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Here you go, try to figure a way to spin this in a negative way. Dying....right....
P.S. Set is not one of the most populated servers.
{ Mod Edit }
They can easily set the servers to read 25 people as "Full".
So try again.
Darkfall Releases on: February 25th, 2009
Darkfall Recap of everything that has happened the last 3 months:
"The monsters are tough. I was looking for a challenge, but these things are just too damn smart." -DF Beta Tester
"If people were dismissing it, then they wouldn't be talking about it. The well-meaning gamers root for efforts that try to raise the bar. So who's left? It's so easy being a skeptic." -Tasos
Were does it say anything about the servers saying "full"?? did you even follow the link?? No, this is first hand accounts of people and how many people they are seeing on their servers... So why dont you "try again"...
Lol, even worse. Anecdotal evidence. That thread doesn't mean jack.
OP, why do you care what anyone says on this forum about a game you like?
Now this was a waste of time for you to post this. You could be playing your game.
But because you need everyone else to like your game, then you truely can't like your game w/out a big community. So id say find another game.
I've seen it busier. First time i've seen the more than one instance open in some zones in a while though.
He doesn't have to care, but those people reading might though. Your post is full of assumption and irony, if it bothered you that much why even counter it? Little silly don't you think? You cared enough to reply.
Thanks for the post OP, right on topic and a good insight into the current community feelings. Same thing sprouting up on a lot of other forums too. From IGN to TTH.
This patch will let people have fun for a week or two, then it will be back to the same ole same ole. I predict a small spike in the xfire numbers this week and maybe even next week. But after that it will soon slide farther down the ladder than it is now (38th I think as of today). Funcom will be OOB in 2009 no matter what patch they give that pos.
People really need to learn how to link things in these forums. Heres a hint, above were you type is the location of a button. Its an earth with a chan link in it. Click it and paste your link. WALLA!
Now to the Op and this thread, thanks for sharing the info. But what does this really matter to us? If you enjoy the game great, but population posts won't help your cause. Playing the game will tho, which is what you need to go do. Peace!
Were does it say anything about the servers saying "full"?? did you even follow the link?? No, this is first hand accounts of people and how many people they are seeing on their servers... So why dont you "try again"...
People try to claim that SWG has hundreds of people online at the same time on the same server(which is still pretty crappy btw), doesn't mean it's true. I foudn 5 people on when I went back for my free trial, but you have no way of knowing if I'm telling the truth or not. I'm the only one that knows for sure that I saw only 5 people online.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
He doesn't have to care, but those people reading might though. Your post is full of assumption and irony, if it bothered you that much why even counter it? Little silly don't you think? You cared enough to reply.
Thanks for the post OP, right on topic and a good insight into the current community feelings. Same thing sprouting up on a lot of other forums too. From IGN to TTH.
The issue is less on whether he has to care; and more about his inflammatory post aimed squarely at those with an opposing point of view. His post amounts to trolling as it is not a constructive view on an existing or new discussion on whether the servers would or would not see an increase as a result of a PvP patch. Including the name calling, it's reasonable to view his post as designed from the outset to illicit non constructive responses in turn.
Onlinenow225 makes a correct observation in noting that the OP's post is a statement without an existing debate and more about a forum "thumbing of the nose" at those whom the OP feels are not like minded in his view. That is what reduced what could have been an otherwise constructive dialogue (Incoming reports regarding increased populations in response to the PvP patch) the OP, instead turned it into nothing more than a troll post.
Age of Conan and Funcom do not need defending. There are no potential customer's who are sitting on the fence 4 months into release specifically waiting for someone to call out people on in non constructive discussion regarding a non existing topic of whether the PvP would increase populations for any amount of time. It wasn't framed as a point of discussion, it wasn't the premise for his post, and the tone and language ensured it would not be.
