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I have played WAR since preview weekend and had no problems. Just an hour ago I started WAR up, went into the character screen and after a few minutes my monitor would turn off and I wouldn't be able to turn it back on. Now everytime this happens. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Any ideas on the solution? I played the game earlier today with no problems except for a few crash to desktops. I do wonder if I downloaded a small patch recently that caused this problem?
You really shouldn't be crashing to desktop either. Are your drivers up to date?
I just updated my video card driver and it still does the same thing.
Is today the only day you've crashed?
Crash to desktop has happened every since I have played the game. I just updated my video card driver so I'm not sure if I would encounter that problem again. The monitor turning off just started today. I have played WAR since preview weekend and never had this problem before.
I have the same problem with the black screen, and CTD.
There seems to be an issue with playing the game in full screen mode. Before you get into game go into the settings and set it to windowed mode and ermove the check from the show frame as well. Cancel your login at that point and reboot the system. Once back in when you go to relog do a full system check of the WAR files from the login screen and see if that works.