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How big is the world in Warhammer? Is it open and seamless or closed and instanced like AOC? Thanks in advance to your responses.
(PC Specs)
AMD Phenom II 965 3.4 Quad
8GB G-skill Ripjaw 1600mhz
Nvidia Geforce GTX 470 1280mb
Windows 7 64 bit
Scenarios are instanced, though most of the main world comes across as seamless to me. As far as being big and open, I would consider it right in the middle honestly. I know its nothing like EQ2 where you had to zone for every area. The only time I saw a loading screen was from logging in, going into a scenario or recalling to your rally point.
Thx bro..just what I needed to hear man
(PC Specs)
AMD Phenom II 965 3.4 Quad
8GB G-skill Ripjaw 1600mhz
Nvidia Geforce GTX 470 1280mb
Windows 7 64 bit
The zones are linear like in AoC (with a lot of impassable terrain, especially around every zone) with one or two exits that lead to other zones. But there's no loading screens except when you go to scenerios.
It's not big and open like WoW is, yet not nearly as instanced as for instance AoC.
Basically there are tiers, 2 zones (1 for each side, though they overlap eachother and there's quests for both on either side) which are connected, and don't require any loading. When travelling from 1 tier to another there will be loading though.
There are no real instances, a zone is a zone, and there will be no duplicates of it (apart from the scenario's, which are similar to WoW's battlegrounds)
This depends on where you are. In mountainous areas like the greenskin/dwarf pairing, there will be mountains and caves and winding paths etc. Chaos/Empire is mostly wide open fields and such, and the elf areas are kind of in the middle of those two extremes. So if you like wide open areas, play in Chaos/Empire lands.
The world is very large. It isn't like AoC in that you can litterly play all day and never zone at all. Only dungeons are instanced, going between tiers zones you, entering a queue scenario is a zone, and going to the main city is a zoning.
I think the first 10 hours I played I didn't zone one time.
Ah as someone else said the path through the world is very linear. Wow is pretty linear too but you are not constrained to follow that linear path. In war you pretty much have to follow the road through the tier and it is constrained more then even aoc. ie as you walk hte path everything increases steadily in level and you go from quest hub to quest hub. If you head off the path you will come to obsticles in a 5 minutes or less time that will prevent you from wandering too far.
um what game are you playing? WAR is the biggest MMO as far as openess goes that I have played...
it reminds me of eq1 way back in the day - it gives a unique sense of adventure that I haven't tasted in a long, long time....
I play a lot of games...
The world is very large. It isn't like AoC in that you can litterly play all day and never zone at all. Only dungeons are instanced, going between tiers zones you, entering a queue scenario is a zone, and going to the main city is a zoning.
I think you meant some other game? In AOC you will be crossing several zones and instanced areas within the first half hour after making a character.
One that has not been covered much is that you can actually go in some buildings and open doors without instancing and they scale correctly. You can actually just go into a building and hang out with some friends, not all buildings but I just like clicking doors in some places. It's a nice dynamic, to me that gives it a different feel than just the "theres a building with no purpose" in this world, makes it more real.
Also about the paths I've climbed over some mountains and terrains to take shortcuts just have to do alot of strange jumping but I like doing weird things in games and exploring.
The world is very large. It isn't like AoC in that you can litterly play all day and never zone at all. Only dungeons are instanced, going between tiers zones you, entering a queue scenario is a zone, and going to the main city is a zoning.
I think you meant some other game? In AOC you will be crossing several zones and instanced areas within the first half hour after making a character.
hmm english might not be your first language. But thats in fact what I said.... I said it isn't like AoC because you can play all day and never have to zone?! Read the rest of my post and it should be even more clear.
I'm not going to pick grammar with you but it's a poorly structured sentence if that was your meaning.
I think you meant some other game? In AOC you will be crossing several zones and instanced areas within the first half hour after making a character.
hmm english might not be your first language. But thats in fact what I said.... I said it isn't like AoC because you can play all day and never have to zone?! Read the rest of my post and it should be even more clear.
Sorry I am going to have to agree with vernd on this one. What you wrote there does not come across in the way you both meant and wrote it.
Be careful on the jumping over crap.. You can in fact jump over into the opposite sides area. Both sides share each zone with paths going from oposite directions leading to the middle area where both sides have access to the open rvr area. Anyway if you do manage to jump over into the other sides area there are lots of lvl 55 npcs that will kill you in one shot. I like to explore also and managed to jump over and saw all these silly dark elves running around. I was exploring a bit when boom out of the blue I died with a message that some lvl 55 guy killed me.
as to taking short cuts you can't do anything useful because each faction has a fairly straight road from the top to bottom of the map. it windws a bit and sometimes there are little side paths but it doesn't really do any looping back that I've seen. So you won't find any really good shortcuts Don't get me wrong the maps are really large and running down the road from top to bottom is probably a good 10-15 minutes. The path to the tier 4 zone is 6 zones so just running it would probably be an hour to an hour and a half. Fortunately there is a flight vendor in each tier.
I think you meant some other game? In AOC you will be crossing several zones and instanced areas within the first half hour after making a character.
hmm english might not be your first language. But thats in fact what I said.... I said it isn't like AoC because you can play all day and never have to zone?! Read the rest of my post and it should be even more clear.
Sorry I am going to have to agree with vernd on this one. What you wrote there does not come across in the way you both meant and wrote it.
"in that" = "because" just another way of saying the same thing.
Imo War is not a game where size really seems to matter that much. Its not something you pay alot attention, its more the inhabitans, the hotspots with battles and scenarios you are looking for. The game is made seemless in same way WOW is, ie, there isnt any loading screens when you change zones, but you can defenately feel that something is loading. A small 2-3 sec lag or suchs, every time you cross borders.
War is one of the games where the content is so much more important then the package it comes in. Its not particular pretty - but graphic is functionel, which is all there matter as long the fun factor is high. In same way, the areas isnt gigantic like Barrens but still big enough that quests and mobs isnt packed to close. There might be huge areas later on though. Dont know how many chapters the game have.
I think the key difference is that WAR is what it has claimed to be. It was never about being a huge open world (Like Vanguard, for instance), but more about getting lots of people into a reasonably sized area, whacking eachother's brains out in the name of whatever Deity they follow.
And with that said, I think Mythic has done a very good job.
Do you also know what kind of people use to say this?