good for you lol. at least mythic spends the 15 a month on servers/new content unlike some other nameless game (cough wow cough) that makes millions a month and churns out boreing lackluster contant and whos servers just get more and more laggy due to outdated hardware that cant handle the amount of dummies they stuff into one and are using laggy old dial up connections and pentium 3 era pcs.
good for you lol. at least mythic spends the 15 a month on servers/new content unlike some other nameless game (cough wow cough) that makes millions a month and churns out boreing lackluster contant and whos servers just get more and more laggy due to outdated hardware that cant handle the amount of dummies they stuff into one and are using laggy old dial up connections and pentium 3 era pcs. are , if you cant notice that this is troll/sarcasm post by op.. oh .. ye and bashing wow is generaly retarded. dont like it dont play..general wow bashing passed when aoc was left to die.. bringing it back again for warrhammer isnt needed
Unsubstantiated comments about specific or general games will be penalized in nearly the same way attacks against people will. The exception is that you can say mean things about games provided you back it up with reasons.
Example: "Game X sucks." is not a legitimate comment. "Game X sucks, because..." is acceptable
Congratulations on breaking the rules of conduct, OP. Not a good way to get on the staff's good side being so new. You should check this out first before posting anymore
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
good for you lol. at least mythic spends the 15 a month on servers/new content unlike some other nameless game (cough wow cough) that makes millions a month and churns out boreing lackluster contant and whos servers just get more and more laggy due to outdated hardware that cant handle the amount of dummies they stuff into one and are using laggy old dial up connections and pentium 3 era pcs.
Good constructive posts always prime these forums.
As a matter of facts: no one is going to spend 15 dollars a month for "churning out boreing lackluster contant (sic) ... on laggy ... outdated hardware".
Keep up the attacks. Makes for some good laughs.
To the OP: isn't it strange developpers/publishers of most mediocre MMORPG's don't realise this???
good for you lol. at least mythic spends the 15 a month on servers/new content unlike some other nameless game (cough wow cough) that makes millions a month and churns out boreing lackluster contant and whos servers just get more and more laggy due to outdated hardware that cant handle the amount of dummies they stuff into one and are using laggy old dial up connections and pentium 3 era pcs. are , if you cant notice that this is troll/sarcasm post by op.. oh .. ye and bashing wow is generaly retarded. dont like it dont play..general wow bashing passed when aoc was left to die.. bringing it back again for warrhammer isnt needed
This forum is full of fail attempts of trolling/replying to troll posts.
Game Attacks
Unsubstantiated comments about specific or general games will be penalized in nearly the same way attacks against people will. The exception is that you can say mean things about games provided you back it up with reasons.
Example: "Game X sucks." is not a legitimate comment. "Game X sucks, because..." is acceptable
Congratulations on breaking the rules of conduct, OP. Not a good way to get on the staff's good side being so new. You should check this out first before posting anymore
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Good constructive posts always prime these forums.
As a matter of facts: no one is going to spend 15 dollars a month for "churning out boreing lackluster contant (sic) ... on laggy ... outdated hardware".
Keep up the attacks. Makes for some good laughs.
To the OP: isn't it strange developpers/publishers of most mediocre MMORPG's don't realise this???