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READ BEFORE POSTING This is not a WoW vs game kind of coment. Triying to disuade into seeing what really kills a game and not what game will kill which one.
English isn't my main language, I don't speak it or write it every day, or even every week, but will try to write it the best I can. So before starting I say sory for any miss use in the english language or spelling error, and to all english good writers my respects before hand.
I hate to post, love to read posts, and this is my first Topic here at MMORPG.COM. After reading a lot of posts here and there in other forums, other web pages, and in other places, where people hate WoW or mindlessly defend it I feel compelled to say something and will try to deliver my 2 cents on where WoW is today with me and how I perceive other games in the industry.
The Real WoW Killer will be the mindless inmature fans, let me explain myself.
I gave WoW a break and stopped palying it 3 month ago not because of new games or new games to come on the market. I'm a gamer and enjoy, or try to enjoy many games not just one as a mindless inmature fan.
World of Warcraft (WoW) became, like Ever Quest (EQ), more than a game, a milestone in the computer gaming entertainment industry. Still Blizzard seems laizy in their delivery of new stuff because fans don't send a clear message. But for some reason after Age of Conan (AoC) and teh upcoming Warhammer (WAR) they swifted into bringing Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK) and even imitating ideas form competitors.
On the other hand, WAR feels and looks like a great game. Got to go on the Preview Weeken (PW) and it was an excellent experience. At the moment I still feel disapointed about AoC because after leveling to 30 with 3 characters found nothing new, interesting or story developed. I still play AoC, giving it a chance, as I do with most games that come out there, because I consider myself a real gamer.
I started playing WoW because the story line was similar to the world of Warhammer Fantary Game I Knew then. Blizzard brought to life a Warhammer Fantasy kind of story, with Warcraft and its line and with Starcraft brougth Warhammer 40K to our computer in an even much better way than Games Workshop attempted. To use a storyline-oriented-new-creation, is a good thing, Lord of the Rings brought a fantasy world that fueled even Warhammer as and all others that came. Really love the tweak and personality Blizzard gave to this line genere througout their games.
In other things, I pitty poeple which don't give other games a chance. I don't understand many of the WoW fierce defenders when they are fanaticly and loyal to a game while Blizzard, like any and all other MMO companies, monthly drain money from us, giving a game to suscribers with the lowest possible effort. Even WAR can and will fall to that.
WoW is one of the best games developed because it changed the way we played. For many it was the first game to play as an MMO, for others was the next great game, for all it's where many new and real life (RL) Friends met. That is awsome, but please don't get foooled into loyalty by triying to find what other games don't have and WoW have, or WoW is so good that other games need to copy it and are much like it so they aren't good enough to love and enjoy them.
All great games come to an end, and an MMO's game will came to an end some day. It will not be because other games are on the market, it's because of what MMO companies do to keep suscribers. Remember Starwars Galaxies (SWG) and what they did to a great game.
SWG was killed by a change from their staff they changed the game because tey say it took a lot to mantain it and had a bunch of mindless fans behind it (I was one of them and don't want it to happen to WoW). At the rate they were having suscriptions before the game change came, and how they loose so many, even to limit and concolidate servers in less number show that it was the stupidiest thing to do in any bussiness. Well I know MMO's are a bussiness and they need to develope strategies to gather suscriptions or to mantain them but change can't affect the way you play a game, nor layzziness from them could be accepted to create mindless players which do the same thing over and over again.
For example, in WoW, after 3 years of playing I found it stupid to go again and again on raiding nights to fight and farm the same bosess over, over, over and over again just to get gear to be able to try, see and win the end game fight of Burning Crusade. Thats why I took a break from WoW 3 months ago, I got tired of being douped into suscription by Blizzard. I only entered because of the players some RL friends and others new WoW friends.
Also, I have a family, friends and a life, I can't keep up after my 3 chars reached lvl 70, because, to even maintain 1 character to achieve endegame status, its time consuming beyond acceptance. I loved to have a day of play, but I also loved to do PvP, quest here and there and of course who dosen't enjoy a raiding night. Problem is WoW stopped delivering good new stuff a long time ago and Im taking a break from it now.
