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If you happened to install this game on your computer, just wanted to let you know that the included DRM just put a unremovable virus on your system. You also only get 3 installs of the game( oh they say you can call them, remain on hold for eons and get that
The department of defense even put a memo out forbidding the installation of this game on any computer used to access their systems.
I do not understand why EA penalizes the buyers. There is a already a cracked game, with no DRM, floating around on the free to download sites. So the only people penalized by this trash is the legal buyers.
Thanks for the spam. Wrong forum btw
Spore is crap anyway,all hype no depht no nothing,it's even worse then a console game for 6 year olds in terms of "dumb-down".
Okay 2 things, first
Why would you be playing Spore at work, if you work for the deparment of defense? I would think the department of defense would have a much longer list of games not allowed on their systems, such as... well.... all of them.
I've been playing spore when I'm not playing Warhammer, which is about 50% of my time, and it is awesome.
I've you've ever liked an MMO then you'll like the creature stage. If you've ever liked an RTS then you'll like the tribe and civilization stage.
The game has been done extremely well, and its actually challenging if you don't play on easy mode. The customization is unlike anything thats ever been seen before.
Just because you read a review that didn't give it a perfect 10 doesn't mean this game isn't good. Play it for yourself.
As for the DRM, get over it, I've been playing spore since the day it came out... big deal, my computer works just fine.
"As for the DRM, get over it, I've been playing spore since the day it came out... big deal, my computer works just fine."
Oh good, did you know that the DRM is always active on your system and it communicates over the net? You have no control over it, no knowledge of what information it is passing over the net and think that is just fine?
Why not just post all your account numbers, passwords and every other personal item on the net for everyone to see, not much difference in what you have just done with installing the DRM on it.
I am just amazed at people that do not stop and think before they act or write.
As to the DOD memo, there are lots of mobile computers in play there and despite regulations against it, many games are installed on them. Problem with this game is, uninstalling does not remove the DRM.
As to the forum, it is a online game, probably not a MMO, but what other forum would you discuss this in?
I agree with the op I find this extreme DRM on Electronic Arts software totally unacceptable, I avoided mass effect for the same reason.
I often reformat my pc to keep it running in good shape and often change hardware, I would personally hit that 3 install limit very soon and don't see why I should have the inconveniance of phoning EA support up when I've done nothing wrong.
I won't be buying any more EA games until this DRM garbage is toned down or removed.
My account numbers? You mean the ones that I used to purchase the game in the first place?
Hey listen, if EA wants to steal my account numbers they've already got them. Sorry to disappoint you but this isn't a new thing. Plus, you don't know what they're transmitting this is just you being nervous. You can't prove that the DRM is even active 100% of the time or what exactly it does. All you know is what information you can dig up and read on the internet. Show me where it says theres a constant data transfer?
I'll let you know when they take all my money and my account defaults or they start reading and replying to my e-mails....
EA is trying to take over the world by use of video games and personal information... I should have known.
Ow god what is it with you people, all whining about some background application.
If you're so scared that your pc might send vital privat information to other sources then just get a fucking job and buy your games, get a girlfriend and stop downloading whatever p0rn that turns you on, stop searching for hacks or try to make them, etc etc.
I have no idea why you people are so scared, what the hell do I care if information is send from my PC to somewhere, I have nothing to hide.
And to be honest most games have applications like DRM.
Everytime you install a game wich says, please shut down the virusscanner before installing, will install a similar program to your pc.
So I really don't care, and what's there to bother, they don't mention it in the manual nor in the application itself, so there is no way they could ever sue you for whatever reason ever.
And most of the time those programs are just there to automaticly submit bug reports and your system specifications.
Nothing more, nothing less.
So stop complaining about these things, and just enjoy the freaking games.
This isn't punishing people who illegally download it or use hacks, its punishing people who legally buy it by putting a stupid install limit which won't stop a pirate and personally I count any software that doesn't remove itself completely after an uninstall as spyware.
By the way I also buy my games with money from my job thank you very much I prefer not to download illegally and get my pc filled with crap.
Secondly If most companies do decide to use DRM that doesn't automatically make it a great thing to do, it means a lot of companies have no respect for their customers.
This isn't punishing people who illegally download it or use hacks, its punishing people who legally buy it by putting a stupid install limit which won't stop a pirate and personally I count any software that doesn't remove itself completely after an uninstall as spyware.
By the way I also buy my games with money from my job thank you very much I prefer not to download illegally and get my pc filled with crap.
