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The two main reasons why I will be playing SGW:
I hope there will be options other than combat (although my main will be a combat oriented character), I'd like to have crafter and scientist alts. It would be nice to have a player driven economy so that you know what you craft is worth something, not like WoW, crafting should be able to make equivalent items to raid or pvp rewards, raw materials should have to be difficult to get to make it worthwhile. But, not like WoW where you need to raid to get them.
Well, there will definitely be Scientist and Explorer classes. And as you can see by the recent Developer's chat on the front page, there are ways other than fighting to experience the game.
Check the SGW wiki! It talks about what the archetypes are, races, the minigames, what to do besides mindlessly level. I'm really excited about this for many of the same reasons.
Looking forward to: Stargate Worlds
--SGW Wiki:
-- SGW Beta Signup
In addition to this, there will be an economy in the game but don't expect a economy simulator like EVE Online or pre-NGE Star Wars Galaxies. Expect it to be more like WoW, with the possibility of crafters and reverse-engineering specialists to have a bit more demand for their skills.
In addition to this, there will be an economy in the game but don't expect a economy simulator like EVE Online or pre-NGE Star Wars Galaxies. Expect it to be more like WoW, with the possibility of crafters and reverse-engineering specialists to have a bit more demand for their skills.
Ooooh. Awesome! I can't wait for this game, I grow more excited with each passing moment!
Looking forward to: Stargate Worlds
--SGW Wiki:
-- SGW Beta Signup
We know that naquadah chips will serve as a sort of galactic currency, since it is a material that is useful to all space-faring races in the galaxy. There will also be an off-world auction house system to facilitate trade. It's just not going to be nearly as complex and nuanced as what you see in EVE, which actually has employed a full-time real world economist to manage that game's economy.
I haven't played EVE, so I have no idea what that economy is like.
One thing I would love to see is a traveling alien bazaar that moves from world to world, changing where they are every so often. Or maybe an entire planet that is a bazaar! They can name it Deva!
(kudos to anyone that gets the reference)
Looking forward to: Stargate Worlds
--SGW Wiki:
-- SGW Beta Signup
Well, basically when people say "player driven economy" what they mean is an economy that is literally created and sustained from the ground up by players. Nothing is supplied by NPCs, or if it is it's only the most rudimentary, basic equipment. Players literally gather all the raw materials for creating weapons and armor and other gear, they use that to produce ALL of the items in the game, and there is your "player driven" economy. SGW won't focus on the "player driven" part as much, as missions and other activities will probably be a source of equipment. Which makes sense, because the USAF isn't really in the business itself of making all its personel craft their own weapons and armor-- the production is outsourced to contractors and the equipment is issued as mission objectives require.
That said, tinkering with weapons and technology, improving them will be a major part of the game, just like it is in the TV show.
Yeah, you're right, whenever they needed anything it just showed up after someone else built it except in rare cases when it had to be put together or repaired offworld - even then they usually brought in another team to work with Sam on it.
Tinkering with tech - the very idea of that makes me giddy. Maybe I should consider a science main instead of an archaeologist. Though, I have no doubt each class will get their fair amount of being able to create things.
Looking forward to: Stargate Worlds
--SGW Wiki:
-- SGW Beta Signup
Heh. I used to want to be an Archaeologist too, but I am now pretty sure I will be a scientist. It seems there's going to be a lot of tinkering, and not just in the lab. Scientists will have plenty to do in the labs back at base, but they'll also have some cool combat abilities too, like generating EMP waves to take out electronics, mechanical skills to deploy turrets, set C4 and other explosives etc. Kind of what you'd expect from a combat engineer and Sam Carter when she's not being a total brainiac spewing techno-babble. Which, again, goes back to capturing that authentic Stargate SG-1/Atlantis experience.
Ah, I just can't get past the romantic call of archaeologist. It's just such an alluring thought, and I've always loved the 'idea' of the profession. For me though, I'm really looking forward to joining a Command that's very encouraging of role-playing and really building my characters personality in addition to leveling and crafting.
This will however be the first MMO where I'm going to be role-playing, generally I save it for text based forums, so I hope it's not too difficult to roleplay while playing the game.
Anyway, that's the real reason behind my choice. I'm also going to a Goa'uld and probably a human or Jaffa 'baddie' to play with on the 'dark side'.
Looking forward to: Stargate Worlds
--SGW Wiki:
-- SGW Beta Signup
I like Stargate as well, especially the Modern Millitary and Adventures aspect of it. Sadly, with there Halo/starcraft armors, and small world i am 50/50 on this game. And imagining turn-base combat system with a P-90 ( f.example) in your characters hand, just really turns me off this game for now.
Perhapes BETA will provide some light. At least i hope it will.
Have you heard about the non-combative combat? Like the speculation now is that an archaeologist can 'get rid' of an 'enemy' by talking him down. I can't wait to see how they're going to do that. Plus yay minigames. If it was going to be just a shooter I'd be kinda blah about it too. Check out the stargate worlds wiki. lots of info there.
Looking forward to: Stargate Worlds
--SGW Wiki:
-- SGW Beta Signup
I like Stargate as well, especially the Modern Millitary and Adventures aspect of it. Sadly, with there Halo/starcraft armors, and small world i am 50/50 on this game. And imagining turn-base combat system with a P-90 ( f.example) in your characters hand, just really turns me off this game for now.
Perhapes BETA will provide some light. At least i hope it will.
Small world? What gave you this idea?
