have experiance with this genre they need to understand you can not trow everything at once at someone new to this genre, experiance should have thought this to people who play this genre.
Now I never said anything about groundbreaking, to me that will take another 3/5 years before I think a game can be seen by me as being groundbreaking, futher more I feel I have a more realistic view on what games CAN offer instead of having unrealistic thoughts of thinking a game can be groundbreaking, I don't see the tech that could make a MMORPG really groundbreaking as we not there yet in this still young genre of gaming.
And I don't know what YOU consider polished or solid but atleast at lvl 31 wich is the ONLY lvl I have been testing on several characters and must say I haven ot played such lvl so polished as it felt to me. Me being into MMORPG since M59 and many after that can say that WAR might become a nice succes, well in fatc I hope it will become a succes even if the game ends up not my style or fun I thought it could be but atleast for those who are really looking forward to it.
Looks like more of the same to me. I'll give it the standard 30 days to catch my attention, regardless of the hype and hate. I make up my own mind on these matters.
He was writing about how the game (didn't) affect him. How can you say he is wrong about that? :-p
I think and hope Warhammer will do good - though "good" is a matter of definition here. The game sounds solid enough to attract an early 1 million players in the western world, and then it remains to he seen how polished it really is, how much content there is, and how many players are really attracted to the PvP it has to offer. I think anybody claiming to know the answer to the latter (as opposed to just speculate about it) is too full of themself, or someone in a professional job within the business who has no business discussing it here anyway.
Here's to a growing and more diverse MMOG market.
Stop the wrong hype please.
PVP game ???
Listen up:
- PvP with a DOWNTIME on next abiltiy of 2(!) seconds,
- thogether with a lag time of 1 to 2 seconds "before casting bar" shows
- and a total out of syc animation that begins the moment already the effect was done.
- and with 2 or 3 laughable CC of ALL classes (which don't even have basic things like mana, rage, et..)
is a L A U G H
PvP ? That's PvP for handicapped persons.
As everyone agrees the PVE is not even finished with:
- Total bizar paths for NPC's and pets (lacking completely AI)
- The 2(!) dungeons avaliable are completely worthless and so bug ridden it made early AoC dungeons look epic and polished.
RvR: You know they promised massive open world sieges ????
How about instanced Siege Keeps that are ALWAYS the same (same front door knocking, same postioning of siege eqt for the defenders, same techniques and .... not even breachable walls, just the knocking on the door mechanism).
Question: how much "short cut" do you want. Yeah the 65TH Wow killer with 1% content of what you get in the original.
How about professions or even an auction house (not even in it 3 weeks before launch). Oh wait apperently this doesn't even need to be tested.
He was writing about how the game (didn't) affect him. How can you say he is wrong about that? :-p
Because these are forums where people state their opinion, some might agree with him and some might not and feel he might be wrong, on the other hand I myself could also be wrong, like I said these are forums to discus viewpoints.
I think and hope Warhammer will do good - though "good" is a matter of definition here. The game sounds solid enough to attract an early 1 million players in the western world, and then it remains to he seen how polished it really is, how much content there is, and how many players are really attracted to the PvP it has to offer. I think anybody claiming to know the answer to the latter (as opposed to just speculate about it) is too full of themself, or someone in a professional job within the business who has no business discussing it here anyway.
We can only speculate but know, for facts it takes months after release to eventualy know if the game will be good for the masses or will be a niche type of game.
Here's to a growing and more diverse MMOG market. salut to this.
CC in a PVP game has to be toned down, because players are much more letal than mobs. 21 seconds in a PVE game is too lite. But on a PVP game is like 21 years. Even 7 seconds root in a pvp game is enough so people focus on you and bang, you are dead. That is really bad for meles, because mean can't do mele. So If you want to have meles classes, you have to toned down CC down thatn 7 seconds, maybe yo 4 or 5 seconds. That is what you are winning to. If you want 21 seconds root/snares in a pvp game, you are unrealistic.
His opinion is wrong? Your quite the douche if you decide whether his opinions are right and wrong. Fanboism of the highest calibur.
ah you just found out how to Ctrl+c / Ctrl+v right?
After watching all the videos fo it i cant see why anyone would be excited over playing it. It looks like shit
After watching all the videos fo it i cant see why anyone would be excited over playing it. It looks like shit
There's this really awesome site called "Youtube". Check it out, especially since WAR's NDA is lifted now.
"Bright Wizard PvP".
I read a bunch of posts from beta testers, and it's mostly positive. Most of the negative reviews are from people that only want PvE, don't like RvR, want more "player skillz" in other words they really want an FPS and not a MMORPG, say they are waiting, even if it's 50 years, for the ultimate sandbox game before they play an MMORPG again, etc. I don' t fall into any of those categories, so the game sounds solid to me.
WAR isn't going to be the WoW killer, it's not going to be the best game in the Universe ever, but I think it's on track to be a solid release. It will be successful like LOTRO, and not a flop like the release of Vanguard, or AoC.
These days, a decent AAA MMORPG release is quite a feat. The past year has set the bar pretty low for the MMORPG genre. If they have a decent release, I think WAR will do just fine.
I want to try it. It looks like fun.
pvp can lvl? nice but how detailed is the game? can for example you walk into every structure or are they fake with the npc standing outside, how are the tiny details, like variety of objects that you can pick up... I hear massive hype over games like this and then when I play them they look like a roleplay fantasy mod for quake, if a game isn't detail oriented it can't capture my imagination enough for me to be able to escape into the fantasy world, even if it does have good pvp, I think the RP in mmoRPg is losing it's meaning, the mentality of only focusing on pvp is the mentality of the average halo fan aka football jock.
His opinion is wrong? Your quite the douche if you decide whether his opinions are right and wrong. Fanboism of the highest calibur.
Next time copy/paste the whole thing, or spend 2 more seconds to read the rest to understand in how I meant it. And your fanboy comment is just proof of your ignorance as you seem to have no clue about me.
You do realize that you need to justify why at least half of the thigns you listed are even bad, don't you?
As for the keeps. They made it very clear from early on how they would be. This is not analogous to AoC promising the moon and the stars and giving you laggy poop. They always said keeps would be static capturable points with NPC protectors. They never said anything about building anything or placing jack. You want more? Tough. If you think the current implementation is meaningless then you will need to justify why. Because having a fortified point from which you can sally forth or seek refuge is definitely useful. If you are just bitching because you want more, well cry me a river or make your own game.
The latest trailer looks fantastic, but having played the closed beta when it came out I'm a still a bit sceptical as to whether it will live up to peoples high hopes. This is the only big game left to come out this year, (other than the wow expansion), and I think gamers are desperate for a great mmo because even wow fans are starting to look for something new.
Just be honest you just make this topic to hype it further:P
Becouse its hyped then its good?
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
insane hype is created by insane dollars
...which EA always does with all their franchise crap
in fact theres probably a bunch of paid EA posers here posting how cool their own game is
Viral marketing? NEVER.
First off if you realize it is hype ignore it. It is pretty easy to spot devoted followers. Since most of us realize in the near future most games are clone wars then we understand that any advertisment is plain and simple hype. That is indeed why lots of folks wait a few months after a mmorpg has been released and wait for a free trial.
good point...
...always wait for the free trial
it gives a chance for the game and bugs to setlle and you get to try it out for free