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After seeing several people hit NEED for items they can not use I asked in group why this was happening.
Answer: Go look at the forums. This was from the person that won all the rolls for items his character can not use and mine could. Then another player chimes in and says "because he is giving them to me", who is in the same guild.
Anyone have any idea why I was told to look at the forums? I think this is just a crappy answer.
Also, in all game I have played it is considered greed to use need when rolling on anything you can not use against a player that can use the item. I also think that having multiple players rolling on items because they are friends or guilded cheats other players of having a fair shot at the item.
Alot of players are greedy? i have no idea why they said look on forums since Mythic doesn't have any and i don't think the fan sites really have anything on this, just an excuse by them to be greedy. Only thing you can do is just start hitting need if thats how others are gonna act.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas
I have ran into this problem almost everytime I got into a warband. I think they need to remove the option to roll need if your class can not use.
This was so bad in open beta that I submitted to have all need rolls changed to greed for classes that can not use an item. I also think that it should compare the item to what is currently equiped and if it is worse than the option is changed to greed.
This type of behavior is going to keep many from grouping. As a DPS class I get more contribution in PQs alone than in a group and I almost never get heals so little point in letting people leach off me if that is how they are going to behave.
There is also the fact that some items that need to be repaired before you can use them, can be repaired to different items. So, for you, it shows an item for your class only, but for someone else, it can show something for their class only. But it's just a plain out item that is just for you, that doesn't need to be repaired, then they are just being greedy and want it all. I expected it to happen from the first day of the first preview weekend. I just got used to it I guess.
This happens a lot actually. Broken items can be repaired into useable items by various classes. So I roll need on the item because its an upgrade for me and I can use it, and someone else complains that I rolled need on caster gear. I nicely just explain to them how WAR works with those broken items etc and its usually all good.
However if its not a broken item, and they are rolling need on something they cant use, then write down their names and guild and report them to their guild leader or officers.
Uummmmmm.... No.
So basically, if you have the ability to wear heavier armor, then you should have the ability to roll on everything where as a magic user should only have the ability to roll on a few select types of armor?
This allows a tank to basically roll on most items and sell any excess they know they aren't going to use and put many other classes on the short end of the stick.
Also, only rolling on items that you need or that you could use will leave you with an empty wallet. People sell the items and the market itself is going to be hit or miss the next few weeks for items that you will need.
Besides at the end of the day... what does it matter right now. It's all crap gear that your gonna replace every few days anyway. Unless of course the items are non-tradeable and they cannot use them. Then it could just be that they saw a shiney roll button.
EDIT: Whoops! I thought you said Greed. Misread.
I'm curious... What's the consensus on potions? Everyone need? Everyone greed?
So true. In other games that utilize a Need/Greed roll identifier (since it hardly qualifies as a "system"), personally? Unless it's something my character absolutely, positively cannot do without, I'll just click... Pass. Often I'll be the only one in the group that does while everyone hits Need to claim it, only to admit that they just want to sell it on the Auction House, disenchant it, whatever. So most of the time I just don't bother playing for the loot and people wonder why I bother grouping up in the first place. And everyone else is fine with that. These are, of course, teams that are just small enough in size to hopefully not wipe, so one teammate that agrees to click Pass on the Ultra Rare boss drop is more for them.
That's kinda why I like the Public Quest system the way it is now. Everyone has a fair shot at getting decent loot so long as they do their part. It assumes everyone's out for it anyway, so it doesn't ask, it just rolls and hands it out to whoever qualifies (yeah, they have to click the chest, but now we're just splitting hairs) and eventually everyone walks away with something. Y'know, even if it's just another pair of shoes or gloves you're not going to use. :P So why do we still have Black Orcs picking up Dark Elf gear, and Chosen picking up Marauder equipment?
My solution? Another thing that's already in-game. Just break everything down into "Repairable" items that need to be taken to a merchant in order to be used. Everyone can Need, Greed, Pass all they want because there's an equal chance for everyone that it'll be something they can use. Think of it as good ol' Dungeons and Dragons, when the DM distributes loot, sometimes with a player in mind, sometimes offering something for everyone in the group, but nobody knows what it is; they need someone to identify it. It's a kinda lousy solution and that was a poor example, but it's the best I can come up with at this point.
I always hit need in a PUG cause fuck it I wont ever see them again.
They wouldn't allow me to have the name cameltoe btw do my beta naming worked out great. However I'm now named beefcurtains.
Greedy MMO players? who would have tought? heh.
"There no I in team but there a WE in weapon." -Thoragrin Oxenhide
I need on the direct healing and +def ones. I just greed the rest. (I guess because I'm a black orc?)
