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Believe it or Not The Revolutions is here.......The Perfect World Every American has been looking for FINALLY ARRIVED!!! The Instant Sensation in Asia, made its way to the long anticipated and talked about arrival to North America. This game is ready to change the way North American nerds view MMORPG'S that come out in the future. This is the start of a Revolution, and when you look back you can be proud to say that the revolution started with Perfect World and with your help. This game is very unique in that it is the only free to play MMORPG that has breathtaking graphics, I mean the landscape is BEAUTIFUL!!! The characters flawless. Better then ALL free to play games. This game has 6 classes and 3 Races each specializing in their own tactics. Each will mesmerize you with their individual beauty and skills.
Winged Elves:
Winged Elves are extremely entertaining to play as, due to the fact that you can fly from the very moment you enter A Perfect World. Also Male characters can lug around their girlfriends or "special" friends while flying and share a special moment with the "Embrace" option. This race supports 2 classes. The Archer, and the Cleric. Now Archer's are the basic bow and arrow, but what is not so basic about them is that they can fly and fight at the same time. Making for fun and interesting battles. Only problem is you cant fly forever, only until your MP runs out. Clerics on the other hand, Are the best class in my opinion because they can fly forever and never have to touch the ground EVER! You can fight in mid-air, talk to NPC's, and pick up items. Making this game fun!
The untamed are the animal race in this game. They are half human and half animal. This race also supports 2 classes. The Ultra Seductive Venomancer's, and the Wild Barbarians. Both classes feature animal-like appearances from the start.Also at level 30 they can fly on giant swords with really cool effects around the swords. Venomancer's can transform into foxes, and seduce wild monsters and twist their will to fight for them. But this class is exclusively Female. Barbarian's on the other hand are strictly Male and can morph into a white tiger giving them special buffs, attacks and increased movement speed. This class can also carry other characters on their back making party traveling or making your girlfriend look like royalty.
Humans being the most popular race in the game feature 2 classes. The Wizards, and the Blademaster's. Also at level 30 they can also fly on giant swords with really cool effects around the swords (just like the Untamed). The Wizards can strike down any monster with the power of magic. Just like any other game...right!? WRONG!! The special effects and high quality graphics in this game make the attacks of the wizard make any strong warrior cower in fear and hide in a dark corner crying out for mommy. Blademaster's are the melee class in Perfect World. But unlike other classes they have very unique and original moves making them the ideal person to party with.
Now most of you are probably bored of reading this saying that it is just like the other MMORPG'S that comes to America. Give it a few months and the GM's wont come on and will stop patrolling the servers making all the assholes stop causing fights. Well wrong the GM's are friendly, VERY ACTIVE, and a blast to hang out with oh and you could also beg for ZEN!!! =D Dont assume this game is like all the other ones because then you will be missing out on the best game of this century! So please join, the welcomed arms of the community is waiting. Start The REVOLUTION!! and start it now with your help by playing Perfect World. It's what you always wanted.
And pvp is ruined right fron the get go.
How, instant heal item shop items.
Not only will you HAVE to buy these to compete, but if you dont youll fight against a player that has a reserve of thousands of hitpoints that kick in and insta heals him at half health to full. Now the counter argument of this fact is that you can buy them from players selling them...
Meaning... spend real money so that you can be on lvl ground, or give all your in game money to your potentual enemy so you can be on lvl ground, at least for a fight.
There is no other choice.
The games fun for a pve game, but pvp nah look elsewhere, seriously its far far from perfect.
Did i mention the combat lag and the pause when using skills. How about how the mobs hit you even after they are dead cause they cant seem to sync the game server with the mob server...
Cant be my pc, all the time
q6600 quadcore 64 cpu
8800 gts SC'd
4gig of corsair x2 twin turbo
680I A1 mobo
Nine hundred case.
Vista 64
8mb download/2mb upload, comcast gaming grade internet connection
Scored over 14000 on the latest benchmark
thats the top 10% worldwide
FoE Fist of the Empire
I havent had any combat lag at all, and not monster has ever hit me after it being dead. The only time ive had lag is in one of the main cities but that is from there being a crap load of new players there.
Yeah, I noticed some combat 'lag'. I think it's intentional though, and has to do with the casting time and the 'preparation' time, or whatever it is. Anyway it's kind of annoying.
And is the OP getting paid for this? That post is pretty ridiculous, reminds me of a Ron Paul supporter.
Actually it's scary how many posts I've seen in this PW part of the forum that seem like they're definitely made by people who work for the company. It's a bit ridiculous, no one real seems to talk that way about games.
That said however, I haven't had a chance to play much but I have played a bit and had a lot of fun. It's hard to believe this is a free game and while it has its flaws it seems to me that people who like roleplay will really like this one.
Best feature by far, for me anyway, is character customization. It just about rivals the Sims 2.
I say, give it a shot, it's free and better looking then any other free to play game out there that I've seen, and didn't kill my computer.
