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What is the need for traders in the game today? I have heard they have changed the decay of things so that there isn't a huge need to replace your armor/weapons but I might be wrong. I am currenly on Tempest and was thinking of renewing some old accounts.
Is this the best way to make credits?
Are traders the only profession that can do surveying?
What profession (Trader) is the most needed?
Thanks for any help/advice.
Trader is needed in SWG these days. I cannot speak for your old server because most of them are dead except for a few. Weaponsmith is seeing alot of demand right now as well as Armorsmiths.If you do choose to reurn,I suggest that you transfer your charactor to a populated server such as Bloodfin,Bria,or Chilastra if your server has a small population.To my knowledge Trader is the only class that can survey.As with any crafting class each server will have different demands depending on the availability of each Trade. Goodluck and I hope you find what your looking for :P Oh yeah I think Shipwrights are doing pretty well now too.
Trader is needed in SWG these days. I cannot speak for your old server because most of them are dead except for a few. Weaponsmith is seeing alot of demand right now as well as Armorsmiths.If you do choose to reurn,I suggest that you transfer your charactor to a populated server such as Bloodfin,Bria,or Chilastra if your server has a small population.To my knowledge Trader is the only class that can survey.As with any crafting class each server will have different demands depending on the availability of each Trade. Goodluck and I hope you find what your looking for :P Oh yeah I think Shipwrights are doing pretty well now too.
Anyone can survery....assuming you possess the proper surveying tool, that is. Now...whether or not better materials can be located as a result of BEING a crafter is true is up for grabs, as I could not possibly have played my last trial long enough to level both high enough to test it. I DO know that the tool i passed around was usable by anyone. Of takes a trader to MAKE those tools, but then...thats kind of the point.
To answer the OP, however, yes....traders will always be needed. Lower level gear is in devilishly short supply...and most ship fittings are as well. Granted, there are towns with stalls all over the place. But its very difficult to find what you need sometimes. Using the bazaar will help get some sales, since most people check those more readily than personal stalls. I do not know how well this need holds up at later levels (there are plenty of options for gear at those....many quest lines there provide plenty and jedi make many of their own.)
Traders are needed, but nearly as much as in earlier incarnations of the game - - especailly since the game is so loot oriented now. The first 'trader update' was re-engineering (RE) for SEA's and power-ups, which is actually a loot based grind. I know of several players that only use their traders for RE and loot selling - and I don't think this is what true crafters wanted. Loot and SEA's/power-ups are the big money makers.
Weaponsmith received a recent update that allowed weapons to be made equal to, if not better than, looted weapons, but it came almost three years after the NGE went live. The new weapons are bio-linked in place of decay which will help promote some more weapons sales.
Outside of RE, domestic and engineering traders are limited in need. Their crafted beastmaster goods helped, but with BM suffering from nerfs, neglected expertise adjustments and 'fluff' additions, BM is not thriving as well as it should be.
Structures Trader has Shipwright going for it and that has always made it a very viable and needed trader profession. The NGE spared it.
Of course, the dead and dying servers, which make up the majority of servers, have dead and dying economies. I would recommend any player that seriously enjoys the trader professions to go to well populated servers such as Bloodfin, Bria and Chimeara.
Is this the best way to make credits? Loot. Selling reward items, rare collection pieces and TCG loot cards will make you millions upon millions of credits.
Are traders the only profession that can do surveying? Any profession can survey, but traders have the best range and sampling ability.
What profession (Trader) is the most needed? Any profession that allows RE are needed and can make you big $$$$ if you can stomach the loot grind to accomplish it. If you have great resources, Munitions may be of particular interest now. Structures can make some good coin since Shipwright has been spared the NGE nerfage and remains quite viable.
Traders are doing great but why bother with trader when you can be a soldier or jedi in star wars universe=?
I ve 9 accounts only one is trader for vendor purposes.
Dude! You got 9 acounts active, 18 toons? That is amazing. Grats, I assume you have all of the combat professions covered then. Which is your favorite?
i have a pvp spy, and 2 traders- munitions and engineering. its awesome making your own weapons, plus you just might see "vendor sale complete" in your mail which is much more exciting than "structure out of maintenance". i like combat but it does get old sometimes so i craft, vice versa
zirzo- CL90 imp spy, Valcyn
oxirz- CL36 imp smuggler, Bria
I am looking for a trader for my Crew on Starsider. Depending on your affiliation and/or RP tendencies a Trader, especually shipwright or weapon/amorsmith would come in handy for sure.
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