Its better to be able to stop and take some time to do other stuff, or even enjoy other games and then maybe come back to enjoy more stuff that have been acumulating in WoW or wait for an expansion to hit and base itself on the game like WotLK. WoW is and have been great, I will play WotLK but will wait until I'm done with AoC, and yes AoC is not a keeper for me I'll be done with it like I was with otehr MMO's.
WAR could be a keeper like WoW is. WAR might came to stay like WoW, and don't forget EQ staying status a game milestone that refuses to go away after all this years. I Think WoW, like EQ before it, and the upcoming WAR, came to terms with our gaming hunger. I hope I don't get bored and realize thar WAR tries to keep suscribers by mindless unrelated same questing, like AoC seems, or by being repetitive, like WoW is at the moment. For sure, I will play WAR because it felt different, just hope to be right about it on saying its a keeper game.
I hingly recomend WAR to every single one who play WoW and love it; because who ever enjoyed WoW, will notice the good similarities and new stuff WAR brings. After all, being familiarized with a game because similarities whith WoW make it more appeling instead of making it lesser. If WoW did something good why re-invent the wheel whe you can make it better, and thats what WAR is doing. And yes WAR is better, like WoW is better than EQ, not because WoW is bad but because its NEW stuff and refined the things that WoW made, while developing an intense and interesting new kind of raiding the Public Quests. I have to say public questing, RvR in a battleground and on open siege, in WAR with my RL and WoW friend was one great and entertaining experience on its PW.
EQ had a lot of expansions, which is not a bad thing for a game, WoW is becoming an expansion oriented MMO making it appellable to us who love WoW. Still other games out there coming out need to raise tha bar and might even become a milestone on the gaming industry. We need to play them we need to try them and we need to talk about what we enjoy from them so Milestones could be created.
Be a gamer and play games. Don't be a mindless inmature fan of companies taht at the end are only triying to make money out of us. Enjoy and share their product as any other well made good product you like, but be mindfull of triying new stuff.
I know that not even WotLK will make WoW a new game it might and I sure know will make a more appealing WoW but at the end is their way of triying to keep us on a leash. I will be on the leash maybe later but not fooled enough to go now. If there is quickness in Blizzard to deliver an expansion it means taht other games out there are good and are afraid to keep loosing suscribers. As I say before because I'm a gamer and loved WoW as much as other stuff that entertain me I will play WotLK, but not now.
The difference between a gamer and a fan is that a gamer know MMO's are a comercially oriented industry and love to try what they bring, mindfull of being a fan of the genere and not of a single game in particular. Fans of a game center on a single game triying to find flaws in all other games without pointing the ones their favorite game have. I want great games out and in development out there on the market, not only one great game holding on to it by mere fanatism.
MMOs are part of the entertaining industry, like sports, TV, Movies, books. ect..., so don't get yourself into a defending-freaky-frenzy, they haven't earn it. Gaming is a Hobbie, part of an entertaining way of life but nothing more, its not a religion, nor politics, neither an idealism so please stop being mindless about a GAME it dosen't do us any good.
More good games on the market could make old games better, let Blizzard loose a chunk of their suscribers and I know the next big hit can come from them and it might be on the WoW game we so cherish and enjoy.
Let the gaming industry know that we want new stuff, that we pay suscriptions so they work to give us an entertaining experience worth paying for, not to be douped into suscriptions by promoting us to do the same stuff over and over again so they don't have to work.
Whoever say that WoW isn't good is not being true to the gaming experience, but whoever defend WoW without seing its big flaws and refuses to try new games is a mindless inmature blind fan.
MMO's are great way of entertaining ourselves, they are so great that we read this page and took a moment to coment so "be a gamer don't be a fan" so our MMO or a favorite like WoW die.
It's so simple: WoW is not meaty enough for the most hardcore gamers, but it is, for millions of people, fun. It has been fun since the early lag problems were sorted out, and it continues to be fun. There are things other games have that WoW doesn't, but it remains... fun for those who like it.
