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Mythbusters tonight proved every single conspiracry theory of the moon debates as false.
They even went to an observatory to shoot a laser onto a set of reflectors that the astronauts left on the surface of the moon. They used a 1 gigawatt laser from the observatory to shoot the laser to the moon. Guess what!
The laser reflected from the reflector left on the moon back to the observatory. In order for that to happen the reflectors had to have been placed on the moon. They used the apollo 15 lunar reflectors and it bounced back to earth. A precise hit.
The mythbusters repsonse:
They said "GET OVER IT" conspiracy BUSTED lol. It was one of the best Mythbusters episode Ive seen in months.
Im sure it will be on youtube in 30 minutes with a conspiracy retort
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
haha im mad i missed that
im sure conspiracist will try and come up with something against it, its what they're good at :P
It's funny how the people believing in extraterrestrials visiting us, based on a few crappy pictures and videos, are generally the same that don't believe in the man being on the moon, when we have hundreds of solid videos and picures and testimonials.
it was a great episode. There is no way they can disprove the laser segment of mythbusters. They pointed this hug gigantic gigawatt laser right to the moon and the laser bounced off the reflector that apollo 15 left on the moon and the laser bounce back to the observatory.
Jamie asked the observatory what she thought about the conspiracy theories and she said "I met them before. They're all nuts."
Jame replied "well, we'll get letters for that lol"
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I do miss my TV now; and get a little sad when considering that I got not a fucking idea if I'm watching the same episode as you do, and if not when they'll show that Mythbusters episode. Would be lovely if someone would happen to come by a Youtube link.
I DVRed it but I am utterly clueless on how to transfer that from my DVR to my PC. If you like Mythbusters, you missed their best episode yet. They completely shot down the conspiracy on every possible angle. They took every single conspiracy theory pertaining to the moon and did experiments; disproving literally every single argument the conspiracy people had.
I never saw so many Busted throwdowns on any one episode on mythbusters. I bet the forums are on fire over their right now because when Mythbusters disproved alternate ways to increase gas mileage because the Government was holding us all down, their forums lite up for weeks.
Actually Adam Savage (one of the Mythbusters) is getting attacked by the conpsiracy theorists right now. One of them is saying that he always loved NASA and is secretly working for them and NASA gave them a huge amount of money for airing the show lol.
But ill try to find a video of it for ya
here's the ad for it:
Still looking for the actual footage disproving the conspiracy.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Just to play devils advocate for a bit and continue the conversation I offer this argument:
You do not have to put a man on the moon to put other objects on it. We've landed rovers on Mars.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
true but we didnt have the technology to place rovers without human intervention on the moon and to have them place a reflector in an pinpoint location on the surface so that Observatories could monitor the distances between the moon and the earth during various phases either. Remote controlled Rovers were not possible in the late 60s.....not from Housten to the moon.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Tinfoil hat cat for the win!
Heh, I never believed the moon conspiracy nutsos. But its nice that Mythbusters laid the debate to rest.
I'm surprised it took a whole episode to disprove this nutball conspiracy theory.
"If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"
Well to fill in the rest of the time they test other myths too. As for the main point of this topic mot that i belive this conspiracy theory but i thought it was about the first Lunar landing not the later ones? [ such as the 15th where the reflector was positioned].
Ok i admit i know very little about this Myth.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
The conspiracy theorist response will be, You shot that laser off a shiny iron rock which bounced the signal back.
Who let you in the VIP section?
They were payed by the government to fake it....
They were payed by the government to fake it....
Oh no...
"If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"
Sadly, this is a main argument for the conspiracy theorists right now on the Mythbusters forum........although this chapter of the conspiracy was hardly ever mentioned in the past
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
They were payed by the government to fake it....
This too has been a main argument for the conspiracy theorists on the Mythbusters forums today. They are saying since Adam Savage likes rockets, he is tied in to NASA and since he is tied in to NASA the Mythbusters received a rather large sum of money to prove the conpiracy series were false on national television.
I think they have every major conspiracy nut on right now. Its nuts. I frequent that forum often. Never in my life have I seen such a turn out after an episode and every single person who believes that man did not walk on the moon are probbaly the most hostile of the bunch over there.
Thank God Jamie or Adam hasn't posted yet to tell them to F off lol. But you never know. It could happen.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
In my opinion, Buzz Aldrin punching a conspiracy nut in the face is the best evidence. He has strong reaction for supposedly never even going.
true lol. That video is priceless lol
Here's the weirdo who got sucker punched by Buzz lol
This guy is the top of the weirdness crop.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
That statement is akin to 'There's no way you can dispute that James Bond did in fact singlehandedly stop GoldenEye from causing financial meltdown in London.'
Of course I can dispute it. Ever hear of a paid actor? I have.
Ever watch a quiz show that seems -totally- live, and then find out months later it was staged? I have.
Film is not, and never will be a reliable form of proof. Prime example being that you're still not able to convinct for drug dealing with film.
I'm undecided personally as to whether it's all been made up or not - certainly I think they doctored a MASSIVE amount of photo/video before it went to the press for whatever reason. However, if I were to go as far as a 'no landings' skeptic, and say it was all a MASSIVE government+NASA conspiracy and so on and so on, why on earth am I going to be any more convinced by one more poor piece of filming that could easily have been staged or an entirely scripted work of fiction?
That's just patronising.
That statement is akin to 'There's no way you can dispute that James Bond did in fact singlehandedly stop GoldenEye from causing financial meltdown in London.'
Of course I can dispute it. Ever hear of a paid actor? I have.
well, I trust Jamie and Adam weren't paid to disprove this; just just plain stupid to think that. However, if that is the only argument the conspiracist theorists have left to hold on to then its a pretty weak argument.
Go on admit it. The US Government aren't putting little transitor radios in people's soup to make them muppets; time for those conpsiracy "people" to realize this.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
when i get to the Moon I'm going to step right on top of Neils foot print with my Nike moon shoes sometime here in the near future.and i want to light up a smoke inside my bubble helmet,suck some coffee threw a straw and take a large dump to see if the suit can handle it.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
When I get on the moon I just wanna make a great big dirt angel! Well...that and a dirtman.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
When I get on the moon I just wanna make a great big dirt angel! Well...that and a dirtman.
And risk puncturing that suit, you know what happened to Arnold Schwartzeneger when he got on Mars, remember that movie. That will basically happen to you.
Who let you in the VIP section?
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I'm not convinced either way of weather we landed on the moon or not. I've not seen the episode, but bouncing a lazer off the moon doesn't need a reflector (man made) at the other end to achieve.
In fact bouncing a lazer off a reflector placed on the moon by man would be even more difficult to achieve as the reflector would have to be positioned exactly right (to the thousandth of a millimeter) to bounce the lazer back to it's originating position. One thousandth of a milimiter off and the lazer would miss it's rebound mark by hundreds of miles. However, bouncing a lazer off the ground is very easy to achieve. They do it all the time in surveying and even with some satelite systems.
I have on the other hand seen indisputable proof that NASA doctored MANY of the photographs which came back from the moon. One comes to mind where the lander is parked in front of a cross which is supposely etched directly onto the cameras lense. Phisically impossible unless the picture had been doctored/faked.
I'll be convinced it happened when I see independent images of the lander base sat on the moon. It should still be there, along with a rover and other assorted junk.
Creator of ELTank and Nostalgia