Looking forward to: Stargate Worlds
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This is a fun game, but as stated above you can get hit after the monster is dead. Also, the chat system has some problems. If you are in squad chat you cannot see faction chat at all. This should be corrected in future updates hopefully. Typical Asian mmorpg in that the quests run out at lvl 40 and it becomes a grindfest (hopefully this will be addressed in future upgrades) and also you lose exp if you die (unless you buy a guardian angel from cash shop). Dragon quests will drive you crazy with flying here and there for no reward on and on until the end (forget teleporting it will suck all your in game money). I found out I can go to a certain altitude and just click on the horizen and go do something else till my toon gets there...really kinda senseless all in all...Teleport prices should be much lower.
I started playing a few months ago, and I assure you I don't work for PW. I've watched this game go from it's alpha launch testing to one of the top rated free mmorpgs. And it's BULLSHIT that you have to buy from the company. I havn't spent a dime and I am a well-renouned player. It's great. I don't notice the lags. It's called shitty computer if you ask me. Or jest some whiny bitch. Also They have inprovement releases quite freequently, so if you experianced trouble before, it's either crap computer or before they upgraded.
Free to play games always have their limits though, and PW is limited by its grindy nature, its low level graphics-and believe me, I know graphics- it's cash shop potential, it's grinders and it's relatively slow paced combat. While it has some promising features and ideas, the P2P has really killed this one. Had the dev company taken more time in long distance rendering and better texturing, it could have easily been graphically quite good.
For F2P it's not bad.
It's almost 2010, and I am just not wiling to tolerate clunky graphics while being told that "gameplay is more important than graphics". That excuse won't wash with me any more. I expect my games to have both good graphics and good gameplay.
-Quote Isoke(VN boards)
Cheak the textures, go on, do it. You'll find that it's not even CLOSE to being the same 100 or eaven 1000 pixles over and over. Everything was done by hand. You can't argue this game being bad for being free and having restrictions because this is China's WoW and if you play the Chinease verson, you pay. This is a private server of a P2P game. It has almost NO grinding. The most grinding you do is for a quest. Thats the ONLY time I ever have. It's like Maple Story's storylines. They made it perfect to where you get to the next LVL with JUST the right amount of quest XP and there is a quest find button to help you. You can make it to lvl 80 on pure questing alone. and if you run out there is a thing called the dragon quest that you cn do any time for a huge amount of XP.
Looking at the ground from the sky it looked like tiling had been laid down. I could see an obvious pattern.
Anyway, I didn't like it because:
1) It offered nothing new (flight is a gimmick in the game in my opinion)
2) It wasn't polished enough. There's no excuse for overlapping interface elements for example.
Ok first of all tell me another F2P game that is this nice. I dont love it but is a good game to play until, Aion and RoM are out. Dont get me wrong i know it has flaws and all but there's nothing out there that cant top this F2P for now.
and yeah i have had my share on MMO's:
Guild Wars-Lineage2-Ragnarok online-Ragnarok Online 2-Lord of the Rings-World of Warcrap-World of Kungfu-Silk Road-9 Dragons-Arch Lord-RF online-Atlantica online-City of Heroes-Kabal Online-Eudemons-Flyff-Maple Story-Phantasy star online...and a couple more. SO
A weapon doesnt make a Warrior Legendary, Is the warrior who makes the weapon.
Ah,,, you're on a PRIVATE server, that makes a big difference. Well I played on the PUBLIC server "oracle", and it's completely different when you level like the dev's originally intended.
And I did say that for a F2P game it is indeed good, but the problem is that its F2P. Graphically it's fine, but not good. Particularly at long distance, maybe i'm just spoiled with Medieval 2....
It's almost 2010, and I am just not wiling to tolerate clunky graphics while being told that "gameplay is more important than graphics". That excuse won't wash with me any more. I expect my games to have both good graphics and good gameplay.
-Quote Isoke(VN boards)
wow, dude, you played the gay verson. This is perfect world INTERNATIONAL!!!! It is a private server. It's the AMERICAN verson of an asian game. There is no private server. You played the PW English. Which is the asian server with a cheap crappy translator.
Yeah, from what I can tell, the combat delay isn't a bug, or a performance issue, it's a design flaw. I've seen it in other games, and it's annoying as hell when you're accustomed to quick-reacting combat systems.
It serves the same purpose as the "global cooldown" in other games, but in a completely annoying fashion. It makes the interface feel sluggish and sloppy.
...Until ROM is out?
The open beta starts today so the game is on
Um you know maybe you should look at all the game settings before saying something has problems. You're saying its a problem, but that's the DEFAULT settings! They have it so that if you're in squad chat you don't see some other chats, same way with faction you can't see squad chat among others. You can go to system settings then click one of the tabs and change any chat so that it shows what you want. Right now I have it so that every chat shows everything.
Lose xp if you die? That's been around since FOREVER so what you complaining about? Asian MMORPGs didn't introduce it.
And the quests dont run out at 40. You basically get 2-3 quests every level then you have quests (dragon quests and daily quests) that you can do every day fyi. Not only that, but you can help people do their FB and earn a bunch of xp and items. You can also buy quest scrolls from other players for around 30k-40k which instantly give you quests to do.