Secondly If most companies do decide to use DRM that doesn't automatically make it a great thing to do, it means a lot of companies have no respect for their customers.
Well said fluxen!
People that dont know enough about computers or could care less about what background application is on there pc is the reason why companies get away with this drm crap.
The sad thing is you could download the game before it came out with no drm, so the problem was there before they even released the game. All the drm does now is kill there sales.
Theres an easy way to make any game almost piracy proof, just ask any online game company.
Spore itself is a lackluster game, it was neat but really after a week if your not bored with it I'll be amazed.
It seems like the released a polished game and later are going to add the content it should have had in the start with expansions. So I would say wait to buy it, if your thinking about it.
Own, Mine, Defend, Attack, 24/7
Well, it is not as bad as Starforce. It is SecuROM, an almost as bad piece of Trojan Spyware. It can intefere with any game you have, and will certainly constantly monitor your system for what it considers to be copy software, even those apps that have legitimate backup uses. It will also transmit system info to EA and SOE (yes, SecuROM is a Sony product). It can be removed, but it is tedious and requires Registry modifications. You will need to Google and Wiki for the info on how to get it off your system.
Recommendation : Don't buy or install anything (including the Demos) with SecuROM. If you want to know if it is already on your system, search the Registry for 'SecuROM', and your hard disk too. If you find it, good luck.
Boycott all Starforce and SecuROM games!
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Wow, I don't think some of you get it. This program, once it installs, is always running, stealing cpu cycles, using your web access. Seems like a huge invasion of privacy to me. Certainly would not want it running on my system.
Far as I am concerned those scoffing at this DRM problem truely are showing their ignorance.
If you think EA's DRM is harsh wait until you see the new DRM that Blizzard is working on for S2 and D3....
• Authenticate your game online when you install and launch it the first time.
• EA re-authenticate when a player uses online features, downloads new content or a patch for their game.
• The new system means you don't have to play with the disc in your computer.
• You'll still be able to install and play on multiple computers.
• You can play offline.
• Does not monitor other softwares
• Is not a terrorist homemade tool
• Is there to protect your copy from hackers and key stealers.
• Can be uninstall if you remove Spore
I really suggest that you guys read about it before coming up with conclusions and such. Seriously, yes it sucks to have DRM and the 3 install thing = BAD but at the same time, it’s there to both protect the consumer and publisher.
though i wanted to purchase "spore" i won't be because of the DRM - period
i'm not going to constantly prove to you (EA) that i purchased this game
"...protect the consumer..." ROFLMAO
I suggest YOU read up on SecuROM before YOU post.
Most of the 'facts' you state above are simply not true.
As anyone that ever installed Bioshock could tell you.
Only the one related to 'Is not a terrorist homemade tool", is true. It is made by Sony.
Nuff said.
I"m not really worried about privacy issues, so much as pain in my ass issues.
For example, I had half life 2, which came with "Steam".
Half way through the game, after playing for a few weeks, I had a computer crash. Somehow steam was unhappy after this, and I could never get the game to work again.
That's a major pain in the ass.
After that, I was like, ok I'm not buying another game with "steam" on it. Again, not for the privacy issue, but for the pain in the ass issue.
I still don't know what happened in the end of Half Life 2.
But the crossbow that shot the heated piece of rebar? That was the bomb.
Its called SecuROM, it is always running, even after you remove the game, it can not be removed easily, it gives EA full root access to your machine whenever they want. (when you are connected to the internet).
This is completely unacceptable and gamers need to start fight back.
And they are. People are trashing the amazon reviews. And many people are getting the pirated version because us this, the pirated version does not have the SecuROM.
"We wanted to let you know that we've been hearing your concerns about the online authentication mentioned earlier this week. I didn't want to head into the weekend without getting back to you with some information about how Spore is planning on using this new system.
A few things we wanted you to know:
— We authenticate your game online when you install and launch it the first time.
— We'll re-authenticate when a player uses online features, downloads new content or a patch for their game.
— The new system means you don't have to play with the disc in your computer. And if you are like me, always losing discs, this will be a huge benefit.
— You'll still be able to install and play on multiple computers.
— You can play offline.
