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This post is for me and some of my clanmates. We're looking for a casual - order sided guild. We play mostly CSS but many of us will play War as well.
We're all mature (over 25+ ) and looking for a mature guild that isn't full of L33T's and the baggage they bring. There will be around 5-8 of us that we looking to come aboard if we find something we all like.
PM me if you want to know more about us as a whole.
Following PM sent, but I'll post it here just in case any of your mates take a look at this thread.
The average age of Why So Serious hovers around the late 30s to early 40s. Most of us were hardcore gamers when MMORPGs first came out, but with wives/dids/careers/exwives to worry about, most of us are limited to a few hours a night.
Here's the guild commercial I make people read to give them an idea of who we are:
Inevitable City deserves a better class of asskicking. And we're going to give it to them.
Mercy is the mark of great men...guess we're just good men...well, we're alright. We may not be the first guild to reach level cap, but we will be the last force standing on the battlefield. Our well coordinated relentless assaults will grind down even the most stalwart of defenses, leaving our enemies bloodied, beaten and demoralized. Because, let's be honest. What's more fun than slapping around some emo Choas, wannabe goth Dark Elves and dumbass Greenskins.
We are currently looking to expand our roster with mature gamers who are interested in growing our community and just plain having fun, mainly through the stomping, crushing and annihilating of the young Chaos punks who would burn our homes, despoil our lands, mess up our lawns, and just generally be a nuisance.
There is more information about the guild on our forums, but just to answer the most common questions:
1. Do you have a website/vent?
Yes and yes.
2. What classes are you recruiting?
Presently....all. We're more interested in getting good people than class balance at this point. Please remember that healers and tanks are always in demand, though.
3. What type of guild are you? What are your end game goals?
Anyone playing warhammer that isn't into PVP is in the wrong game. That said, however, I'm still personally interested in seeing all the game has to offer and will lead PVE raids should the interest be there. Might as well see all the content we're paying for in my opinion.
4. What type of players are you recruiting? Hardcore.....casual?
I've never understood the assumption that hardcore and casual players can't coexist in a well structured guild. Personally, I used to be very hardcore gamer (60 hours a week), however my schedule doesn't permit that on a regular basis anymore. On the other hand, I'm not really happy if I can't at least be competitive with even the most dedicated players, so I still play more than a casual player would (say 20-40 hours a week). This guild will NOT be accepting people solely on the basis of their supposed talent level or playtime.
Good person with limited time >> jerk with alot of time on his hands.
If you have any questions about us, or would like to fill out an application, please feel free to visit
pm sent
Thanks to everyone who pm'd and I am passing along all the information I recieved as we make our decision and will let you know individually by pm our decision. Please don't expect anything until next week though.