In EU anachronos the guild "in Murlocs We Trust" also "Learn to Play" "Billionaire Boys Club" "You dropped your soap" "Pew Pew Bunnies" "Mad Hatters" and "Girl Scouts" (On horde must be some ugly scouts) lol "ctrl alt delete"
Spaceballs The Guild (this is defunct for a long time now) Channel Four News Team (not sure if it still exists, same for these two: Roll For Initiative, Weird Latin Phrase)
ive seen:
It Hurts When I PvP
Me So Hordey
FK dat SHT
US Horder Patrol
<At Least Where Not Gnomes>
<Bush Did It>
Thats some funny ones ive seen
Lol, I use to be in 1 called
<Evil Monkey Swat Ninjas>
In Dath'Remar
<hardcore pwnographi>
once had a crappy guild named that
it matchet my name (Axehole)
<My Little Pwnies>
<Sapped Girls Can't Say No>
/played: EQ, EQ II, DAoC, WoW, LoTRO, AoC, CoH/CoV, WAR, Aion, Tera, Wildstar and many others that don't merit listing
/playing: Clash of Clans, Hearthstone
Hordecore Pwnography
Feel My PVPness
Exlated With Your Mom
Nerds r us
Lothelo/Perenolde/Blood elf/Warlock/70
Gushy/Perenolde/Blood elf/Paladin/30
When I played WOW as Horde on Zangarmarsh we had
Blood, Bath and Beyond
We so Hordey (that has already been posted I know)
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Saw this one tonight.. Girls Gone WoW
The "I PEE IN MOONWELLS" name got banned from 5 servers. Our name got changed every time to "Temp Guild of the Whale"
Damn alliance. I know it was you.
"Despite what they tell you the original RAY's is on 7th ave."
Betty Horde Clinic
Playing: EVE & Runescape @ work : P
<Sapped girls are easy>
<Order of fries>
<Will Feral> .....druid only guild
<I pvped my pants>
<Action 5 News>
<Dirty Orc Saloon>
Best one ever:
Roflcer Of The Lawl
Jessixa <!--
* 70 Blood elf
* Rogue
* Darksorrow (EU)
Bob Saget's Death Squad on Spinebreaker
Screw you guys im going to hell.
In EU anachronos the guild "in Murlocs We Trust" also "Learn to Play" "Billionaire Boys Club" "You dropped your soap" "Pew Pew Bunnies" "Mad Hatters" and "Girl Scouts" (On horde must be some ugly scouts) lol "ctrl alt delete"
"Im dead, and im pissed"
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Hmmm.. well, on Executus there is the <Heroes of Hello Kitty>
And then on Farstriders there is <CLAK IZ HAWT IRL> ( Clak is this crazy person in trade :P, no not me)
A few classics that there are way too many of now:
Lol that one called "Naga stole my bike" was made by my best m8's brothers M8... His name is danny collins xD
I cant belive that guild name is rememberd for being funny lol.
on Kel'Thuzad:
<Naga Gave Me Harpies>
<Drunk and Hordy>
<Mostly Fat Guys>
<LazerPewPewPew> (and the spinoff, <OMGKittensMewMewMew>)
I saw some guys in BGs with the guild name <Ten Inches Unbuffed>.
I have a feeling they got reported.
Some old ones on Cenarius:
Spaceballs The Guild (this is defunct for a long time now) Channel Four News Team (not sure if it still exists, same for these two: Roll For Initiative, Weird Latin Phrase)
GQUIT still exists though, haha
<Sexual Stealthduction>
<Hairy V Gina>
<Stormwind Statue Dancers>
< Sap then Dance>
<Vuh Jay Jay>
<We Like Men>
<Lawn Gnome Kickers>
<For the Fjord>
<Seven Eleven in Heaven>
<Im Goin to Utah> (Mormon reference)
<Night Elfs r HAWT>
<Small Gnome Big P Ness>
<I through a Jew>
<Threw Iraq and Iran>
On azjol-nerb
Street Fighters Turbo II