We do hope that players will play online - sharing creatures, buildings and vehicles with other players is something that is unique to Spore and one of the coolest features of the game. Every day, when I play the Creature Stage, I get to see wacky and awesome new creatures from my Buddies on the team coming over the hill at me and I can't wait to see what happens when our creative, passionate community starts sharing their creations"
And about Spore, I am loving it, unlike a poster said no depth I geuss he must have a very different view on what depth is or he might feel that EVE also has no depth, cause trust me Spore goes beyond even EVE that is when you get the hang of the game, or some people might not have spend much time with the game, sure the beginning was/is fairly easy but very importatn to how you evolve, but space is where it's all at, making new colony's, expanding your empire, terra forming is great, meeting new aliens, I have not played online yet as I first want to explore all the posibility's of the game. Afcourse just like any other game not every game is here to please EVERYONE, some will like/love the game some will not like/love the game.
On a sidenote if people are that scared of sending info on the internet they better stop using internet all together and I have to laugh when we see all those freeloaders who for some reason THINK that the illigal version is so safe....yeah right. Btw the ignorance is amazing and seeing what type of excuse people use to freeload a game instead of buying it.
Playing it right now and i dont see any problem with it.
Its actually providing me with more entertainment than any current mmo.Go figure.
What is your physical limit?
As some have said, it is not about the privacy issues, background apps or whatever.
It is about piss poor customer treatment.
If they are going to treat you as a thief any way, then why not just be one in this case?
The entire thing baffles my mind as I am certain this particular copy protection has cost them a lot more sales then the total absence of one would have.
It did not stop the game from being available pirated on day one, it runs just as well, without the hassles, as the legit copy.
"No gain, a lot of pain", well congrats to EA for coming up with that one, it is not a particularly good one when it comes to marketing I imagine but at least they coined a phrase.
I imagine the reasoning have gone something like this.
"Well we can not touch the piracy crowd, so just let the people who are honest pay twice, or more?"
Each to their own I guess but this move seems stupid at best.
EA makes funcom look like masters at customers relations.
Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.
Let me translate: I don't want to pay the Spore people for their hard work, I want to get the game for free. I'm upset that they would make me pay.
Let me translate: I don't want to pay the Spore people for their hard work, I want to get the game for free. I'm upset that they would make me pay.
Your missing the point.......
Everyone in the world can already steal it without the drm, so why hassle paying customers?
Own, Mine, Defend, Attack, 24/7
You people saying that a background app is OK, even after you remove the game? one that is always running? One that gives EA complete and full root access to your machine?
It just aint right.
This should not be legal. End of story.
I'm glad that DRM pisses you guys off. I'm freaking happy that you guys are whinning and feel forced to buy the game. I'm seriously supporting that and I have ZERO problem enduring these softwares in order to make your lives miserable. Perhaps one day, people will understand that games don’t grow on tree. It’s like an insect that keeps eating your crops. At first your bug killer works but eventually, they will adapt.. then you have to find something more harsh.
What else should Maxis and EA do to block the piracy? I work in the gaming and music industry and I don't know myself... so if you know, then let's hear it right now.
This isn't really the place for debate about piracy, but to be frank there's plenty they could do. The most popular solution seems to be ignoring it, and for good reason. Someone who is going to pirate your game probably isn't going to buy it anyways, so letting them pirate it freely is no loss. Adding DRM just pisses off normal people (who would gladly pay for it) and forces them to also pirate it, to avoid dealing with the extra hassle (as we've already seen).
If anything, they are shooting themselves (and every other game company) in the foot by adding all this harsh DRM, because now all the people pirating to get away from it will see how easy it is to pirate and continue doing it even when the DRM is removed. It's silly to continue supporting DRM when it's obvious DRM is just making the problem worse.
EDIT: I also find it as no surprise that you work in the industry, since you have obviously adopted the "everyone is a grubby little leech" mentality that they are so fond of. The "insect spraying" analogy you used is a perfect example of what's wrong with the industry.
Pirates are definitely hurting game sales though. I mean what are you supposed to do? Ignore them? Hope they go away? Unlike music, there's no other products to push here. Game companies don't have concerts which MP3's serve as advertising for. And unlike movies, ripped games are the same quality as the legal version.
Game companies are faced with the fact that they can either put in restrictive DRM, and hope it solves some of the problem, or put in no DRM, and accept the fact that their sales will be poor because of pirates.
Most companies who are producing multi-million dollar games are opting for DMR. Guess why?
P.S. I have Steam on both my laptop and desktop, same account. I have never had a problem, even though I have games installed on both systems, at the same time. I do not believe that someone would have a problem with Steam (there is NO way the Laptop and the Desktop look like the same system, they're miles apart (one is x86, one is x64 for pete's sake) and if someone did, I can't believe that a phone call wouldn't fix it. I call bull.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
-Thomas Jefferson