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...which ones would you want added to each side? Which races would you expect to be added?
Example below...
What I want added to each side:
Order - Space Marines
Destruction - Chaos Space Marines
What I expect to be added to each side:
Order - Gnomes
Destruction - Vampire Counts
Here is a list of the races from the tabletop game:
* Beasts of Chaos
* Daemons of Chaos
* Dark Elves
* High Elves
* Wood Elves
* Dwarfs
* The Empire
* Bretonnia
* Lizardmen
* Ogre Kingdoms
* Orcs & Goblins
* Skaven
* Tomb Kings
* Vampire Counts
You realize this isn't 40k, yeah?
Anyway, the new 'races' have all but been pre-determined. There's PC models for both in game already, Bretonians and Skaven.
Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
I can't wait to see armies of PC Skavens running around and causing havoc.. that's going to be insanely fun! I love those little guys already.
Vampires, Lizardmen and Skaven please.
Waiting for Fallen Earth, World of Darkness, Old Republic, FFXIV
eh... what? space marines and gnomes? dude ur way off right. space marines are only 40k and please point out where u fit "gnomes" in (knowing for a fact that theres no race called gnomes in the warhammer lore).
Well i can live without Gnomes i just really hate gnomes. You can thank WoW for
But some of the others are cool sounding besides the space Vampire Counts sound cool for Destruction. But im waiting for the WoD MMO that will be so sweet.
I'm pretty sure Skaven and Lizardmen are being added. I suppose Bretonians and Tomb Kings or w/e can be added.
Not know.
Get rid of your attitude problem, seriously.
eh... what? space marines and gnomes? dude ur way off right. space marines are only 40k and please point out where u fit "gnomes" in (knowing for a fact that theres no race called gnomes in the warhammer lore).
It was an example. Plus, Space Marines (and the entire 40k universe) exist in the same time frame as Warhammer Fantasy. In fact, many people speculate that Sigmar was actually a Space Marine. So get your shit straight before you even try to talk Warhammer lore when you clearly have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Nice attitude. If you think they will add marines to the races, you're a moron (What comes around....).
Anyhoo, Skaven I'd love .
eh... what? space marines and gnomes? dude ur way off right. space marines are only 40k and please point out where u fit "gnomes" in (knowing for a fact that theres no race called gnomes in the warhammer lore).
It was an example. Plus, Space Marines (and the entire 40k universe) exist in the same time frame as Warhammer Fantasy. In fact, many people speculate that Sigmar was actually a Space Marine. So get your shit straight before you even try to talk Warhammer lore when you clearly have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
says the guy who wants order to get gnomes?
and what time frame? they are 2 totally diffrent TT games... im not saying ur wrong but during the years ive played fantasy ive never heard of it. and yes i know there lots of books about stuff like that but i hate reading...
Not know.
Get rid of your attitude problem, seriously.
You're an idiot. Sigmar being a Space Marine is speculation. Fantasy and 40K occupying the same timeline/universe is not. Learn to read.
Id sooner like to see Black Guard, Hammerer, Knight of the Blazing Sun, and Choppa return to the game before they implement more races.
But since you asked...
New Expansion exploring Lustria with...
Order: Lizardmen
or the realms of Bretonnia and Ashel Loren...
Destro: Vampire Count/Skaven
Order:Bretonnia/Wood Elf
I do love those Games Workshop organised WH40K and WH Fantasy cross over games.
Give me your source.
Vampires ans Skavens woot woot.
Obviously after they add the classes they cut and put the other cities in there too, as Mark recently said in an interview :P
More Blood for the Blood God....
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
So they are adding the classes and the missing cities too? Do you have a link?
edit: nevermind, just saw it. That's good news.
Waiting for Fallen Earth, World of Darkness, Old Republic, FFXIV
it would be great to add third faction. in this case only undead would fit the scheme. so what i want to be added is third side of conflict with vampires and mummies.
my prediction however is that bretonia and skaven will be added, since they fit naturally. those 2 fight each other all the time in warhammer lore. bretonnia is in fact the part of continent most infested by skaven.
