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Hope u read this arron..
ANyways here is a small list of suggestions or things I would not mind seeing in starport.
1: Balance evil/good Make it so that those able to stay at starports and log out(only when u log out, not when u are online) get 2x or 3x the warp fuel regeneration when u log out at a starport. Also, increase the number of red NPC's, there are way too many yellow ones, and hardly any reds(I have had to pay constantly on bounties to keep my rep up, because losing UN commision is painful both in rep and XP)
2: New ships that are on par with the UN, Seather, etc. Give more choice. maybe a ship with a special weapon that actualy absorbs weapon fire(not explosive weapons, but energy weapons) and replaces sheilds/energy or both. Make it work sort of like the cloaking device, where while it is activated, your energry does not regenerate.
3: New main weapon choices. How about something that is comparative to the gravaton beam, but has a diffrent effect(maybe upgraded pea shooter, etc.. something that has better range but lower damage, or does not have auto targeting but does a LOT more damage)
4: New colony defences.. add turrents that reduce energy, but don't touch sheilds, add turrents with capabilities similar to the graviton beam, etc. Make it so there is slightly more stragerty in colony defence that just choke the entrence with 100 turents and keep the dome surrounded by those turrents. An Idea I had was spider or magnetic mines that will all move toward the invading ship and explode when they hit it.
5: Unlikly idea: but when a ship breaches a dome, why not add a minigame that is similar to those old syle stragerty games, where you have to actualy invade with troops. Maybe make it so u have to buy those troops from starports(another use for coloniests?) and assign them jobs in the invasion force. Bigger ships can hold more troops, and there could be a seprate hold for them alone. Make so that if a player is online and in a colony when it is invaded can control his own troops, and the higher the morale the better they are, and if not online, the computer takes over, and the invader must reach the central dome control unit with his special (leader, himself, whatever) alive. If he fails this part of the invasion, he is ejected into space with his ship. (ship is not destroyed, but all troops are removed, and left on the colony as new colonists)
I know these idea's problay won't be looked at, but I would like to see a game that lasts longer, and also would like to see more than just UN's, seathers, IG's in the endgame. Make more choice at the higher levels of play.
Don't make new ships that totaly own the rest, my idea is 2-3 more ships to both allignments that have 16000 sheilds, but diffrent turning, thrust, WP conversation, etc, so taht there is more than just 2(or one, depending if u are good or evil) choices.
Heh, remember me? sorry for killing u again. Heres my thoughts on your suggestions:
1: I think right now there is a good balance of red and yellow npcs, its just that the red ones are usually off in hard to find systems while yellow ones are on the main routes.
2: I agree with there being a new ship to chose from, but at the same time I think that they would have to upgrade the IG's shields to 17k. Too make it a little easier to those who donate.
3: A new weapon would be nice, I think they should remove the death ray, I don't know of anyone who uses it.
4: I like the idea of the spider mines, but i'd like a mine that can be recharged by the colonies' military setting, it is not worth it right now to buy or make mines.
5: I think that this idea would take up too much space on the server. It would be fun, but this is not a point and click game.
And after reading your post i just can't stand having you call the sethdar the seather. lol
Now that i've typed all this I relize that this should be in the suggestions board.
Luckily enough, I did stumble across this!
1. The goal with the good / evil balance is exactly that--to balance it out. I think right now there may not be enough people playing evil, and that is why the red NPCs get hunted more. Its supposed to be a self-balancing system, another words, if less people are playing evil it becomes more profitable to go evil, and vice versa. Often times people complain about life being too easy for evils because you can rob. If such is the case then more people should go evil. The amount of credits you can rob is actually affected by how many people are robbing, just like supply and demand rates are affected by popularity with trade routes. I have to admit, I don't think fuel generation rate is the proper way to balance between good and evil characters. That said, having fuel generate faster when you're offline, just as general rule, Inn or not, has always been an idea of consideration.