Onlinenow225, was right in questioning the need for affirmation; and thus inquired. What does stand out was your ready defense of a non issue, making the same perceived assumptions that you called him out on. If you're going to liason for Funcom and the AoC community, I'd suggest you stick to reporting on specific items or news of interest (which are done fairly well and fairly objectively) in that format that you've chosen.
Jumping into a thread like this with the commentary you've included diminishes your credibility in the eyes of consumers such as myself; and only solidified any existing or potential perceptions about your ability to be a correspondent who unifies the community they are entrusted to liason to; rather than engage and alienate that communty against you and Funcom.
Your role is not to liason to only those who you feel are worth your time or share your views; and instead is for all the mmorpg community members that come to this specific Age of Conan forum. Keep the personal dialogue and denigrating comments at a minimum; and focus more on what can be done to endeavor more constructive dialogue on a game that both fan and naysayer clearly are passionate about; however they voice it.
On a final note, do not take this post as invitation to engage in dialogue with me or the views I expressed; as I won't be following this thread after this post. You're welcome to PM me a response and I may reply at my discretion.
Yes a fanboy claiming his server is busy will definately silence the critics once and for all.
If the patch was a success then thats good, I hope those playing the game enjoy it. They got it out just in time, but Im still not sure whether it will halt the exodus.... we shall see
Firstly Set is one of the most populated servers, certainly in the top five and probably number 3.
Secondly on the front page of the forum there is the thread you linked called servers are booming but there are 3 negative threads about population posted since the patch called where is everyone, merge servers already and another called too many servers.
One person posting news like this means nothing, the main reason I canceled was lack of population but at the time I quit there were plenty of people saying there is plenty of people on the servers but it simply wasn't true.
This patch will help but it's not going to turn the game around and most of the spike will be short lived. Get server merges in now, drop at least 3 quarters of the servers then it will be populated enough to be fun.
Typically Failcom: too little too late.
Today is the release of WAR, they should have pushed that patch waaaay earlier.
What's with the people with zero math skills lately?
One dude claims FC has 500k active players, then another one claims all the servers all of the sudden are full with players, based on some post by some dude on a single server. Seriously... retardation never looked so hot.
sorry for being off topic, but your sig explains it all honestly. that clip reflects my views exactly... nice well except the aussie part. :P
Whatever few people who might get back playing AoC cause of that patch, 5x more are gonna stop and start with WAR. It still surprises me that people seem to think they have 400k subscribers. If they had 400k subscribers august 14th, then it's less than half of that left now. Yes I'm using X-fire to compare, but that's as good as any. I would guess they now have about 200-250k of their definition of subscribers, about 150k of those are even bothering to login.
That was before WAR, gonna be interesting to see what happens now. Cause I cant think that anyone interested in PvP is gonna stay with Conan. This new patch didnt just change the entire game into something great, not even something good. It's still the same dull game except PvP is starting to work somewhat in it, but it's never gonna feel balanced and longlasting.
I just cant see anyone staying with this game unless they are so casual that it takes em years to even reach lvl80. But most of those people will probably quit cause servers are empty. Left are the ones who dont mind paying a monthly fee for a single player game, they just wanted to play in the Conan universe. Too bad that if they have actually read some of the books, they will realize that it doesnt feel like the Conan universe anyway.
I think that if they manage to patch up this game, making it stable and running good on lower end hardware. Then I think they can manage about 50k subscribers. It sure sounds alot to me, but there are always a bunch of people who like the opposite of yourself and has alot less demands. Still I dont think that number will last very long. Maybe two years.
Ok I'll bite. There's my spin on it........ the PvP xp wasn't what everyone was thinking it would be and the murder system still is far to exploitable to be implemented. If you get killed 1 time you lose a set ammount of xp if you win there are dimishining returns on the pvp xp. Lets say you win 10 times lose 5 you in the + right? wrong lol your at a loss. You can only get xp from killing the same person 5 times then its 0 xp from killing them. While they being upset can get others together and grief you. Yes they won't get xp from ganking you atleast not alot but they can take you all the way back to lvl 5 pvp fast. The miracle pvp patch was a joke from the begining and those that played it on the test server knew it was a joke. The fugitive system is even worse so unless there's a major revamp of both by the new director it really wasn't worth the time wasted on it. Not to forget that not only did the pvp patch upset alot of pvpr's the gem nerf came with this patch ticking off alot of pver's. This was by far a fail patch and the evidence of it will show in about a month the latest. So thats my negative spin.........
