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I reently found myself in MMO Limbo with no game to play, and also recently upgraded my PC, so I was debating between buying this and AoC. Since nobody could be bothered to give me a AoC buddy key after multiple requests, I bit the bullet and blindly bought Warhammer instead since it seemed more appealing overall. I enjoyed DAOC in the past and loved to RvR so I figure mythic can make another good game. Now while I wait for the install to finish (and pray the game works smoothly on my PC), anyone have some class advice on what's fun to play and learn the game with?
I saw that Order is outnumbered on every server, much like Hibernia/Midgard were in the old DAOC .. so for that reason i've decided to play Order to help try and balance things out. i'm a skilled PvPer with 10+ years of MMO PvP experience now so ideally i'd like to join up with other folks serious about PvP, but I digress..
I know the game has only been live a week live now so I don't expect much in-depth response to this.. but any help is appreciated. As for what I like to play, I generally prefer melee or hybrid-type classes, and I have a sense of integrity in that I won't play the 'ez-mode' overpowered class of the month that takes no skill to succeed with. I prefer to play on the 'underdog' side or play a class that isn't very popular or might be underpowered, but still good in a good player's hands. I tend to avoid the overpowered, overplayed classes in MMO's and get disgusted with lopsided PvP in which one side always dominates.
Having said all that, I have to admit my gut instinct was to play Destruction, they really made all of the classes on that side look and sound cooler and more fun, vs. Order which seems to have more clinical, generic MMO class choices.
Witch Hunter, White Lion and ironbreaker have looked the most interesting to me thus far, any advice?
ill tell you know you have no idea whta you will like Myself i was all like white lion is only class for me nothing else interests me now the list goes Sorc, Black orc, Marauder and zealot
So try several classes before settling because you really dont know what you will like
well maybe you should say what your style of play is, you said hybrid but that doesnt mean much. Are you a caster hybrid player, melee hybrid player, DO you like to be ranged/melee hybrid player. need alittle more information on what you are looking for. Witch hunter, whitelion, ironbreaker are all striaght melee not much hybrid there.