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Alright il try to keep this thing more informative then opinionated, but im only a person so lets hope i stick with it.
I just want to say first before i delv into this that i do enjoy this game and do plan on playing it, but it does have some issues (not game breaking ones)
Ok im going to start off with classes first , i played through most of destruction and a few order.
Ok i got this guy up to lvl 10(so i could buy his renown gear). From what i have played i have to say with any melee healer the start of 1 is boring, this is due to the fact that you only have 2 abilities that you can attack with and they dont do much dmg and really have no need to heal because nothing hurts that much.
This changes around lvl 5, you start getting more melee attacks that do DOT and reduce certain stats (from what i can tell the difference in the DOK and warrior priest are in the debuff abilities since they are diff stats they lower)and the class start getting more enjoyable.
But when the fun really sets in is most obviously the PVP. Doing gates and Khaines embrace is great, your not the guy who runs in by himself, but you go in with the rest, start attacking doing dmg to help out but also picking usually a tank and keeping him alive.the difficulty sets in right at this point, Juggling two targets effectivly while staying near the 1 to DPS to keep your heals going is the challenge , and a fun 1.
But if you want to stand back and heal you can still, while its not suggest to mainly do that, there are definetly situations that call for it(since your now less effective since now you arnt doing any dmg). Especially in Open PVP, since it seems certain areas just create stand off due to the way they are designed (norsca) where people will have both points then just create a line of death and kill all who enter.
This class is a fun class, i mean i didnt even know if i would enjoy being a healer, but this is much more of a hybrid, you are still a effective healer and ok at DPS but the balance is your in the front lines.
This is a fun class. I thought personally when i first would make this class that i would hate the disc.............. man was i wrong, after playing the class for a few lvls i loved it. HOWEVER one thing bothers me about the disc and that is swimming, i dont know why you sink with the disc and float off the ground under the water, it looks ridiculous.
Anyway moving on, The way pets work is great, the main reason i love it is because it is a little base camp, moving your defensive position up and attacking. At first for some maps (nordenwatch) the pet works against you, where you dont have enough time to lay it down and hold your place. This changes if you spec into demonology and get the tactict that makes them instant , a must have if you ask me.
The Damage you deal is not the higher, the way i atleast grasped it is that you are a little bit below where you should be without the pet and with the pet you are a bit above. Keep in mind you are not going to be doing Brightwizard/ sorc dmg. But you will be doing very good dmg , and with the pet that is for sure true.
All in All- very fun , if you are a defensive play and likes moving your camp around to where you are, this class is for you.
Black orc- Its a tank and its awesome . The 1-2-3 combo system is a great system indeed, the only issue i had with this class was setting up my bars because i want 1 for each stage of the fight and buffs amd other such things on a 4th.
Tanks are a very viable PVP class, trust me. This stands out the most for keep seiges, simply take your tank, sit him on the walk way that takes your to the keep lord and start holding off the masses, back that up with a healer and usuing Hold the line when in a pinch, and things arnt moving. They are also good in all situations in scenarios, going after the clothies and picking a runt whos getting hit hard to protect them. A true tank .
My only issue with tanks as of now is holding agro with PvE. Maybe its just my lvl (got to 14) or the mechanic, but i could either A- spam the high agro button and miss my other steps
B- Take the steps but have a chance to loose agro
Or it maybe other classes dont know how to detaunt who knows.
Its a good class, just a few issues.
These are the 3 main classes i played and i feel that they are all good, and im going to have a tuff time picking which to go with.
Ok il move on to this aspect of the game. Most tier 1 scenarios are Very straight forward.
Nordenwatch- This is very simple, kill people and take points for points. However in my opinion i dislike this Scenario the most, the reason being is well, if you have ever done arathi basin and its one of those games where a zerg just moves point to point. WEll its much like that in my experiance. now i know you are thinking that a a well organizaed group would prevent this. But the map actually would encourage loosing a place and taking it back since you jump in points. soooooooooooooo meh(personally i think this map need a 4th point)
Gates of Ekrund- Same ruleset of nordenwatch, but what makes this one better if you ask me is how close everything is, it prevents the whole running in circles taking flags since you are forced to but heads. But at the same time you can still get a flag from behind if you are lucky to turn the tide. Definetly a good one if ya ask me
Khaines embrace- OK this one is awesome, the way this works is you have 2 flag points, and way to move directly across and a cave leading to the 1 point, a middle point and the 2nd point. The objective is to get both points. Once both points are held they will cause a huge explosion and kill all who are traped in in the explosion, when ya get both points thats your que to get inside the cave so you dont die and you also get a hell of alot of points.
Troll Crossing- This one is a good one also. The map is set up where there are points spread out. 1 closs to destro , 1 closs to order, and 1 just kinda out in middle of the map but on the south side. In the true middle of the map is the flag(i dont remember what the hell it was called, it was a ball for all i was concerned) Anyway who ever gets the ball has to take the points. If the other side took the ball it was there job to keep it away till it resets in the middle. ITs who ever gets the ball where it starts has the chance to cap them. Very fun map
???????????- Ok i forget the name of the Dwarf-Greenskin tier 2. This was another game revolved around a ball. Anyway the map is a temple in a swamp area. The way you gain points in mainly kill, but for me i was a bit unsure what the hell the ball did, all i grasped was when you kill it gave more points if you did it or was around them. This map was very meh and needs a better explaination on what the hell is going on.
