I managed to log into the website and it said it had been suspended. So I tried to go to my profile but then it crashed. So I closed it and thought I would have to register a new account but then it wouldn't except my original login so I changed it. Got to the summary page and after trying to continue getting the 414 message I now get the message 'You have already logged it'.
I try logging into my original account and get the same message 'You have already logged it'
I've never gotten the message saying the verifcation code is wrong.... I used the same code many times and still get 414 over and over and over and over ......
I've never gotten the message saying the verifcation code is wrong.... I used the same code many times and still get 414 over and over and over and over ......
Yes, and perhaps on the one single occasion it doesnt time out.. itll say.. code entered incorrectly?
Same code I got.
Haxxor!! lol this is crazy.
Guess what mate , so are the guys from GOA !
Lets all say together: "I told you so!"
When i start up client and enter username and pass (without entering open beta key) i get this picture. Trying to patch but no patch.
Take the Magic: The Gathering ''What Color Are You?'' Quiz.
Spore is good, Iv just made a new space ship.... now to pick a colour
something is very very very wrong... i managed to register...plz advice....
Don't shoot the messenger.....it will ruin you monitor
I got in once again.
Now I'm just trying to authenticate my key again. Last time it said the key was expired.
Same code I got.
Me too
"you are already logged it"
WAR is everywhere - except Europe
Mark Jakobs postet nearly all night long, good answers an great passion. I think the issues are (only) with GOA at this point.
wonder how many ppl try to access that site now
Take the Magic: The Gathering ''What Color Are You?'' Quiz.
..and again... and again... and again..
This is exactly why the account management should have been sorted days ago (and preferebly weeks ago).
Too many obviously, since it's timing out.
I keep getting code 300's now(Connection to data bank failed)
I am on the 4th stage where it says SUMMARY
When I confirm it either says Error 414 thats time out error or You are already logged in.
Guess what mate , so are the guys from GOA !
Spore is really fun. I switch between playing LotRO and Spore while I wait for this GOA mess to get sorted.
Here are a quality music video to listen to while waiting : www.youtube.com/watch (38 Special - If I'd have been the one)
The Second Day Vet
Guess what mate , so are the guys from GOA !
Spore is really fun. I switch playing between LotRO and Spore while I wait for this GOA mess to get sorted.
Here are a quality music video to listen to while waiting : www.youtube.com/watch (38 Special - If I'd have been the one)
The Second Day Vet
agreed SPORE is fun
Dont have a clue what is going on.
I managed to log into the website and it said it had been suspended. So I tried to go to my profile but then it crashed. So I closed it and thought I would have to register a new account but then it wouldn't except my original login so I changed it. Got to the summary page and after trying to continue getting the 414 message I now get the message 'You have already logged it'.
I try logging into my original account and get the same message 'You have already logged it'
im standing by my open window trying to get a tan whilst this whole thing is sorted out.
every 5 mins i reclick 'continue' after the verification code part
Wont it say that weve entered the verification code wrong? I thought the thing reset after each failed attempt?
Holy cow this is a monstor thread.
And yep Im having a DAOC redux.
too many are doing this, dont you see that
I've never gotten the message saying the verifcation code is wrong.... I used the same code many times and still get 414 over and over and over and over ......
Wont it say that weve entered the verification code wrong? I thought the thing reset after each failed attempt?
got a feeling they have put the code hardbased on the web as a way of sorting out
Yes, and perhaps on the one single occasion it doesnt time out.. itll say.. code entered incorrectly?
Wont it say that weve entered the verification code wrong? I thought the thing reset after each failed attempt?
nope, doesn't reset for me