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Note that the quality is not the best with most of these movies, but you should still enjoy the viewing
WoW (13.8 mb) needs DivX - download speed = medium (slow start)
EQ2 (40 mb+) - download speed = medium
Dark and Light (31 mb) - download speed = medium/fast
Guild Wars (1.3 mb) - download speed = slow
Wish (5.5 mb) - download speed = slow/medium
Dungeons and Dragons Online (edit: movie for D&D found)
WoW looks like a game...As it should I suppose. Vewry stylized without a lot of the 'inapproite' animations.
EQ2 looks like an attempt to make a FFX11 movie that will run on a PC....Photorealistic is all I can say. For Xists sake the warriors butt cheeks jiggle...Independantly....when he walks! That's what all those polys are for...So they can add super-smooth animations to them.
Wish of course looks like utter crap:)
Couldn't get the others to work.
WoW is just too cartoony for me, but are very nice gfx overall, a bit blocky in places tho, animation looks good to. 3/5
EQ2 graphicly is very stunning, but to me looks over polished and a tad bump-mappy, animations are quite neat, graphicly superior to WoW, but the over-realness to it kinda.. i dunno how to explain it, by being to real looking it becomes un-real looking . 3/5
DnL.. well this ones a bit hard to judge.. on one hand the landscapes look amazing, the draw distence etc is awe inspiring, but the models and animation are yet to be desired, alot of trees are exactly the same and the animations are a bit "hmm". But after some research into the gameitself, it could be the sleeper hit of next year. 4/5
Guild wars, well a PvPers heaven imo, neat gfx neat animations some cool concepts, but.. i don't see no room for role play there, and it's not a persistent single unverse, but still looks darn good for those PvP guilds out there for some quick play. 2.5/5
Wish looks like a role players dream, graphicly seems reasonable enough, but im sure they are going more for content rather than graphics, that "Live Content" sounds amazing IF the GM's can pull it off which im skeptical about. 2.5/5
D&DO, i hold my opinion on this one for time being, but i think it's gonna be a AC2 disguised as D&D.
Here are some actual gameplay movies from Everquest 2.
You'll need Quicktime as well as Windows Media Player I believe. The user interface lookings interesting. I like it.
Listing all the differetn movies sections.
I just had another look at the EQ2 screenshot just to be sure we're talking about the same game, and yup... I'm pretty confident I can trust my brain not to mistake that for anything close to reality.
It's a very common phenomomen:) When something looks SO real that your brain treats it as real...But isn't 100% perfect...It bothers you. See all those old fashioned paintings that look Very realistic..But there's just something not quite right about them and they bother you. Go to a weird photos web page and you can see the same thing done with photoshop...They look like real pictures but they aren't perfect, and the imperfections in reality bother you.
EQ's graphics(At max settings) are so real that your brain is fooled into trying to treat them as real...But there's those ever-so-subtle imperfections that your brain just can't accept. The result is that they look subconciously "ghost-like".
OMG yes!! Why...just the other day I saw this Elfin Priest with a Gnome warrior in the grocery store over by the meat section..and I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasnt in-game until I noticed of course (silly me) the imperfection of the geometric point of the ear of the elf and the ever so subtle tinge of silver on the spectacles of gnome...and of course I knew it was all a ruse because of course Gnomes and Elves are purely vegetarian. Damn EQ for making reality sooo confusing!!
(wheres the tongue in cheek smiley anyway??)
What's with the D&D characters, their all hunched over, waddling, it looks painful.
OMG yes!! Why...just the other day I saw this Elfin Priest with a Gnome warrior in the grocery store over by the meat section..and I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasnt in-game until I noticed of course (silly me) the imperfection of the geometric point of the ear of the elf and the ever so subtle tinge of silver on the spectacles of gnome...and of course I knew it was all a ruse because of course Gnomes and Elves are purely vegetarian. Damn EQ for making reality sooo confusing!!
(wheres the tongue in cheek smiley anyway??)
Arrgh. I was being serious. At a certain point/poly count/animation number the brains of some people can no longer diffrentiate between reality and fiction. Of course you KNOW it's fictional, but it's so photorealistic that your brain is TRYING to interperate it as real...The same way you'd look at one of the CGI trolls in Lord of the Rings and not really consider it 'fake' even though you KNOW it's fake.
For instance look at Gollum in LOTR...Is he real? Is he a guy in a muppet suit or a CGI? He's a CGI of course...So he's not really there. But at a subconcious level you don't realize that and your brain treats him as a real object that's actually there.
