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I added up the number of posts here. The number was over 990. That means 1 in 5 posts here are by me.
Most of those posts are fights over how people post. Others are the same complaints over and over again. Since people are constantly replying, that means most of what’s posted here is JUNK.
When Talad was posting, he screwed up. But when you make a mistake on the internet, it’s there forever. The ps devs are changing the way they represent themselves for the better. But with all the crap that’s happened, a fresh start is hard.
I keep saying I support the game, but I haven't put my money where my mouth is.
What do we think of a forum flush?
Say yes or no... and maybe why...
Edit: Tuxide has added a poll to the thread. Please vote in it.
Talad promotes uncivil behavior.
If I posted it anywhere but here, people wouldn't see it. We can show this thread to the mods once people make their opinions known.
I thought about making a poll, but I want people to reveal themselves if they vote.
Talad promotes uncivil behavior.
With so many negative things being said, that weren't anywhere close to relevant, but instead combating between people that have hopefully now grown up and moved on.... I see no need for any of those comments to remain, as they'll just bring up bad memories and can't be good for the project.
Talad promotes uncivil behavior.
Not to be rude, but we don't owe SomethingAwful anything. Let them have a dead link in their article.
Painting over graffiti works. People are far more likely to respect a place that's taken care of. People are far more likely to disgrace a place that's neglected.
I respect your neutrality.
I voted no. I don't think things should be "voided" just to get rid of the possible evidence.
Are things being deleted simply to cover up? or are they truly being removed due to "junk".
What happens if there are valid points in the so-called flush or valid opinions? Or is it that one person wants a forum flush to hide things they may have said so they may start over again?
No... I say let the person who reads it all sort it out for themselves.
Yes, to cover up the mistakes people have made. Since the ps team is trying to improve, they don't deserve to have mistakes of the past haunting them, and what has been posted here can only get in the way of future growth.
As far as the valid points people have made, I think the pro of a forum wipe is bigger than the cost.
By mistakes haunting them, I mean mistakes made by them, mistakes made by people defending them, and mistakes made by people criticising them. All of these have happen.
Um? Okay? So far the only "mistakes" I have seen are those that you tried to point out... so... Help me out here???? who are you trying to protect???
You bash PS and then try to protect them???? How very... inappropriate
You might not like my answers, but I have answered those questions.
I like ps. I'm also critical of parts of it.
I don't want to protect the devs from fair criticism.
The devs are trying to improve. They should be allowed to improve. Wiping this forum will help them do that.
If you don't think the devs and their "defenders" have made mistakes, I don't know what to tell you.
I just think it's a tad... oh... I don't know... hypocritical of you to say that 'M'.
I mean.. you seem to be the best at what you do as far as bashing people and then wanting to erase all trace of it so that it doesn't reflect poorly on you.
Are you really asking that we shouldn't make you feel any worse than you already do??? I mean... come on here... what's the deal? (sound familiar people?)
Bash and erase???
Do you think it's okay to beat the heck out of someone and then say, "oops. sorry, let's have a do over?"
The Devs have nothing to be ashamed of!!!! They responded to the rants and that's that. There are several other forums out there with the same junk as you well know.
What it boils down to is people will try the game or they wont. it's that simple. If they do, they will find wonderful people with wonderful devs. There are the occasional bad mouthers and ney sayers, (as well as the woe is me people eh 'M'?) but they will make their own decisions and learn their way around just like the rest of us did.
Having a forum wipe so you can start bashing PS again won't work!
If the devs have nothing to be ashamed of, why did Talad try to erase his posts?
"oops. sorry, let's have a do over" isn't how I'd say it, since I think everyone has made mistakes. Maybe what I want to achieve can't be put into words, but I assure you my motivations are true.
Maybe you shouldn't think about my motivations at all. Instead, think about what you'd actually be getting from what would actually be happening.
You're in attack mode right now. I can understand why, even though I don't agree with it. But we should all be looking at the bigger picture right now.
I apologize 'M'. I should know better. You wouldn't see it as a do over. You'd see it as a fresh start. I do understand that. What you don't seem to get is that you've been found out.
You've been called out on the floor and now you are back peddling something fierce.
I'm not at all thinking of your motivations. But then again, I don't think you are either. You slam away, then say, "uh... let's erase the forums". When you are called on that one, then you try to redirect by saying I'm in attack mode.
These are all typical ploys that you've used one too many times and under too many names.
We Get It 'M'! Believe me!!!! We get it. You don't want to feel worse than you already do. We've heard it before.
You want us all to look at the bigger picture???? Then why did you do it?
You think I'm in attack mode. Is that what you call it now? Why would you even think that for a second? Please... tell me... PM me and let me know why you think I"m in attack mode. You claim you understand but don't agree, but... you don't say why I'm (as you say) in attack mode.
Who am I 'M' that you know my motivations so well?
You messed up! Accept it like you did back in March (edit, sorry it was April), apologize, and get over it. Then move on and don't continue the bashing.
You want to help? Take the advice the devs already gave you to heart. Follow the links they provided and do something rather than rant and rave.
And stop claiming to know what other people are thinking and ask rather than tell them. I am not in attack mode 'M'. I'm defending something that is dear to me. There is a difference.
There have been posts on both sides consisting of both bad and good, positive and negative. Nullifying peoples opinions on either side of the fence serves no purpose but to foster undue resentment on both sides.
Not to mention the many posts which will follow, questioning censorship of these forums after so much of the posting here has been made in regards to the alleged censorship of the PS forum.
Let what is written ride. If you have a change of opinion or direction, show it through new posts/threads. Noone will know of that change, or what brought it about if the posts containing the previous viewpoints are removed.
Furthermore, let it stand as a reminder to both sides how far off center discussion of a particular game can get depending on the posters' feelings/intent.
Just my $.02
apsendplayer, I assure you I will never claim to know what you're thinking.
Zorvan that's definately a strong case for the NO. Although I'm uncomfortable calling it censorship. Censorship would be banning certain topics, ideas, ways of thinking, anything critical etc. This would just be a wipe of the forum.
Wiping IS censoring. It is the hiding of previous writings to avoid the consequences of those writings. The only time forums are removed here is if a game goes under, and even then they are not wiped. Anyone with an old link can still bring them up for discussion.
Asking for a wipe is no different than Talad coming through and editing out all his posts to cover his ass.