Playing: Rohan
Played (from best to worst): Shadowbane, Guild Wars, Shayia, Age of Conan, Warhammer, Runes of Magic, Rappelz, Archlord, Knight online, King of Kings, Kal online, Last chaos
So they are adding the classes and the missing cities too? Do you have a link?
edit: nevermind, just saw it. That's good news.
Can you post a link to that?
Also, why did the OP say Space Marines?
"Ten Ton Hammer: What can you tell us about the future? What's coming down the pipe?
Mark: I can tell you without any fear of contradiction that one of the things we are looking at is bug fixes. That is a priority item for us.
On a decidedly different track, over the next four months we're looking at bringing back some of those classes that we cut or some of the other content that was cut. Or giving players some additional things that they want and have been asking for."
Waiting for Fallen Earth, World of Darkness, Old Republic, FFXIV
eh... what? space marines and gnomes? dude ur way off right. space marines are only 40k and please point out where u fit "gnomes" in (knowing for a fact that theres no race called gnomes in the warhammer lore).
It was an example. Plus, Space Marines (and the entire 40k universe) exist in the same time frame as Warhammer Fantasy. In fact, many people speculate that Sigmar was actually a Space Marine. So get your shit straight before you even try to talk Warhammer lore when you clearly have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Click this for lulz:
Skaven... SKAVEN! Yes-yes! Ratling guns will be shot-fired at the Order fools!
eh... what? space marines and gnomes? dude ur way off right. space marines are only 40k and please point out where u fit "gnomes" in (knowing for a fact that theres no race called gnomes in the warhammer lore).
Holy fanboi rage batman.
First thing they need to think about is adding a REAL cool race for Order that many wants to play.
I don't know if Bretonnia would be the best idea really. Too simple and non-saying and standard. But who knows, order NEEDS more tanks and maby a strong knight would do?
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
This is another exciting things about WAR. Because of the table top game there is so much possibility for expansion. I would like Lizardmen, Skaven, and Vampires.. they'd all be cool additions and probably will added in the future But Lizardmen if they are order? (sorry not familiar with WAR other than what i'm learning on the Online game and from what i see in stores) but if the Lizards are Order I think it would be nice to have a non human looking race. and vampires and Skaven which is the skeletons right? or is wolves? either way that would be nice to see on the destruction side.
Interesting and exciting subject about the possibilites...still though we have a ways to go before that would happen it's fun to speculate.
I would like:
- Skaven for Chaos
- Bretonnia for Order
Skavens are the rat people. I am becoming a fan of the lore too. As you said, and I agree completely, the potential for xpacs is huge.
If I had to speculate, I would say that Skaven / Wood Elves would be the easiest combo right off the bat.
Wood Elves would be quick and easy to model, and the Skaven, if I recall, had been completed by the earlier group that tried doing WAR before Mythic picked it up, so I'm sure they could salvage a good bit of that.
With Lizardmen, you're talking about adding an entire new continent that's pretty much only Lizardmen, plus they're a swarm army, so perhaps a everyone vs. Lizards with the lizards getting tons of NPC backup?
I could viably see Bretts vs. VC (specifically the Blood Dragons of the older revisions) in a mounted cavalry-based release (thus focusing more on the mounts, with all of the other factions getting a bit more attention too.)
As for Tomb Kings... I love the faction, but, like the Lizard men, you'd be pretty much looking at an entire continent of new content with only one real faction.... unless of course they added the Dogs of War...
But again, that's all speculation.
Lol, I 'm afraid that halflings is the choice of order, in the RPG the playable races are Human, Elf, Dwarf and Halfling. But Wood elves or Humans from Bretonia or Kislev is also a possibility.
Skavens or beastmen is my bet for Chaos.