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Roleplaying question

dwarriordwarrior Member Posts: 19
Ok, im probably the only one here that needs to ask this but what do these 'roleplaying guilds' do?  They do there own weird make believe things? 


  • otaku4loveotaku4love Member Posts: 44

    RP Guilds often play strongly into the lore of the game trying to understand it to help them understand the toons they play. There toons are usually played in character. What this means is that you act as if you are the toon in the game, creating a new personalaty that your toon with embody while avoiding "out of character" conversation and the like.

    Sorrie I can't be more detailed but I'm about to pass out late!



  • zokamokazokamoka Member Posts: 24
    I wanna join to such a guild you know places where I can before the launch?

    If you find any spelling mistakes you can keep them.

  • jayheld90jayheld90 Member UncommonPosts: 1,726
    i might be somewhat of a nerd but im not that i just play games to have fun, i find people who roleplay highly amusing. anyways to answer your question zokamoka, go to the guilds section here and you will find a couple rp guilds listed in there.


  • HubabubaHubabuba Member Posts: 229

    There are a lot of different versions of role playing.

    There is the ogre/troll who tinks talkin like dis bees rolls playin, the overly enunciated high elf who talks down to all other races but develops a softspot for halflings, etc. 

    Most role players like to develop a story for their character, where he/she came from, the hardships and/or the enjoyment of their characters youth, their hopes and desires, etc etc.  In a RP guild situation its fairly common, at least in my experience, for people to somehow relate their character histories to each other which helps them explain why the Ogre is budy budy with the dwarf, etc.

    In one RP guild I was in, one of the guild leaders, would make up a story relivant to a members history.  The story would often end with group or two heading into a dungeon to look for someone or something....player run quests basically.  ie "A tome recently discovered in my grandfathers basement library has reveiled the existance of a legendary axe wielded by the frog executioner of Guk.  This sword, and this sword is rumored to have the power to kill the Clay Golem in the lost temple of Cazic Thule.  Seek the sword, kill the golem so that my grandfathers soul will be released"  (of course there was some pre-history where his grandfather was slain by the clay golem and the golem entrapped his soul.  On a previous adventure to cazic our lowbie group got owned by the golem so it made sense for the story that we'd need some special weapon).

    Sometimes a monk/necro/sk would play dead deep in a dungeon and the group would fight down to him, then seek revenge on the monsters that "killed" him. (in non-rp terms a monk/sk would scout out a dungeon and find an uncamped room with a named spawn then call in his guildmates)

    And of course some guilds take it even further, their male (and hopefully) female members would have in-game mariages.

    Basically a good RP guild will do everything a normal guild does.  They'll grind XP and camp items, but they'll make up a story about why their character is doing that particular deed.


  • dwarriordwarrior Member Posts: 19
    ah.. thanks.  that doesn't sound like my cup of tea though.  guess those are probably the types that dress up and go to the fan faires? 
  • HubabubaHubabuba Member Posts: 229
    I've know several people who've gone to fan fairs, never known anybody to dress up, but I'm sure there are some out there...  and I'm sure not all the people dressing up are RP'ers.

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