Open RVR- Im going to skip tier 1, the reason why i amp skipping it is because it doesnt need a big explaination, its very basic fight and usualy end up in a huge stalemate, why this doesnt always happen it seemed to be a very often accurence. Anyway they are average nothing special, nothing great.
Tier 2 open RVR- OK this is where the fun sets in. Im not going to focus on the other capture points but rather the keep.
Keep sieges.............. in short.........................are ..................awesome! What i love is just having the huge army attacking and killing people in this confined area, makes every class feel real important and serves a roll. What adds another layer to this is siege weapons, something that can turn the tide very fast. For example a small elite group will take a bit to take down a door, how ever this is changed very fast for having a ram. Same goes for defence, makes a small elite team bump it up. So the attackers have a ram.... no matter , burn them all with hot oil.
I will also while i am here adress some glitches i have noticed, there is the classic reset issue that every mmo has a issue with at some point. We where able to pull a guard all the way out of the keep and kill him. But if we pulled one on the steps it would keep ressetting . So some work is needed to be done there.
PQ- Hm almost forgot this one. Let me say this after playing PQ's are completely pointless in the tier 1. WHILE they are fun, and some can be a pain, the gear you get will be replaced by renown gear come 10 or 14. Once in tier 2, that is the time you want to really get into them for the gear rewards from influence and bags. I loved by epic 1 hand axe for my black orc
Issues- Ah yes the dreaded issues section where i talk about things that needs work.
1- For w/e reason sometimes a mob when you pull it, will actually run away, stay there for a little and then come back afterwards.
2- While it is very nice having it where i cant walk thru people. You seem to get stuck on some things more often, while you can get out easy it is a bit annoying.
3- Multiple sign ups for scenarios would cause it to always say Khaines embrace, but usually be nordenwatch. But i think they are working on it since norden watch was taken down for fixing.
4- That giant pop up telling me you are not ready to use this ability or it isnt ready is way to big, gets annoying.
5- The spawn points for some of the Keep sieges needs to be moved, its way to far. Maybe its to promote rezing and the attacker i dont know, but its very annoying trying to join your defense with 10,000 others that hate you to go through first.
All in All this is a great game with no major issues, just some minor ones that need working on .
I could prob delve into more, but thats it for now. If you wish to ask me questions i will respond back with the best of my knowledge.
Oh and i forgot the biggest issue in this game
Great write up man. I hear you on the class selection. After 75 hours of pure testing on 9 different classes I still can't pick less than 4 to actively play. So I will have alts. The great thing is I can get 3 chars to level 10 and have fun at any time while advancing one further.
Mythic is know for nerfing, so do not get to attached to a certin class there for sure were some balance issues that will get attention or nerfed.
Actually Mythic is known for balancing their PvP instead of just ignoring this that are wrong.
I am ok with small adjustments. i think what players hate are unanounced ,sweeping,class changing nerfs. (AoC anyone?)
I would love to engage in a battle of wits with you, unfortunately my morals disallow me to thwap an unarmed person.
very nice
please try to stick with the review, and ask questions rather then argue about mythics balancing style.
what i do in a new mmo is just pick a class based on what it does and i only play that 1 and no other class. so if the class sux i wouldnt know cuz i never played any other class. works always
Great review - I can't wait to see how much the game changes - keep seige's, etc - once pathing is actually working. It should add some new excitement and possibly up the challenge level (although pve is laughable in terms of difficulty at the moment.)
I wish I knew what class I was going to play. I love my archmage and ironbreaker atm. However, I didn't get to try the pet classes effectively enough with pathing being broken. Boo.
Sept. 7th's open beta will hopefully fix that. Cheers!
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???????????- Ok i forget the name of the Dwarf-Greenskin tier 2. This was another game revolved around a ball. Anyway the map is a temple in a swamp area. The way you gain points in mainly kill, but for me i was a bit unsure what the hell the ball did, all i grasped was when you kill it gave more points if you did it or was around them. This map was very meh and needs a better explaination on what the hell is going on.
This is Temple of Mourkain.
yeah choices are just omg difficult.
keeping it up for more to see.
Well, frankly, I have to say there are some cases where that might actually be GOOD. Hopefully they will notice how fracking RIDICULOUS the bright wizard is right now and bring him at LEAST down to par with the Destruction sorc. I've never seen any class more imbalanced than that yet, and that's in 35 years of gaming.
VERY nice article, btw. Love the game and think it's going to be mad fun! =D
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
I think if you ask me the brightwizard has something not based on its dmg that brings it to par.
The brightwizards spells ARE INSANLY rediciouslus. They make huge explosions that let people know they are there. The Sorc is much more subtle in most of their spells not making them such a target(cept for the giant stone)