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hello everyone :-)
Im getting more and more into Marauder, but i also see video that show marauder are very bad in pvp.. like this 1, a order fighting some marauders
anyone here tried or was against marauders, that can say how they really are?
thx in advanced :-)
My son made a marauder during the preview weekend. He is 17. He had a blast and said out of everything he had tried, the Marauder put out the most DPS (in his opinion) and he couldn't understand why everyone was so unhappy with them. Of course, he didn't run straight into a line or bright wizards who were at a standoff with our ranged DPS, he was smart about it, flanked them and then helped cause a complete route of the enemy (with me and my other son helping) forces who were suprised we came up behind them and dropped 5-6 casters before they even knew what his them. BTW, I was playing a DoK and my other son was a Black Orc. Hope this helps!
Paper, Rock, Scissors. That Marauder was fighting a defensive specced Ironbreaker. MDPS aren't designed to tank. They're designed to flank and massacre soft-skins. Once you engage there's no running because of your melee controls. That and I'm terrified of marauders during seiges running up and tentacle pulling of the RDPSers off the wall and into a pack of mad-dog destruction. Never seen it done but I've heard of it.
Just a few questions for other viewers, are iron breakers really that overpowered? Can marauders wield a 2h axe? im sure I saw one.. can witch elves stealth in mid combat (vanish)?
Ty very much, so basicly, they are awesome in dps, but die easly? how do they manage to stay alive if they need to get close to dps?
do they have any kind of stealth?
and what do u mean about flank around? Not to sure how they do nice dps without stealth of some kind, a range dps would nuke them far ahead :-)
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no iron breakers just HAD a OP ability that made it so they would do a crap ton fo damage to multiple targets very fast, there killable but hard fairly well balanced. Second marauders cant wield 2handers from what i remember but three are 1 hander models for them that make it look like they do (thats a 80% certain level) witch elves do have the bility to stealth in battle but its nota vanish u can stil see them they just get the option to use a openner whch reduces the cost of thre spells by 50% for x amount of time.
Now to comment on mauraders they are a very powerful and viable source of dps throughout the entire game they get very nice abilitys and i havent watched the video but im sures its some noob that yet has learned how to use the class viably in battle.
Just to add to this thread, in that youtube video the marauder is spec sarvergy. In this mastery you can get many anit tank abilities.
1. for ten seconds you can reduce armor by 75%
2. going deep sav improves rend, which is a bleed, and therefore by passes armor
3. Lastly, They also can get a ability which makes the enemy take damage on every melee ability they do.
Someone probably said this before but the marauder must of been very new, of course it is beta.
(Also, after 2 or more years of lurking, i've made an account )
Let me see if I get this correct,
You want the awsome dps, but you also want oustanding armor and defensive and a AOF ranged nuke that is second to none.
Thi s class is not the lead in and charge type, that job is the tank. Your job is to go in second or come from the side.
Flank, or to flank. To cccupy a position at the flank (or side) of an opponent.
It's not that the marauder is underpowered, but more or less the ironbreaker (and all the tanks from what I've seen excluding the swordmaster) are overpowered.
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...
Tanks are NOT overpowered. They work perfectly. If you expect to defeat a tank in melee then you are playing wrong. Tank vs Tank is an even fight in melee, but melee DPS vs Tank, the tank SHOULD win due to the extra defenses. On the other hand, Melee DPS that gets even close to a ranged DPS completely mows them down - as designed. Ranged DPS kills both melee DPS and tanks with no problem whatsoever as long as they maintain range. Saying a tank is overpowered in this game is pure fiction.
no iron breakers just HAD a OP ability that made it so they would do a crap ton fo damage to multiple targets very fast, there killable but hard fairly well balanced. Second marauders cant wield 2handers from what i remember but three are 1 hander models for them that make it look like they do (thats a 80% certain level) witch elves do have the bility to stealth in battle but its nota vanish u can stil see them they just get the option to use a openner whch reduces the cost of thre spells by 50% for x amount of time.
Now to comment on mauraders they are a very powerful and viable source of dps throughout the entire game they get very nice abilitys and i havent watched the video but im sures its some noob that yet has learned how to use the class viably in battle.
Marauders CAN use 2 handed axes. They just can't mutate their arm when doing so. Educational video: , at 6:50 for the 2 hander bit.
They do great DPS , but as all classes in WAR , only shine while playing in a team. Hang out with a melee healer and a tank and you will top DPS charts and wreck disorganized mob 3 time your size. The vid seen are mostly players using them like WOW DPS warrior and running into a zerg trying to hit soft targets before they get dropped.
Marauders can use 2 handed weapons.
There's videos from br3ntbr0 on youtube or go to his website at for the descriptive (and very helpful) videos. He shows his marauder using a 2 handed axe.
As far as the marauder being under or over powered.....I think they are just about right. When I played my White Lion I'll admit that it seemed as if they were really weak, but I never really played one. I think with the correct specs against the right type of player they are badass. I have never heard of them being weak.
