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I was just wondering if anyone has heard anything about race specific HP/MP stats. In FF XI not only do specific jobs dictate how much HP and MP you have, but also your race plays a big part too. The magic inclined Tarus always have more MP then the sword toating Elvaan who have higher HP. So would the Erudites have a larger MP pool then then the Humans if both were to be at the same lvl and have the same job?
A Conjurers Conundrum-
I my pet starts to mis-behave, do I beat him over the nose with a rolled up newspaper and yell at him, or just let him continue his horrific slaughter of the entire village?
Joanaho Bagussatu
Gnomish Tinkerer-Explorer Extraordinaire
Joanaho Bagussatu
Gnomish Tinkerer-Explorer Extraordinaire
Solitus Omni Fixer
If you havn't done so already you need to look at the race/class descriptions on the EQ2 home website. There they give some indication of what is a good race/class combo, also the stats are shown; however, these are subject to change as they have already done a couple times in the last 6 months.
Depending on class. Mages typically require higher INT to have a larger mana pool. Races like Erudite would fit this category. Priests typically require higher WIS to have a larger mana pool. High Elf and Dwarfs fit this category. BUT in game there are stat modifier items that you can wear to change and increase certain stats as you see fit.
You will notice that EQ2 has really leveled the playing field with respect to starting stats so it is a little harder to choose the best Race/Stat/Class combo.
I completly agree with you Joanaho, but when playing FF XI I did notice that my Elvaan Summoner did incounter a few problems. I was never one to care as much about specific spell stats (INT, MND, Wisdom) because I could always boost them with food or accessories, but when it came to my MP pool, I always felt like I wasn't able to pull my true weight as a summoner. I loved the job, but I always wished that I played as a race that allowed me a little more MP. For EQ2 I just want to make sure that I pick a race that I not only enjoy, but also has a littl boost in the mana pool department, so that I can be the best Conjurer I can be.
Disipline, honour, pride, knowledge!
A Conjurers Conundrum-
I my pet starts to mis-behave, do I beat him over the nose with a rolled up newspaper and yell at him, or just let him continue his horrific slaughter of the entire village?
In EQ1 erudites would start with a higher base int, then humans but with items you could raise that to match anyway. but with everquest they normally have a higher int stat and lower str plus stam.
But current NDA is stopping players and websites posting the stats that are set for now.
65 Druid Tallon Zek,
50 skald Gaheris DAOC,
50 Cabalist Gaheris DAOC,
44 Merc Gaheris DAOC,
43 Healer Merlin DAOC,
65 Druid Tallon Zek, EQlive
50 skald Gaheris DAOC,
50 Cabalist Gaheris DAOC,
44 Merc Gaheris DAOC,
43 Healer Merlin DAOC,
EQ2 is a little different than EQ1 for hybrids (paladin, sk, ranger, etc.) in that their "power" or what we consider "mana" is dictated by a combination of STR and WIS, not just WIS alone. and also in this game SK mana/power is based on wisdom as well, not intelligence like EQ1.
check out for much more info.
nice link, hope they are going to add more pets to the summoner line.
Troubadour sounds nice
65 Druid Tallon Zek,
50 skald Gaheris DAOC,
50 Cabalist Gaheris DAOC,
44 Merc Gaheris DAOC,
43 Healer Merlin DAOC,
65 Druid Tallon Zek, EQlive
50 skald Gaheris DAOC,
50 Cabalist Gaheris DAOC,
44 Merc Gaheris DAOC,
43 Healer Merlin DAOC,