I tend to pass on stuff if i can't use it and there's some one who can, or greed if i can't use and nobody else can, and need if i can use it. Unfortunately not everyone can see that the main aim here is to help the REALM progress, not their bank balance.
Easy solution... Make sure you lead groups and warbands and set Master Loot. Problem solved. Loot and distribute afterwards.
Meh, welcome to MMOs
I see this behavior in every MMO I've played with a Need/Greed system.
If people can't use an item themselves, they'll hit "Greed" anyway, so they can sell it. When asked why they're doing it, they'll say "I need money".
Most people are just greedy by nature and any change to the system will only result in them finding another way to go about it.
This is typically why it's a good idea to have need/greed rules set out when a group first gets started.. If someone goes against it, the leader needs to warn them. If they continue, they get kicked.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Boot the bastards or leave the group if youre not leader. Put them on ignore and send a message to their guildleader. Most guildleaders will boot ninjas too, 2 idiots and the whole guilds rep flush down the toilet.
There's never a reason to group with ninjas and these bastards were just that.... It's for my other toon, I need money to buy something, Im just an A-hole or whatever they say... IGNORE.
Uh, isn't greed just the right button to hit if they need money? The rule is usually: Only need stuff that you can and are going to use.
Hopefully you meant need since if you win the item on greed nobody really needs it anyways...
Yep it is always going to be like that in PUGS from what i saw in open beta. When i hit the play server i will roll greed/need and see how it goes but if the twats are out needing on everything so then i will and give to those who really did need the item (which is what i was doing in beta in the end)
as for the guy who said read the forum...typical dickhead really and i would probably delete my character just to make a character that can wipe him in RvR every time he is about.
Join a good guild, and dont leave home without them. My guildmates and I pass gear around to each other all the time. Not only that, but pvping with your guildies is far more rewarding than having to put up with pick up groups full of greedy incompetant players.
This same problem was strong during the first few months of WoW. It stopped when people started getting pissed at the greedy dickheads. Responsible leaders would kick these greedy idiots from the team and make it a private group.
The same will happen in WAR on certain servers. The people who think they can get away with it in a PuG will soon find out "it's a small MMO world" when they reach level 40 and they start to do high level dungeons and raids. You won't find many open groups at that level, so you will need to ask group leaders if you can join. If you jerk people around during the low levels, they will remeber you and you will not get groups.
Also keep in mind, if you ninja an item from your team in a PQ, expect to be kicked. Nothing sucks more than having to compete against a full team of players who have tanks and heals coming to them whil you have none. Nothing hurts more than having those people watch you die and laugh as they breeze through a PQ and make top ranks while you are forced to run half a mile back to the PQ.
On another note. If items are only "Bind on Equip", then this is not too much of a problem. If everyone is expected to roll need on "BoE" items then sell them later, then you will be expected to do the same and sell your items on the AH in order to buy the one you missed out on while questing.
If items are "Bind on Pickup" Then blindly rolling need is a real problem.
So far I haven't seen any Bind on Pickup items.
It seems as if there's a difference of opinions on this aspect of the game.
Some look at it as hey it rolls random and if i win it I win it.
I'm picking need to get and give cause the other douche who keep picking need and keeps......
Good old UO is who ever can grab and drag the item the fastest, lol
That's why people should take advantage of the best reason to play Mmorpg's, the social aspect.
Meet people, make friends, join a guild.
I know I hit need today on some wrong item and heard about it but as I replied... I was just trying ot get the damn pop-up out of the way so I could keep healing!
I was honestly surprised today by MrsPotatoHead in one SP went against typical douche name means douche player. So I tagged em and healed. *)
I would like to state that in no way shape or form that anything I receive from SOE influences my opinion about SWG or their company. Im pretty much a typical average player enjoying the game.
I'm going to have to go with "warn them, and if they don't stop doing it then either kick them or leave their group" as your answer.
However, as for "need" being restricted on a per-class basis, I'm not sure that's fair to those who like to mail off equipment to their alts (or perhaps are playing an alt and that equipment suits their main).
I was pretty sure that Need/Greed systems limit the effectiveness of Need. I guess not here?
thats what i was gonna say lol
well in the heat of a fight its really not easy to see if some item is class specific or not.. they should use a diferent color for that like yellow or red.. atm i think its white when the window pops up so it blends with the rest of the item text.
Another way would be to only let the class the item is made for roll for it. it would auto sort theese issues.
I agree
I suggest you delete your character and reroll with a different name then.
In WAR everybody is on the same side, essentially in one huge raid / uber guild. A bad reputation will be very hard to shake off later on and you will find yourself depending on your realm mates a lot as you go up in tiers.
On my server it is already customary to give out greens to newbs so they can better hold on in scenarios and RvR which gives everybody better renown and xp through zone control.