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Like many i have friends looking forward to EQ2 and we were planin on making a group with each being one of the base classes, but problem is 2 of us want evil class only races/classes, and the other 3 want Good only classes/races - its been said that good and evil races will be split from the start each has its own island and there own cities. thus defeating the purpose of haveing a group of friends playing (early on anyway), wheres the fun of playing with other you know only at mid to high levels.
Just seein if anyone else had this same problem
Simple fix: convince your friends to be evil. Bring them over to the dark side. It's more fun.
Think of it like DAoC - if I wanted to be a paladin from Albion and my friend wanted to be a druid from Hibernia, we had a problem - and there we'd <i>never</i> get to play together. One of us would have to change factions - we always did, being reasonable people, but I know some who didn't and didn't wind up playing together.
What subclasses do y'all want to play?
"Now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."
Seriously, wouldn't worry about it much.. I imagine after a couple nights of playing you should have no problems meeting up and playing together..
Ugh... I have been roleplaying an evil person since I first set foot in an MMORPG
I will be good in eq2. most definitly.
Human paladin all the way.
FFXI- Quit after 10 months
Ultima Online- Quit after 25 months
Ragnarok Online- Quit after a week
There has been a question regarding this on one of the FAQs I think. To the best of my memory Sony said players will be able to traverse opposing cities as long as they are not seen by a guard (which will boot them out of the city instead of killing them this time around). Also, they said you will be able to group and guild with anyone, with the only restriction that guild members in opposing cities will have their guild contribution in favor counted towards the city in which the guild is based in and will not be able to use the guild merchants thus making many guild benefits unavailable to them. All in all, it would be difficult, but not impossible, the question is wether one of you is willing to take these restrictions upon himself in order to be able to play as a part of the group / guild.
Always run with scissors. The quicker you go, the quicker you'll get to your destination and the quicker you'll finish using the scissors, therefore significantly reducing your chances of injuring yourself
i was looking to play a SK and my other friend wanted a necro, other 3 were Ranger,Conjurer,Templar - grouping at the begining of the game was part of the problem, but we also all wanted to have/be in the same guild, so were stuck there - we just figured we'd make alts later on....its that or sacrafice the class we were looking forward to playing. It's not always fun though playing a class you never really wanted to play in the first place.
.Don't get me wrong none of us are crying about this much,it's just that we see it as a issue that will hinder are game play some. and it seems were not alone according to the poll.
If you are having split good/evil problems with friends don't worry about it, you will be able to meet up with them later. When you first start out you will also have the opertunity to make new friends. After level 20 or so there shouldn't be a problem meeting up with your old friends. After all it is just a game, have fun with it, you'll only be let down if you have expectations that can't be meet.