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Bravo on the new changes!


Ol' Stump approves heartily o' the new information available on the planets. Now there be less guessin' 'bout how things be changin'. Now, it tells ye how much yer Morale be increasin' per hour, but it don't tell ye how much further ye gotta go t'get to the next level, 'n how much in total be needed t'reach the oft times ellusive Unity.

Now that ye can see exactly how much population ye be generatin' per hour... ye can pretty easily see how large o' a impact Medice has on growth rate. Ol' Stump's playin' 'round with it now t'see where the benefits cap out at, 'n will report the findin's.


  • StumpStump Member Posts: 16

    Now that ol' Stump's had a day t'get used t'the new info available... it'd be durned nice iff'n we could see how much Pollution be changin' as well.

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