It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! has partnered with FilePlanet to offer 3,000 beta access keys to our members. These are going to go really fast so get one while you can!
All keys are issued on a first come, first served basis and we are restricting one key per IP.
Good luck to all of you and for those that get one, have a good time beta testing this highly anticipated MMORPG!
GET YOUR KEY AT THIS LINK (while supplies last!)
EDIT: Sorry all, they are all gone as of 10:01 PM EDT.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
Getting a WAR beta key: $0.00
Making a Fileplanet account: $0.00
Realizing you have to wait in line for 100 minutes: Priceless
P.S. Are these keys for the whole open beta, or just the PW?
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
These are open beta keys. You will be playing from Sept 7 to launch.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
Thanks! I just got one from Target today but the code was never guarenteed and although I got into the Head Start, the Open Beta key didn't work. What good timing! You are now the best MMO site ever.
Mike - the PW+ is only for people who were in the first Preview Weekend, so these keys are for the whole Open Beta, which starts Sunday.
10 hours to download.
i have fp premium so no que for em
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
finally....signed up for the original beta a year and a half ago and application never got passed the "applied" stage...
now why can i not be at home to get it
Just downloaded, beta key in and accepted~ can I not patch until the 5th? No patch till can play in OB? I have preorder thanks to any who advise me
Woohoo! Thanks Admin
i have fp premium so no que for em
Bah, lucky! I have a 78 minute wait now
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
would the beta client on the newsgroup be fine to download instead of dealing with file planet?
Woohoo! Thanks Admin
i have fp premium so no que for em
Bah, lucky! I have a 78 minute wait now
well atleast its free
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Yes. You don't have to use fileplanet. The one up on the torrent networks or newsgroups work just fine. Get whichever one downloads fastest for you.
is it the same client?
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
sweet thats good news!!
Thanks for the post, guess i will give it a go after all.
Anyone have a link to the torrent, probably better then filthy fileplanet (a "service" I deeply despise)
mad props to
I wouldn't mind a torrent link myself. I just got kicked from the que list because the servers were apparently full.
Great stuff guys, This is the best thing ever my bday is on sunday and a free beta key for WHOL wat could be better.
Got a key, thanks.
FYI. When I tried to get it approved using Firefox 3, the fileplanet approval process failed with "Invalid code" error. When I tried it using IE 7 it succeeded.
hey i got a key (thank you and i have a free fileplanet account, but im really not getting any conformation from my download manager that the file is waiting to be downloaded.
anyone have a torrent link?
or help on how i can get the warhammer file in my dl mgr, unles it will just pop up when the file becomes avaliable
Yeah i guess you have to click on the preorder link if you have a key (Eventhough i havent pre orderd)
now would the eu client work for america any way? only one i can find on the newservers
Is the fileplanet link JUST for the download?
And you enter the key into your Mythic Account page to actually apply it to your account???
The instructions are very brief...
much love to
Woot! tyvm
Click on the link on's page. That takes you to Fileplanet where you login and authenticate the key with fileplanet. You will have to authenticate the key(assign it to your EA/Mythic account) with EA/Mythic also. It's part of the process.