Deathwhisper was packed today.
He doesn't have to care, but those people reading might though. Your post is full of assumption and irony, if it bothered you that much why even counter it? Little silly don't you think? You cared enough to reply.
Thanks for the post OP, right on topic and a good insight into the current community feelings. Same thing sprouting up on a lot of other forums too. From IGN to TTH.
But check the quoted OP's history. Anecdotal population info from a fanboi based on one evening isn't what I would call objective or statistically significant. Given what some of them were saying, you'd think that 500K new people had subscribed to the game today, prompted by the PvP rep system.
Seriously, do you think he wasn't seeing, and therefore reporting, what he desperately WANTED to see?
Personally, I'd like to think that the game will get better, and experience some growth (or at least stabilization), but this patch isn't likely to do it for more than a week or two. Though they call them PvP levels, they aren't levels in the way that most people would understand them. In fact, all the levels gained currently allow you to do is purchase PvP gear. Fighting isn't based on those levels, and there are no PvP-based feats or feat trees that are gained as a result of increasing your PvP "level". The system so far is more like a rep grind for faction that allows you to buy better gear (perhaps a little like the old PvP ranks in WoW). That is disappointing, and I believe that once the newness wears off, and people start evaluating it more objectively, much of the luster will be lost for anyone that isn't a rabid fanatic.
One thing is certain, though - this does illustrate exactly how starved AoC players were for something to do. As an MMORPG, the game is shallow and boring.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned. :
"Of course it's 'booming', <Mod edit>, everyone who is still stuck with a subscription is logging on to check out the patch.
Whether it means long term sustainability is another story altogether..."
'Lucky' timing for Funcom too. At the end of this month the quarter is up and they have to get the numbers together for the financial report.
I know they have said they will not release subscriber numbers - but they do have to release revenue. So, any players that resub for a month to try it will figure into that?
Nothing says irony like spelling ideot wrong.
'Lucky' timing for Funcom too. At the end of this month the quarter is up and they have to get the numbers together for the financial report.
I know they have said they will not release subscriber numbers - but they do have to release revenue. So, any players that resub for a month to try it will figure into that?
Won't help 'em much, we're at the cutoff date for the quarter itself I believe ( seeing that the last quarter ended in June for the August report ). So they have about 12 dayts to rack as many subs as they can, including trials.
From most of the comments I've seen, most who quit are waiting to see how things go before resubbing. The players who seem to be returning right now are mostly players who quit but paid for 3 or 6 month subs, so they don't add anything new to the quarter numbers.
Make no mistake, the Q3 report will make the Q2 report ( which caused the stock plummet to begin with ) look like the golden egg. There will be painful screeching heard throughout FunComland.
I wish I could dig up some Auto Assault posts claiming the pop numbers were fine.
What is so hard to explain. Everyone with an active account logged in to see what the pvp patch was all about. It's been delayed 4 months and there was a ton of hype about it. (sound familiar). Do you really think anyone actually resubscribed to test a patch? Nah, it's just people that have been stuck with subscriptions checking it out. It's basically the same people who have been banned from their forums because the only thing they do with their active accounts is post negatively on the forums.. well now they actually logged in to check the pvp patch.
Oh, and read the forums.. the patch borked endgame pve raiding and the pvp part of it isn't going over so well. It was basically overhyped and underdelivered. It temporarily increased the players in the game, but not subscriptions.
But , but the community rep said that forums were abuzz with all of the happy customers.
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