True say.
However, i think it's also true to say that anyone with any good taste in games will agree that WAR is a lot better/much more fun than WoW ever was or ever will be!
Will play: not WAR, HELLO KITTY ONLINE!!11one
Playing: EVE
Played: EQ (+all expansions too), Asheron''s Call 2, Anarchy Online, Planet Side, EQ2, WoW (+TBC), EVE
No, I do not agree - at all.
WoW is what it is, a fun game, nice setting and easy to achieve goals as long as you don't want to play with the 24/7 raid-kids.
It's not the McDonalds of MMO nor is it an uninspired piece of cookie-cutter crap. And I'm an EvE player...
I'm very rebellious, i play many many games, and always keep an open mind and LOVE a good time.
But i've never seen so much hate aimed toward a single game and its community as i do from the Warhammer community toward Warcraft.
Its a warning to me that Warhammer is not a good game, and is trying to use High School Room tactics to discredit the competing party.
I don't think i'll like the community, they don't seem to know how to enjoy a game. How can i expect to see loyalty, and realm pride from people who take themselves so seriously?
If Order is losing day in and day out, and Destruction seems to be doing everything right, these people will reroll to Destruction.
Same community that ruined all the realm pride and enjoyment in DAoC seems to be transfering to Warhammer, and while thumbing their noses at an awesome game that many people are bored with but had enjoyed at one time and maybe still enjoy.
I'm gonna wait for Chronicles of Spellborn, and skip Warhammer, i think the community has aimlessly attacked a game and its fans for no good reasons, and they deserve negative repercussions. Every WoW forum is swamped by posts like this, or conversions to warhammer, or who's leaving wow for warhammer etc.
Karma does exist, if your negative don't expect positive results. All these posts do is upset people who enjoy good video games, Not just Warcraft, but all good video games. Its like when Shadowbane fans used to go around telling everyone their games sucked, and their game had the best pvp. It did not work out well for them and it won't work out well for Warhammer, it will just turn people off from trying it.
Not everyone that plays these games are Children. Some of us are Adults and capable of affording many titles of our choice, to test or to enjoy for a length of time that we choose. We don't need to be constantly insulted or have constantly insinuated that we are of lesser intelligence if we don't at least try Warhammer.
Your alienating a community and hurting Warhammer more then helping it.
"The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius."
-Oscar Wilde
WoW players have fingers too, and they can point just as easily as the WAR crowd. WoW is a good game, a great game even, but I am going to play WAR because it is something different. (plus the beta is fun as hell) WoW killer? I think not. That 800 lb gorilla is goin to be in the room for a long time to come.
True say.
However, i think it's also true to say that anyone with any good taste in games will agree that WAR is a lot better/much more fun than WoW ever was or ever will be!
And you say this in the WOW forums, you lookin for a fight or something lol. I like how some people make these wide vague statements about wow coming from the WAR camp. WAR is going to do fine stop throwing the hate i am tired of it. IF you wanna go pvp then go do your thing, i personally enjoy wow more but more and more its getting put down on for what... doing well jeeze. WOW is the king and will be in the forseeable future get over it.
Hype is my nemesis. i will fight it til the day i die whether i take it down or it takes me down. So depressing, Yes?
Sorry couldn't read all of the op's post, i switched off as soon as he mentioned 'immature gamers' being the problem, oh well.
I just wanted to chime in and say that WoW was the first game and Blizzard were the first company to realise that 'Hardcore' gamers are not your target audience and are not the people that will make you money.
Hardcore gamers tend to jump from MMO to MMO as they burn out and they take their subs with then when they go, but good old Joe Bloggs who gains a couple of levels a week playing a few hours a day will be there for a long time and keep on paying while he does it, so he is the guy you wanna please.
How many games have tried and tried to please the so called 'Hardcore' community time and time again, only to fail and end up losing the people that really make them money (Anarchy Online is a classic example).