Tanks are NOT overpowered. They work perfectly. If you expect to defeat a tank in melee then you are playing wrong. Tank vs Tank is an even fight in melee, but melee DPS vs Tank, the tank SHOULD win due to the extra defenses. On the other hand, Melee DPS that gets even close to a ranged DPS completely mows them down - as designed. Ranged DPS kills both melee DPS and tanks with no problem whatsoever as long as they maintain range. Saying a tank is overpowered in this game is pure fiction.
I was simply speaking of what I've been seeing in this game first hand. You're right, an ironbreaker should be able to defeat a melee DPS, it's rock/paper/scissors. But I shouldn't be able to mow down every single freakin' class that gets in my way, which I have been doing quite easily. It's like in kindergarden when that one kid makes a volcano with their hands and that supposedly destroys rock paper and scissors. My marauder, on the other hand, dies almost instantaneously. When I'm able to take the long but uncrowded route to the back of my enemy, and I catch a bright wizard off guard, he'll still mow me down.
Yes, some classes *gasp!* are more powerful then others. Not that it's nothing that you couldn't expect, especially considering there's 20 classes in this game (I could probably say 12 or 14 with most order and destruction classes being a mirror to another), but it does happen.
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...
I think we have pretty much the same opinion then.
Marauders can not use 2 handers, it's a skin bug which happens sometimes, from what ive heard.
It wouldnt makse sense for the marauder to use a 2 hander for white damage and ignore the mutation abilities.
does the mutated hand give u nice bonus damage, and do u see him use it? or is it just a bonus number?
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Hello, everyone. This is my first post, I found from google. I was tired from the outside so I spent awhile looking at all the online games I might be interested in by typing in mmorpg. I found this site and it looked interesting so I signed up.
I have alittle question about Marauder too, I've been following this game for awhile and I pre-ordered CE from Amazon (Good place to get it from btw)
My question is, how do the the mutation proccesses change from one another. For example: The Scythe hand or w/e and the sword hand. Are they different as in they have different abilities or do they just have different stats like an actual weapon? Sorry if this has been said before.
Thanks in advance
For the 3 posters above me. I just posted a video answering all you questions and "from what i've heard" thing. Lol skin bug.
Check out They have the listings of all of the classes and career abilities. Each mutation offers a different style of attacks and abilities. There is a little overlap, but each mutation has it's own strength and weakness.
Oh alright, I'll have to check it out. Ty again.
Hmm...I looked at the video, they're pretty interesting but that Chosen Video really sparked at me.
If you prefer melee, roll a tank.
Most tanks (especially the Ironbreaker) are currently OP. Just be safe and roll one, chances are that you won't regret it.
Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.
Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.
Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.
Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.
Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.
Thats some video from some guy. Mythic disagrees.
Look have way down to "marauders looks". Enjoy the read.
And it might not be a skin bug fine, but its not intentional.
If you prefer high melee dps dont roll a tank.
If you prefer moderate melee dps and higher survivability roll a tank.
The tank roll is to get in there first and hope for heals so he can get the enemy lines in trouble but not by damaging just by debuffing and blocking (colission) enemy players and holding the line of the enemy melees to not get to the rangers/healers in the back.
Most tanks are just fine though not overpowered anyway.
I agree that Iron breaker seems abit overpowered cause it has crazy survivability and pretty high damage for a tank but the rest are just right.
all you gotta do to stop a ironbreakers dps is deny him grudge, they get grudge when you hit them and their grudge buddy (probably his healer or next nearest ironbreaker) when they have full grudge from being hit they do their high dps, when they have no grudge because you ignore them and kill the brightwizards and healers first their dps is laughable. just my personal observations from playing but ya a grudgless ib hits me for about 25% of what a pissed off full of grudge one could in the same gear =D dont hit the lil bastard till ur ready to kill him flat out hehe
Tanks are not OP. In fact, mauraders can kill tanks. The truth is most players are simply horriblle players, sad to say. I picked up quick on the shaman ability that does damage while you move and guess what? People still die to it all the time.
Tanks want to be hit. That is what they crave and what they are designed to do. And then people do it and complain. Funny, eh?
Mauraders are a great class and like all melee dps require thought to play. In fact most of the classes except ranged dps (just a little bit, it is not like they really easy to play simply easier) do. People come in with a WoW mentality and then get raped. Personally, I get -really- surprised when a Maurader attacks me, especially since I am a shield Swordmaster. They have no right to complain if they lose because I chose to excel against melee damage, but neither do I if I lose because then I know they chose to counter me by exceling at killing tanks.
And no, it is not rock-paper-scissors. That statement is made out of ignorance. The closer truth is in 1 v 1 you never know who will win unless you decide to spec against a particular playstyle. For example, I can kill casters despite them being my "weakness". And still I have lost to mauraders. It really depends on a lot, a dash of luck, player skill (reaction, timing, ect), and how you are speced (gear/mastery/renown talent). As far as melee dps classes go, if that is your thing maurader will not dissapoint and they are an interesting class that gets some cool armor. If I was Destruction I might be tempted to play one, actually.
Here are some high level armor for each class, note how nice Mauraders look and their different mutations. (Note these are a bit old and the game does not have High-res textures in yet. This is expected to be enabled during Open Beta.)