Anyone have any ideas on this i have been searching thru website's , anyone have any ideas on where to find info or if you have any put them in this post , about all classes
sorry, haven't seen anything concrete on Allahkazams, but I have seen a lot on specific class sites. You just have to look for it.
Which class are you mostly interested in? My main is a Shadow Knight and I spend my time at and they have an extensive thread (or three) on the subject...
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---------------------------------------- My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
And yes, they have added New Epics to the game. These however, appear to be Epic Epics and not just particle effect weapons.
Newark, Dark Elf Shadow Knight (DESK) Druzzil Ro ---------------------------------------- Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitmos
---------------------------------------- My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
sorry, haven't seen anything concrete on Allahkazams, but I have seen a lot on specific class sites. You just have to look for it.
Which class are you mostly interested in? My main is a Shadow Knight and I spend my time at and they have an extensive thread (or three) on the subject...
Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitmos
My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
Rogue , have checked the safehouse
Oh god no.. They aren't adding more epic quests are they?
Epic 2.0 - 1.5 / Rogue, Safehouse Not being a rogue, I didn't look to close, but it appears to be a walkthrough..
And yes, they have added New Epics to the game. These however, appear to be Epic Epics and not just particle effect weapons.
Newark, Dark Elf Shadow Knight (DESK)
Druzzil Ro
Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitmos
My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.