As for the downfall of Wow, it has been and will be debated over and over, but the game is what 'you' make it at the end of the day and only when the majority of players decide it is not what they want anymore for whatever reason that may be will it fall.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Maybe I didn't explained myself good. Maybe my english as I pointed isn't my main language. Well I said that the killers of a game are the developers when they become too much involved in schemes to mantain suscriptions. As I pointed I love WoW but I'm dissapointed in how the comunity of us players feel that WoW vs. some game will be the killer of it. The sad truth is that permisive and fanatical attitudes toward a game make developers sloppy and laizy and thats what Kill a game. I pointed no hate toward a game like WoW, a game that I say and pointed is a milestone and a keeper for time to come. Love to see people take interest in MMO's.
I'm very rebellious, i play many many games, and always keep an open mind and LOVE a good time.
But i've never seen so much hate aimed toward a single game and its community as i do from the Warcraft community toward Warhammer.
Its a warning to me that WoW is not a good game, and is trying to use High School Room tactics to discredit the competing party.
I don't think i'll like the community, they don't seem to know how to enjoy a game. How can i expect to see loyalty, and faction pride from people who take themselves so seriously?
If Alliance is losing day in and day out, and Horde seems to be doing everything right, these people will reroll to Horde.
Same community that ruined all the faction pride and enjoyment in EQ seems to be transfering to World of Warcraft, and while thumbing their noses at an awesome game that many people are bored with but had enjoyed at one time and maybe still enjoy.
I'm gonna wait for Warhammer, and skip WOTLK, i think the community has aimlessly attacked a game and its fans for no good reasons, and they deserve negative repercussions. Every Warhammer forum is swamped by posts like this, or comparisons with AOC, or who's why WAR is a copycat etc.
Karma does exist, if your negative don't expect positive results. All these posts do is upset people who enjoy good video games, Not just Warhammer, but all good video games. Its like when Shadowbane fans used to go around telling everyone their games sucked, and their game had the best pvp. It did not work out well for them and it won't work out well for Warcraft, it will just turn people off from staying in it.
Not everyone that plays these games are Children. Some of us are Adults and capable of affording many titles of our choice, to test or to enjoy for a length of time that we choose. We don't need to be constantly insulted or have constantly insinuated that we are of lesser intelligence if we don't at least keep playing WoW.
Your alienating a community and hurting Warcraft more then helping it.
Hey if the fans of Manchester United act badly the team sucks, plain and simple.
I understand what you are saying, but my point was that the one thing Blizzard have always been good at is to create content that caters for all players and especially those that keep up their subs. Not only that, they do it with polish and quality, which matters a lot more than most people give credit for. There is nothing more annoying than 'knowing' that when the next patch comes out for your game you are gonna spend the next few weeks working around bugs (again AO springs to mind).
Blizzard have constantly refused to pander to the people who shout the loudest, although they have taken critisism and worked on areas they can see where they have made mistakes or are frustrating the community as a whole. The day they start to create content completely based on 'hardcore' players moaning or based on critisism from sites like these, that will be the day the game is on a fast downward spiral.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I understand what you are saying, but my point was that the one thing Blizzard have always been good at is to create content that caters for all players and especially those that keep up their subs. Not only that, they do it with polish and quality, which matters a lot more than most people give credit for. There is nothing more annoying than 'knowing' that when the next patch comes out for your game you are gonna spend the next few weeks working around bugs (again AO springs to mind).
Blizzard have constantly refused to pander to the people who shout the loudest, although they have taken critisism and worked on areas they can see where they have made mistakes or are frustrating the community as a whole. The day they start to create content completely based on 'hardcore' players moaning or based on critisism from sites like these, that will be the day the game is on a fast downward spiral.
Completely understand the point, not completely in favor of, but shifted my opinion a bit to your view on the matter. Because its never good to go radicall on a game content because of criticism, SWG went to the flush because of this. Maybe is something that dwells on the phrase "only time would tell", still higly recognizable the way Blizzard tend to work on WoW.