2. The Merchant Freighter's special weapon, termed 'Point Defense', does a good job of neutralizing big enemy bullets. I realize not a lot of people go with the Merchant Freighter for other shortcomings it has, but I think its defensive possibilities may still be a little under utilized. What I want to do is rather than create new ships or weapons, is to go through all the ships and weapons currently in the game and improve them in ways that they can be more unique and useful. In SGE there is another balancing factor for ships and weapons which is cost. Since the game is about making money in large part, the weapons and ships that cost more should be better, but I still would like to make the lower cost weapons and ships just a bit more useful and competitive. I'll be working on it. Definitely the main idea will be to improve existing ships and weapons rather than make new ones. If you have ideas for that please go ahead.
3. See #2
4. I would like to see one or two more devices for defense in the game. Right now the top two choices are 'Laser Turret' and 'Barricade'. Laser Turret would fire bullets that bounce unlike the flak cannon, and barricade would act like a wall with hit points. I'm trying to get around to adding these, its on my list.
5. Too complex. I have to stick with what Starport is and not try to make new games out of it. I have to concentrate on the essentials and make them as best they can be. Also, this would be really hard to implement.
If you have suggestions on improving the Death Ray please go ahead. Also, a starpedia page with better details on all the weapons in the game is coming soon.
Starport Administrator
Starport Administrator
I got an idea about the death ray, if u want to hear me out. U know how torpedo's have a blast radius factor? give that to the death ray, make it so tat a ship at point blank range of the death ray takes insane abounts of damage(2x the grav beam?) but make it so that the death ray has a cone range in front of the ship that gets less and les the furter it is out(make it have as much range as the hellbore, and the end of the arc of the cone does pathetic amounts of damage(10 per secnd) but when at point blank it does 500 per second---just numbers to give idea of what I mean, do't use this coul dbe done by making the death ray actualy 3 lines and if a ship is on 2 of those lines it takes the damage squared, if on one line it takes base damage, and if on all three(point blank) takes cubed damage. think of a V shape with a line running up the middle.. have it arc more so that there is no way, at full or half range to get all three lines on a target, but at close range all three can hit, causing lots of damage. Keep the same effect look(just larger) but the three lines would help to decide damage factor(or use 5, 7, whatever) the more lines that hit the target(I.E the closer the target is to the shooter) the more damage the target recives per second.
And one more thing I noticed, not sure if it is a bug or not, but the garbage barges special weapon, the tractor beam, lags me horribaly.. it even made me crash(tested with low level NPC) the longer the npc is in the system that you are on, the worse the beam lags you when he is on the screen. My FPS droped to 1 then I dropped because of this(radion 9800, 128 meg, pent 4, 2.8 ghz, 1 gb dual chan ram)
I have plenty of ideas and suggestions, but mst have been said. But about your idea of making the ships diffrent, keep the special weapons with each 'hull' but allow us to upgrade the ships. Put a cap on turning, speed, thrust, etc on each hull so that the added result is always the same(give scores for each, add them all up -- the max's -- and give all ships this number, taking sheilds, cargo, WP effencny, turning, thrust, top speed, etc into consideration, and give all ships the same over all max-upgraded score. Then in endgames, u would see a LOT more variaty, allowing more chalange. Think, a 16k sheild speedy little avenger, or a dreamsower with mega sheilds, and that teamed up with a sethdar, one EMPing, the other flowerpowering, etc... As it is now, if I see anything except a seth, UN, IG ship, it is basicaly an easy target, and I feel no challange. I would like to be able to wonder to myself in every battle if the fight will be worth it.
I would help u out with how to do it if u want, my idea was basicaly keep all the ships as they are, (fiddle with prices a bit maybe, but leave them alone) and just throw in 'upgrades' the more expensive ships are closer to thier max, but are cheaper in the end to upgrade totaly. A UN would cost ua total of 5 mil to get all top weapons, sheilds, etc, while a barge or whale could take 6 or more.
I would like to see more than just the tried and true seth/UN + Grav beam around. I want to see ppl using fussion blasts effectivly, or death rays(my idea above would work, but it would have to cost more)
Also, one more thing. Increase the radius of damage from explosive weapons(torps, etc) and make it so that non energy weapons can actualy shoot them down and detonate them. (IE: Torpedo's being shot down by pea shooters, etc)
And I would also love to see at least 2 new ships.. just cuz I have tried them all and want to see what else u make
Either way, the game is going in the right direction so far, and I keep finding myself coming back to it. I still feel that I do not donate enough though