Some people will attempt to do the same thing with the charecters in EQ because of the reality of their construction. But it's not Perfect like the CGI in LOTR is...And so it bothers you. There's something 'not quite right with reality' when you look at those movies, weather they are real or not is irrelivant....They LOOK real enough that your brain isn't interperateing them as drawings and cartoons, it's trying to interperate them as real objects...And thus the imperfections 'bother' you.
Diffrent people will of course have diffrent threasholds for what their brains will try to interperate as real. It just so happens that EQ2's graphics are high enough on the ladder to fool a good percentage of the marketplace in just that way.
Well fooling a good percentage of the marketplace is certainly what Sony's out to achieve, and good luck to 'em I say! If you want to profit from idiots, they're usually only too happy to oblige.
EQ2 graphics don't look anything close to reality. They're glossy, and very obviously fake. The intelligence it'd take to actually mistake EQ2 graphics for reality, would be below that of a braindead monkey.
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
Maybe for some, Xira...I personally dont know anyone that is affected in the way you describe. I think for the general majority the realism of the character and the environment add to the immersion factor of the game. The more realistic the image - the more immersed you become, and that is what RPG is all about - playing a part, a role in a fantasy world. In order to play that role with enthusiasm, you must be able to believe in the character you create and the world you inhabit - and i dont think a few imperfections in artwork will affect people one way or another. If it does.....well...thats just SCARY
Then you missed an important part of iceseraph's post... "tongue in cheek."
The rest was simply explaining why a few pixels short of perfect don't bother some people as much as missing "reality" by a mile.
I am pretty sure everyone understands what you are saying - we just tend to disagree with you. Yes, an abstract painting usually does not bother the viewer, while a "real" portrait with some flaw that prevents us from accepting it - can be disturbing.
I really like the graphics and animation I've seen in EQ2 - but very, very little comes close to realism. All of it requires a suspension of disbelief... and not simply because I know Elves, Barbarians, and Dwarves don't exist.
Yes they do! Or did, and some do.
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
The character models in eq2 do not look the slightest bit life-like. They look like weird plasti-people, and have faces that are sometimes freakish looking. Nix that, oftentimes freakish looking.
He's Ottomatic!
Originally posted by Finwe
Yes they do! Or did, and some do.
Huh? What? they do....or did....and some do? ROFL!!!'ve said everything except they dont! And that, is the correct answer. LOL...barbaric may be the descriptive term youre thinking of for barbarian..but it is nothing more than that.. a description..not a race of people as in EQ. And as for dwarves, while there are people suffering from achondroplasia (also referred to as dwarfism) this is a genetic disorder of bone growth that occurs in all races - oh and they dont have the magical qualites of EQ dwarves either (just in case you were wondering). LOL - Havent laughed so hard in a while! Thanks for the comic relief!
(Still can't find that tongue-in-cheek
[quote]Originally posted by Xira
For instance look at Gollum in LOTR...Is he real? Is he a guy in a muppet suit or a CGI? He's a CGI of course...
Actually, he is both. There is someone in a suit to control his movements and help the actors know where he is, and there is also the CGI that is implemented during editing.
But that wasn't the point of your post, sorry.
(Still can't find that tongue-in-cheek
Quiet! Or Mr. Spock will own you!
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
EDIT: I tried to post this 3 times with Opera, didn't work, finally had to use IE. Are the forums using some special code that's not Opera compatible?
That WoW movie was nice but it certainly wasn't the best WoW gameplay movie you could have chosen (there's a newer, better one then that). Animation, environments and characters all looked very good for it's Warcraft style.
Maybe it's just that particular movie but that gameplay video of EQ2 looked 100% scripted (even the camera was scripted). And I must say the characters looked very bland.
Guild Wars looked bland (almost the same exact animations for each character) and didn't look appealing at all IMO.
The DnL movie looked OK and mainly the environments stood out as being good (although the characters and some of the buildings looked bland). It did seem very fluid and a bit scripted.
Wish looked like it was trying to be L2 with it's graphics and gameplay (slow, uneventful). I will take into account though that's an old Wish movie (from this January) so maybe it is a lot better now.
D&D Online looked good although it reminds me too much of EQ2. The character models and environments are a lot better then EQ2's bland style atleast.
The "uncanny valley" of Doctor Moris thesis on robotic creations in movies - represents the point at which a person observing the creature or object in question sees something that is nearly human, but just enough off-kilter to seem frightening or disturbing.
With this in mind, please observe the following sets of graphics and see if either sends you plunging into the chasm of terror!!
**Warning - The following graphics contain surrealism and are not for the weak of mind. Proceed with caution before viewing!!
EQ2 Dark Elves:
WoW Dark Elves:
(Where is that tongue-in-cheek smiley??)
That dark elf chick totally wants me...