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January: 2nd semester started again at university and people are taking on New Year's Resolutions...they aren't going to play a lot in January.
February: Total hours for Xfire will be lower because it is a short month. And people have lives and go on dates on Valentines.
March: It's spring break. You think people are going to play on Spring Break?
April: People have final exams. Why would they play in April?
May: It is the start of the summer...people have lives and like to be outside, they aren't going to play.
June-August: See May.
September: It is the start of school people don't have time to play. They can do that during the winter.
October: It is the last nice part of the year people aren't going to play until it gets cold and there is nothing else to do.
November: The Presidential election is more important than playing AoC. Numbers will obviously be down.
December: Most people have lives during Christmas holidays and aren't going to be stuck at home playing a video game.
Stolen from HERE
PS: Aparently my try at sarcasm failed. This is a joke at the cost of people finding excuses for lower population.
Then explain the 700k the first month since we are too busy with life to play?? If a game is good people will make time for it around their busy lives if they are luck enough to have a life lol.
Subscriptions are down because the games sucks, did not deliver what was promised and the patched that break more than they fix are more than most people can stand with a bottle of nerve pills.
LOL game is not finished nor ever will be.
Oh dear....I hope that the guy who posted that on the official forums was being sarcastic because if he wasn't....well...that's pretty damn pathetic.
November: The Presidential election is more important than playing AoC. Numbers will obviously be down
nm he was being sarcastic. SWEW!
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
The simple reason for the populations being down is:
1: The game and support are terrible hence loss of subscriptions.
No need to blame it on the elections, summer or the phases of the moon. The game just sucks its that simple of an answer.
Man some people really really need to use this link..
I honestly cant believe people cant see the op as a sarcastic joke,Like I said try the link.
If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"
Nice recovery
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Nice recovery
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He was being sarcastic. Sarcastic as in it was just a joke. It is considered a joke because it would be what a fanboi would try to say to explain why the servers are low.
Its just a joke. He even edited his post with bright bold yellow words to explain it was sarcasm. Read the original thread.
And if that doesn't convince you, click on his history post. He doesnt even say one good thing about AoC...ever...
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
You guys, ... how can not see the sarcasm? thats a joke!
All games have a high population when they come out because of hype, theres no getting around that, then people will leave cuz not everyone likes the mmorpg.
Now I find this a lame excuse for why the population is low for AoC and truth is, More people play in the summer because they don't have school(this only applies to students and teachers) and others play more in the summer cuz the sun burns goddamnit!
this doesn't go out towards the op but towards the fanboys hes acting like
(names used in previous games)
-Desitre -Desiboy -Verra -Auroras Borealis -Scaven
looking forward to...
Bioware's MMORPG
the populations are down because the game is terrible and people are getting fed up with it
Nice recovery
{ Mod Edit }
He was being sarcastic. Sarcastic as in it was just a joke. It is considered a joke because it would be what a fanboi would try to say to explain why the servers are low.
Its just a joke. He even edited his post with bright bold yellow words to explain it was sarcasm. Read the original thread.
And if that doesn't convince you, click on his history post. He doesnt even say one good thing about AoC...ever...
wow like my response wasn't sarcastic as well.... you guys completely missed it as did the mod....
Nice recovery
{ Mod Edit }
He was being sarcastic. Sarcastic as in it was just a joke. It is considered a joke because it would be what a fanboi would try to say to explain why the servers are low.
Its just a joke. He even edited his post with bright bold yellow words to explain it was sarcasm. Read the original thread.
And if that doesn't convince you, click on his history post. He doesnt even say one good thing about AoC...ever...
wow like my response wasn't sarcastic as well.... you guys completely missed it as did the mod....
lol nice try.
Ill give you an A for effort tho!
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
It obviously was, but in completely the wrong way.
Or was it perhaps sarcasm^2
Hahahahaha. Awesome and right on.
Gdoug, currently playing Threshold RPG (role playing required MUD)
It obviously was, but in completely the wrong way.
Or was it perhaps sarcasm^2
Well yeah it was in the other direction in the extreme. I kinda thought it was enough in the extreme to be past the point of believability but I guess not :P I said something like fanboi nice recovery but we see through you or something. Personally I thought it was funny showing the rediculousness of some of the discussion on these forums.
I'm definitely not an extreme person and I like to think very moderate and I try to be fair in what I say. I'm disappointed with AoC and I won't not say that but on the other hand I'll say that the early levels of the game are a lot of fun. I'll even tell people the game is worth playing for a month.
I don't have any faith in anything funcom says because frankly they have said a lot and not done it. I posted a scorecard once upon a time when I was still paying for the game and they had accomplished 0% of what they claimed they would in the time they said.
Anyway my followup was a joke and I'm sorry if people were offended or didn't take it as a joke.