Small world? What gave you this idea?
I went ahead and looked into world size on the Stargate Worlds wiki here and found the following:
"...some of the worlds may be large enough to hold the population of the entire server, about 4000 players.[17] All in all the entire universe will encompass of the order of magnitude of 1000 square kilometres."
Sounds pretty big to me
"The estimated average time that players will spend on each world is 10 hours, although some players may stay on some worlds (such as the tutorial planets) for as little as 2 hours, and others for more than 30 hours. The number of worlds likely to be in the game's initial release could range from 35 to more than 50."
If I can spend 10 to 30 hours on the average world, doing average quests then I doubt it's going to be small. Also, I'm one of those people who has to explore every little thing and do everything skill related I can on the world, so I'll be spending even longer on it I bet. Also, thats just the number of worlds for initial release, not patches, updates or the already planned Atlantis expansion.
Worried about the limits of each world? Replayability:
"The planets of Stargate Worlds will change over time as the storyline evolves. Some of these changes will be written into the story whilst others will be influenced by the players. Whether it is by conquest or civilization the universe will be rich and the evolution will enhance replayability. There will be contested zones, which might change somewhat depending on who is holding the different points in them, but no totally capturable worlds. However, the worlds will not change in size, and it wont 'expand' while players level through it. It most likely will expand through future patches and expansions."
So, not small.
Looking forward to: Stargate Worlds
--SGW Wiki:
-- SGW Beta Signup
Let me start off by saying im a huge stargate fan, own all the series and movies that are out to date. And i absolutely love this franchise. But...
From what i have seen and read about this game im pretty dissappointed so far. They are not sticking to canon and it total kills me.
The fact that you can play an Asgard is just wrong in so many ways. The fact that they are adding this "armor" is stupid beyond words. And from what i have seen of the game through the movies and screenshots its far to animated. This is a game that should have been done in real picture quality. So you can really get a feel for walking through the gate and see a new world with ancient ruins or whatever the case maybe.
The combat and characters look horrible. and the worlds they have shown are ala. WoW. Purples and reds. They are obviously trying to bring in a "larger audience" then this game will ever appeal too and alienate the audience this game was made for.
Im hoping when the NDA is lifted we will get alot of information and feedback and i will be wrong but as of right now i will not be buying this game and it has me pretty mad. Because i was counting on SGWs to carry me for quite sometime.
And dont get me started on the tanks and the fact that every world i have seen seems to be advanced cultures which is completely against canon (there were few and far between in the series). But whatever. Im sure this game will have some cool features but i do not want to play an SG-1 for kids. They tried that tactic allready and failed miserable with there little sg-1 kiddie cartoon.
Cooper and Wright have met with the developers at CME and know exactly what is going into the game, all the content, the story line, all down to the Asgard (which are not extinct at the time the game takes place) and they approve all of it. They have said that they consider SGW to be the fourth pillar of the Stargate franchise, along with SG-1, SGA, and the upcoming SGU. Everything in the game will be considered 100% official canon by the people who write the canon material. They have an express interest in showing all the things in the game that they couldn't on TV due to limited budget. In other words, alien cities that don't look like Vancouver, and planets that don't look like a Canadian forest.
Awesome! That makes me even more excited! I've looked at some of the alien world screenshots and I think they look fantastic. I can not wait to play this, the more I find out about how much like SG1 they want it to be the better it sounds.
Looking forward to: Stargate Worlds
--SGW Wiki:
-- SGW Beta Signup
Well my first reply would be that I'm a huge Stargate fan as well, have been for many many years. Right on back to when the movie first hit theatres and later the series began.
I don't share any of the same concerns though. Not at all.
They've made it clear they'll stick as close to canon as possible when they have to. Seeing as they're not having the game's story lines mimic those we've already seen in the series, but branch off from some that may have been touched on only slightly or have come up with new story lines, they've created some new cannon. Which they've been given the go ahead to do. As someone already pointed out they're in contact with the series creators.
The Asgard meld fine into the game considering the game is set between season's 8 and 9, and being that they were such a major part of Stargate it would seem weird if we didn't have the option of playing them actually.
To do the game in a photo realistic style would have meant two things.
1. It would have pretty much guaranteed that the game would look like crappola on all but the most beefy systems.
2. It would leave the game looking pretty one dimensional as far as different looks for different planets goes.
I will admit that I am biased though, because I prefer my games to have an artistic quality to the graphics. It suits my tastes, and I get that extra feeling of satisfaction knowing that some artists put a lot of time, effort, love, etc into the game.
Not to be rude or anything, but to my logic centre, not having the armour would be stupid in a MMOG. Many of these characters are supposed to be firing high speed projectiles from advanced weaponry, and the game wouldn't be much fun if everyone was getting killed by one shot, which to maintain a bit of believability would have to happen often were no armour in the game. It wouldn't make sense that body armour wouldn't be needed by those races that don't have some sort of force shield or whatnot.
I'm left wondering just how long it's been since you've perused the screenshots released for the game? you might want to take another look now that they're showing us some more of the planets and you might end up revising the "looks like WoW" opinion.
From all the info released so far, this game is going to be fun, rich in story, action packed, deep in both content and mechanics, and look really good on a wide variety of systems, both high and reasonably lower end. This game might just be fun for most of your family to play, but there's been no indication that it's "a kid's game" at all.
I know I'll be there raring to go on day one!
I love Stargate, and hopefully this game does not dissapoint, I hope I get into the beta!